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Joined 1 years ago

Doesn't need Linus for that, the average Arch user should be enough

Me neither, but what I can imagine is people running an unsupported OS forever, like they did with XP and probably 7

If you want to read thos as a manpage, the command is

curl -sL -H "Accept: text/roff" > && man ./

It's sad that it took so long

I agree with both of you. We should leave redditisms behind and create lemmyisms. And yes, they get cringe if overused

pressure increases on a log scale the deeper you go

Pressure increases linearly in water because it's not compressible. You're probably thinking about the exponential increase in air

Just use Testing or unstable

Python2 might be required by something. Is Edge required? And Xbox? A folder for 3D models even if I never did 3D stuff and most likely never will on that PC? If yes, why? I can't think of anything I or lots of other people need that wouldn't work without these and lots of other things

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Linux is a confusing fucking mess of 30 years of random decisions by lone programmers.

More like 50 years with all the stuff from Unix

Mint because Snaps

Usually the root password isn't set at all, and the only way to use rootprivileges is sudo. But OP isn't screwed, they can use a Live CD and chroot

This mistake was made in the 70s when time was added to UNIX (or maybe already with Multics, idk)

Facebook is still Facebook and Google is still Google, and they're owned by Meta and Alphabet, unlike X

And for $200 you can get a smartphone that is more than good enough

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It certainly is crazy, and some people spent more time there than with the grilfriend they never had, so...

1024x768x24bit is 2.4 MB

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Probably old versions from when you could still buy it instead of rent

No way you're getting that under at $300

It's an experimental feature. It doesn't need a bugfix release because you're not supposed to run it in production, and it's just a DoS, not privilege escalation or something

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From the Foreword:

As for me? I switched to the Mac. No more grep, no more piping, no more SED scripts.

You can't escape Unix

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imagine me telling you all this in pictures!


Install a theme that looks like the Windows version it replaced

In a lot of cases there's no naughty context to 69

I get being surprised about the others being down, but what did you expect from a provider called Cricket Wireless

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Humans learn mostly from real life. Go touch some grass

There was some stuff in a recent kernel release or rc. I don't know what though

If Nvidia had worked together with Wayland devs from the beginning this wouldn't be an issue

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Sure, the fun begins when it starts spitting out copyright notices

The problem isn't even ooxml, it's that MS themselves don't always follow the standard

What kind of tool do they mean here? 🤨

With WSL it might be possible

It was on purpose on the side of the road so people could gice feedback. But the issue wasn't a health issue (privilege escalation, etc), it just wasn't tasty (DoS). Something you really don't want to sell in the store, but in an alpha/beta version it's no big deal

Windows had it for ages

You can burn them, but you can't reuse them afterwards

It was just a pun on the sound of crickets being used to represent no answer

KVM/Qemu with Virt-Manager as GUI. There's also Virtualbox, but it's Oracle

On the landline I got them all the time when I still had one, to the point that I wouldn't answer if it wasn't local. On the cellphone I had like 5 in the last 5 years

And this is why l/100km is a better unit

So if you don't understand the lights you blast through, or do you slow down?