
5 Post – 630 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I take my shitposts very seriously.

An unexpected viewing of "Russian Lathe Accident" should suffice. That guy was all over the place.

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"Fired? I'm not fired, you're fired!"

Cybercriminals are creaming their jorts at the potential exploits this might open up.

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For non-speakers, it's kind of like reading Scots as a monolingual English speaker. https://sco.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scots_leid

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Doctor Ignaz Semmelweiss in the mid-1800s suggested that obstetricians should wash and sterilize their hands before attending their patients to reduce the chance of postpartum infection. He was rejected by the medical community, ridiculed by colleagues, and eventually locked in an asylum where he was killed.

We're sliding back in time.

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Nice tits

Our business-critical internal software suite was written in Pascal as a temporary solution and has been unmaintained for almost 20 years. It transmits cleartext usernames and passwords as the URI components of GET requests. They also use a single decade-old Excel file to store vital statistics. A key part of the workflow involves an Excel file with a macro that processes an HTML document from the clipboard.

I offered them a better solution, which was rejected because the downtime and the minimal training would be more costly than working around the current issues.

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Dragon’s Dogma 2 is being review bombed

No, it's not. Review bombing is a reaction caused by an extrinsic factor. DD2 is being reviewed negatively because of what's built into the game.

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“Is this a virus?”

Your 12-year-old brother is more security-conscious than most of the adults I work with.

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Honestly it's more like

Oh boy, a well-defined task with a beginning, progress, an end, and an obvious benefit to someone! I get to be valuable!


I have several days' worth of clean clothes, there is no need to rush

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He was never a tech genius. Maybe fairly competent in some areas, I'll give him that, but his main shtick was coming up with spectacular and insane ideas (who doesn't like rockets?) and having enough emerald money to pay engineers until they could come up with solutions that work.

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They're about to kill -9 the AI process that wrote this and make all the other processes watch.

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My only request would be to have a version that not just blurs the parts but completely removes the DOM elements where they are mentioned.

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I mean, he's not incorrect, but there's that saying about rocks and glass houses.

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Our voluntary survey shows that 95% of people who participated in it don't mind participating in surveys.

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Then it can watch the fucking ads for me.

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The same question was asked a million times during the crypto boom. "They're insisting that [some-crypto-project] is a safe passive income when people have proven that it's a ponzi scheme. Who do they expect to believe them?" And the answer is, zealots who made crypto (or in this case, AI) the basis of their entire personality.

Remember: no preorder. No matter how good No Man's Sky turned out eventually, this will only be their second game of the open-world survival genre and it might need to go through the same engoodening. I just hope Sean leaves the PR to people who can do PR.

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"Technical tweaks"? Did the author write this while sucking huffman's taint?

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I've used it for exactly three minutes and this is already amazing. I hope it gets integrated into ReVanced and Newpipe.

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There are three factors that work for him.

  • Since he has no integrity or backbone whatsoever, he says what people want to hear. Even if he does fuck all.
  • Conservatives have a lot of hatred for the changing society - he gives them an enemy to "fight" against. Even if it's jewish space lasers.
  • Some people think that things happen in a vacuum. They vote for one part of the conservative agenda that they agree with and ignore the threat he represents as a whole.

*explains concept normally*
"Why are you being so vague?"
*explains concept thoroughly and precisely*
"Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot!"

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Apparently they were UV tubes meant specifically for sterilization. It's almost poetic.

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When people say Valve doesn't have a monopoly, they usually mean they don't engage in anti-competitive practices (like making exclusivity a condition for publishing on their store, cough cough).

Actually, Valve's recent moves represent what free market capitalism should be about - when competing stores started to appear, they instead made massive contributions to Linux gaming and appealed to right-to-repair advocates with the Steam Deck. Now both of those demographics are suckling on Gaben's teats, myself included.

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The real issue is not Trump's popularity. It's that most of the people who vote for him are voting against democrats out of an indoctrinated zealotry. In their twisted views, voting for a traitor, conman, and rapist is preferable to voting blue.

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And the best thing is that the entire premise is invalid -- AI-generated images are not protected by copyright because of the lack of human authorship.


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Well, ackshually...

tl;dw: the Swedish and Finnish pronunciations use the same "i" as "Linux", but Torvalds doesn't care if people use the English one.

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You block ads because of privacy.

I block ads to cause the greatest amount of financial damage, purely out of spite.

We are not the same.

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“don’t take my info”

In some regions, like the UK, you have to upload either a photocopy of a personal ID or a photograph of your face to verify your age before creating a PSN account. I think it's fair to be uncomfortable with it when you have to trust Sony, a company with notoriously bad cybersecurity, not to leak it to criminals.

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Get a chest freezer. It's much more efficient for long-term storage than an upright fridge with a freezer because the cold air doesn't spill out when you open it.

Toss your incandescent and fluorescent lights. Get LED bulbs (not smart lights, just white LEDs). Where applicable, install timer switches.

Fuck cars, get a bike. A simple, sturdy one, like an onafiets. They run on toast and determination.

Understand the difference between having enough money to buy something and being able to afford something.

Unsubscribe from music/video streaming services. Return to the seven seas.

Maybe engage in some light tax evasion.

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Nonintelligent pattern-based algorithm good at finding patterns, study finds.

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  1. Massive tax write-off because of the studio's "failure"

"Gaming chairs" are a fucking scam. They'll either fall apart after a few months of use, or cost their weight in gold. Buy an office chair instead.

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It's extra funny to me how there are people actively working on an offline mod for the scam of the year, but Starfield is not getting a co-op mod because it's so dogshit. That alone is a special award, Todd.

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I would be shocked if any big corpo actually gave a shit about it, AI or no AI.

if exists("/robots.txt"):
    no it fucking doesn't
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Do you know what Sony and its stakeholders would see? High player counts and growing active PSN userbase.

The best way to protest is to stop playing, request a refund, and rate the game negatively everywhere. Arrowhead is now talking to Sony about dropping the mandatory linked account, showing them that they've fucked the golden goose will get their attention better than trying to strain the infrastructure.

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  1. The recent rise of sea shanties
  2. Detailed instructions for operating abandoned Russian military vehicles
  3. This

Sometimes the best choice of weapon is a rapier.

Sometimes it's a folding chair.

A few days after the API changes were announced, a massive number of old-reddit pages were archived. Technically-minded people should have no issue finding the original comments.

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The Rodent is bitchin' fast now. Thank you, operators!


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