2 Post – 568 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Stop posting Musk's fucking face. This isn't tech

13 more...

Fuck this bullshit article.

I fucking love self service. I don't want to deal with people.

Just let me buy my stuff and get out. I don't want or need small talk.

I want the disgusting supermarket shop to be as cold and sterile as possible.

I bring my own bag. I'd Honestly rather just scan everything as I go. And just pay as I walk out.

Current system is stupid. Walk around shop picking things up. Then take everything out and rebag

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It's a factory in Ukraine making parts for weapons. Doesn't really matter who's factory it is. Pretty sure can't claim Russia attacked Sweden.

Bit of a jump. We all hate Russia but this isn't really news.

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Honestly last season was not good. It was rehashed and had no life. Maybe if they get longer to script and come up with something clever and fresh.

Bitcoin COVID and just randomness. Was not good

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If only there was an alternative. Some kinda fox. A fox that was set aflame

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What a massive douche. Talks a good game about the environment and then spouts this filth.

Eat the ducking billionaires

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Honestly sick of captchas. Think because I'm using Firefox with adblockers. I get them anytime I try to visit a site. It's basically making using the Internet a slog.

I'd start creating bots to do them for me. Fucking life

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Talk for yourself. Some of us need starlink. Quality is great. Price is high but it's space internet. Again connection is pretty fucking stable. Playing GeForce now on my TV thanks to starlink.

He's a cunt but product is not

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Not grandfathered then is it.

I think it's gotten to the point that we. (Collective) Have to start using alias. I know proton for a price gives fake mobile and email address.

I have started using a 5th email to sign up to things. Have an extra number as well. It's beyond a joke really.

Tried to sign up for a budget app and it requires email phone and address.

No. No you don't require any of that. You want that to sell. And you've likely got inadequate protection.

Nobody but my bank job and maybe a few places require all my info.

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Kill google

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And will anything happen?

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They will dick it up aye

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Answer most of these questions with.

Money. Obsessive greed

Possibly a good thing. Over saturation. Fill the internet will billions on billions of ai nudes. Have a million different nudes for celebrities. Nobody knows the real naked you and nobody cares. Keep creating more ai porn than anyone can handle. It becomes boring and over the top. Ending this once and fir all

Or find the people doing this and lock em up.

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Call it nothing and let it die

Don't they all. They have to record it to be able to complete the demand. We know google listens to us as it serves up ads that we haven't searches. Same for every listening device.

I forget but sane smart fridge got in trouble for recording conversations and having backlogs of data. Anything with a mic is likely recording data and sending it to analyst.

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Which is great. No need to poo poo it.

However. Fast charge isn't really necessary unless you are on a long journey over 400 km and need to charge on route or you drive a lot. Eg taxi Uber etc.

Best thing ever industry can do for planet would be a 350km car that's cheap. That's really what most car users require. They drive to and from work and most drive less than 100km a day.

Just like a phone you charge over night and don't need oooodles of range.

Anyone going on long trips really should be using a train with another vehicle if required at the destination.

Truckers are a different story and should be separated from the day to days if average car users

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What the hell did I just watch ?

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Can't we all just eat how we want

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Cunts. Same shit different day.

Rich get richer.

I'm not watching the video. What's the conclusion

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Take them to court. Completely unavoidable amount of waste. C'mon

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Shitification continues.

Greed. Nuff said

Most Australian thing ever. Im.not surprised in the slightest

It's not really scarce. If you know the amount that's thrown away

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Welcome to the future

Fuck tech giants. Ruin everything

Oh no. In other news banks keep breaking the law and using our money to pay fines.

Remove banks. Leach on society that provide nothing. Yet they are the reason we can't frolic in the meadows.

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Do you mean lie. It failed to lie about things it does.

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I use Alexa as a way to use an old speaker system. I wouldn't pay to use any "smart" speaker systems. They are pretty dumb and I've already paid once

Fuck these scum. End the monopoly and make wfh an environmental policy

Yup. Honestly if the world wasn't run for the money makers.

We could really engineer it to work for the betterment of the planet and us.

We could optimize our system so we don't waste so much and save ourselves money. Money which in turn is our life span.

If only

Yeah but their stock is tanking. Just released a game that's been in the works for 7 years that's shit.

Claimed it's aaaa which is just wank and people will refuse to buy their products.

They have negative media attention from yanking online games.

Bad sakes from ac games.

They are a big company and I think they are about to be a lot smaller

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Show me where anyone is doing anything. Bare minimum

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Good. Fuck em

They are actually pretty dumb too

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Why isn't he charged with hate crime. If I said the same I'd be prosecuted

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Good. Fuck em. Hasten their demise. So we build a new