Ĺįĺįţĥ ţĥę §ęŕpęŋţ🍏🐍

@Ĺįĺįţĥ ţĥę §ęŕpęŋţ🍏🐍@lemmy.world
1 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Communist transfeminine chaos witch.

Hahahahaha!... takes deep breath .. HAHAHAHAHA! 🤣🤣🤣

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Lol. I don't have an account anymore, but I was able to lookup the post on Google and found it. Dude seems to be getting ripped apart a bit. It's pretty funny.

You are so full of shit. Why do transphobes always insist transitioning is forced?

What about when trans people are forced to not transition? Suicide rates go up.

What happened to me when I was forced to conform to a cis gender role for 40 years? Denial, suicidal thoughts, drug addiction, and alcoholism. After I started hormone therapy, I completely lost all interest in drugs and alcohol, and I no longer consider suicide. I'm happy and I want to take care of myself. I became a productive member of society.

There are about 1.5 million transgender people living in the US. 1% regret their decision and detransition. That is 15,000 people. And 0% of them were "pressured" into transitioning.


Guess YouTube figured out your algorithm.

Both are great. Why not at the same time?

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Israel has been boxing in the Palestinians for those 100 years, slowly choking them out and forcibly removing them from their homes. Now, multiple generations later, millions of Palestinians are backed into a small corner of their ancestral land as they are still forcibly removed from their homes and murdered in the streets. This is a genocide... like it has been for the last 100 years. Israelis are the invading force. Why wouldn't the Palestinians fight back? Innocent people died, but that doesn't give the Zionists the all clear to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing.

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You mean there's good news out there?

Nah. She also wrote a letter. That's not just "gone into the shit by association." She's just as bad as him.

This is the way

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I do this more often than I'd like to admit.

Yes, you do have to say that. Everyday. Loudly and repeatedly.

It's a closeup view of the glass on my wood stove. I ran it through a couple filters. The green one is on my lock screen. Then it's the red one when I unlock.

I feel called out

I got one of those too!

I'd give most of it away to charity and use the rest to keep my family comfortable for the foreseeable future.

Mila was trying really hard to not roll her eyes toward the end there.

Are they still advertising all that "He gets us" ad crap? I left reddit almost a year ago and haven't had the pleasure of seeing one every 5 posts anymore.

This is how my 4 year old sees every bag of trail mix.


Every motel room has had someone die in it at some point in its history. I always chuckle a little when a new maid tells me they've heard that room 24 is haunted. I didn't tell her that there have been 3 different deaths in 3 different rooms just in the year and a half I've worked there. Sometimes i want to say, "All the rooms are haunted" and stare at them blankly, just long enough to make it uncomfortable. Then just walk away.

Squatters Symbol

That is complete bullshit and you know it. What's your source? Prove it or it didn't happen.

The subreddits were becoming more and more toxic in the comments, and any attempts at defending oneself just results in getting banned.

I got attacked for using the wrong terminology, to which I politely told the commentor to go fuck themselves. I got banned for a week. So I made another account and contacted the mods. We argued, they banned me, I made another account, etc.

I was finally contacted by the main moderator of the sub, who actually conversed with me. We reached an agreement and my bans were lifted. However, Reddit Inc. permabanned me and all my accounts, email, everything. I had even contacted the mod of the sub, but unfortunately, Reddit had taken away all the mod tools that allowed the mods to change it.

This wasn't the only time this kind of thing had happened. Anytime I made a post, I would get ripped apart in the comments. I'd eventually tell them to fuck off and then I'd get banned for being mean in the comments. I'm sorry, but if I'm getting attacked over stupid shit like installing a stove in my skoolie or commenting supportively on other peoples posts, I will fully go off on you and call you out PUBLICLY. If it gets out of hand, I turn it over to the mods.

Reddit is an absolute shit show at this point. Good riddance.

That looks like every ironworker I've ever worked with.

But it's spelled "xitter."

This is the way.

Ween, Dead Milkmen, Gwar, Nomeansno, Hansen Brothers, Pink n Brown, Jesus Lizard, Moistboyz, Stormtroopers of Death.

A pelvic bone


And Happiness

How bouts you shut the fuck up and quit your childish fucking arguing. I'm sooo sorry that I ruined your fucking day so bad for mentioning a method of keeping track of time that differs from your understanding of the world. You do realize I didn't create the concept, right? Just keep focusing your anger on me since it's obviously my fault. Fucking drama queen Redditor piece of shit.

Have a nice day. 🖕

If elon didn't have a private jet and had to travel in a regular passenger plane, it would aboulutely make a difference I'm carbon emissions. Right now, we are seeing emissions from passenger planes AND private jets. Take away private jets and the passenger planes will still create the same emissions regardless. Your argument is that the addition of private jets are a "marginal increase" of emissions.

That makes no sense. Less planes = less emissions. Private jets + planes = more emissions. Just like, if most people took public transportation on the road. Busses + cars = more emissions than if there were no cars and only public transportation left. There would be less emissions if the wealthy traveled in a regular passenger plane like everyone else.

It's easy to go down a rabbit hole with that kind of reasoning.

The point is that one plane can transport a large amount of passengers in one trip, compared to, transporting the same amount of passengers in a private jet would take multiple trips. Transport more people with less fuel use. This is why public transportation is so important. It actually does make a difference. Elon just likes his toys and doesn't give a shit about the effect it has on the environment. That's why he's so focused on Mars.

This planet is doomed because of people like him, and he knows it. Otherwise, he would be investing his money into making the earth a better place instead of investing in trying to leave it.

Do you happen to have any more invite codes? I've been wanting to check out bluesky for a while now.

Yep. And that's why it hasn't been touched in 10 years. We grind fresh coffee in this house. And none of that weak Drip shit either. Cappuccino strength only. Stove top moca pot.

I have a 10 year old emergency stash.

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What's your problem? Why am I your target? Please explain. All I did was point out that the concept of the 13 month calendar is really old. Then I said it's accurate if you aren't worried about a full sun cycle. Of course it's not as accurate as the gregorian calendar. Why are you fucking blaming that all on me? What the fuck did I do to you to deserve this shit? And yeah, I know you're a redditor because all you redditors tend to like to start arguments where there are none, just to make yourself feel important. Please take your calendar arguments to the Indigenous Americans who created it and explain to them why their "basic assumptions are probably flawed."