
4 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 11 months ago



A Xiaomi smartwatch. I never found any good use for its "smart" features and I had to charge the fucking thing all the time. So I ended up dropping it after a year in favor of a regular digital watch.

They found a 100% effective way to place microchips on our bodies within just 10 months? Damn, I didn't know science had advanced that much.

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The fact that crypto is listed on the side makes me wanna bump my head on the wall.

The whole thing in general looks like a mobile app stretched to fit on a monitor. I mean, that's how most websites are in 2023.

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Which starts with a "K" sound, but is actually spelled with a "K" sound

AI is truly magical

ChromeOS if you consider it as one.

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I can't think of a reason why anyone would use a browser other than Firefox and it's forks.

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Apparently "modern" means hiding options behind extra clicks

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Swearing shouldn't ever be censored.

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How desperate to destroy Lemmy must you be to spam CSAM on communities and potentially get innocent people into trouble?


You don't really need an 8-core CPU and 12 gigs of RAM for making calls and browsing the web, which is what 95% of people use their phones for. Not even buying such phone for the sake of longevity is worth it since most manufacturers drop support for their phones after 5 years at most.

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It's hypocritical to call your service "privacy friendly" and then require the use of a Google/Facebook/GitHub account to log in. I kinda understand the reason why they do this, but they could have at least allowed you to use a more private email provider.

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Lemmy has zero monetary gain from you being addicted to the platform unlike Reddit.

Lemmy's smaller community means that there's not an endless stream of content to keep you hooked.

Even with millions of active users though I don't see Lemmy being nowhere near as addicive as Reddit

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None of these politcians who push for all those "protect the children" laws actually gives a shit about child safety. The only thing that such laws mange to do is restrict freedom of speech and expression for everyone including children.

If you are a careless parent, then no law is going prevent your kids from watching porn.

There's no age limit.

"Κλάσε μου τα αρχίδια" which literally stands for "fart my balls" in Greek.

It's a way of telling someone to go fuck himself.

Out of all the distros that I've tried, probably Manjaro. The distro itself is ok, I don't like how kind of bloated the default installation is, but it's not too bad.

However what really pisses me off,among their numerous other controversies, was when they replaced perfectly functional open source apps with proprietary ones...twice. Though the former has since been reversed.

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I exclusively use wired earbuds because I fucking hate bluetooth as a technology

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Mass Surveillance.

Companies and governments alike have successfully convinced most people that they have "nothing to fear".

The generic and uninspired look of flat design

They take up too much space. Considering that you need to install flatpak versions of stuff that you already have on your system, this makes 200MB applications take up like 800MB or smth.

Why do you have 61 tabs opened? Jeez

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Windows 12 is already a failure and it hasn't even been formally announced yet. Congrats Microsoft! You've successfully failed for the second time in a row to deliver a windows version that most users actually like even to the slightest bit.

I guess the actual YOTLD will finally arrive after 20 years.

I learned that the internet (at least in the parts of it that are really mainstream) is a shitty place

What inspired you to create Lemmy?

A laptop with fully libre firmware that actually has good specs.

No one will ever miss you

HTTPS everywhere has been phased out since Firefox already has an HTTPS-only mode in the settings.

Firefox also has the ability to reopen closed tabs even without having to enable browsing history so you don't need the "Undo Close Tab" extension.

though Apple is expected to adopt curved edges for the first time since the iPhone 11.

I was initially on lemmy.world, but the frequent DDOS attacks and the fact that Hexbear and Beehaw had defederated from it really put me off. Also, communities like !linux and !privacy were much bigger on lemmy.ml compared to lemmy.world.

Soo I jumped ship to lemmy.ml

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Not that streaming is any better though.

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But it's shit.

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It can be used to track your movements even without internet connection.

The revolution is coming!

Firefox if you take the time to harden it. You can also use librewolf which is hardened OOTB.

I only find Chromium useful for very browser-intensive things like browser games

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Didn’t EA shut down Origin or at least make it optional?

Technically no. EA now just calls it "The EA App"

Even with the dark theme off it still looks like corporate garbage, especially the font.

I have mixed feelings on it.

I like the improvements Source 2 has brought as well as the map-based ranking system.

It feels kind of rushed though. Many maps and gamemodes like arms race are missing and valve seems to have removed macOS support. The increase in graphical fidelity has caused performance to drop by half at least on my old-ass PC.

It's still inferior to Windows Photo Viewer imo

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Cuz I got nothing better to do.