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Joined 12 months ago

Looking for an alternative to reddit

Maybe it is like that yeah.

No, but I like it more than China and Russia.

America is addicted to money however, and has a warped idea that working hard is somehow what life is about. But it's still not close to fascism and there is some accountability still.

Shit, even going from a semi active lifestyle to a 9-5 office job will add a belly if you're not hitting the gym.

Only if you keep eating as you did before. People don't change their diets as they get older. They seem unaware / not caring that the belly will come otherwise.

I think it's partly just being OK with getting fat. If you are not attractive anymore anyway because of age, may as well enjoy whatever food you like. And if you are in a relationship, both partners are probably OK with looking not so great anymore as they age.

You are Hillary Clinton?

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Yeah. It can be seriously annoying to have people judge you for who you were once, or maybe never was even. Often other people's perceptions are not accurate descriptions of who any of us really are.

It's just life I guess.

I'm not sure why this comment is so popular. If you travel, you see many countries on the planet where all women wear makeup all the time.

The internet archive is becoming one of the most valuable sites on the web, specially to avoid paywalled corpo pages.

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I actually don't agree, and the reason is - non tech people. You and me can install plugins but ordinary people don't do that. So the default experience must be good, offering improvements to the experience over Google Chrome.

Otherwise all privacy features could also be plugins. Imagine if that was true. Firefox would have no identity and you would have to install plugins and make it your own.

So some features should be built in. Maybe the ability to get pop-ups about false reviews will actually make users go "wow that is so useful".

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Classy to blame Firefox for bugs in their code :)

If devs write code for Chrome, yeah, maybe then it doesn't work in Firefox guys....

We had exactly this situation in the 90s with internet Explorer.... But new devs need to relearn lessons of course.

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It's disgusting. Users browser history is private, just like their search history. Fuck Google.

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Yes exactly. This is what worries me the most since I also run only Linux, and I can't imagine even being interested in computers anymore if Linux is not allowed on the web. That would be horrific.

It's 100% critically dangerous and must be stopped.

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I asked in the other thread about GDPR.

Nobody thinks it's very interesting but if instances don't follow gdpr, the entire network is at risk of legal consequences.

So please bring this up, even though it's not very fun.

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People pay every month but most don't use the sub to it's full value, and forget how expensive it becomes over the years. And you don't own anything on a subscription, you just borrow it.

Also trial periods that prolong automatically into subscriptions.

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The mentality of these people are like slave owners.

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If only keyboards would have function keys for this purpose, named F1 to F10 for example, so any program could use them for their specific functions...

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You can't buy people anymore but you can buy most of their awake hours. It's called a job.

People sell those hours because they have to. It's called a salary.

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Why are people in this thread fine with ads being played on their televisions. So strange.

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That's quite rich, after the way they treated their mods.

Really a sign of them not giving a shit about anyone.

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People are paying $23 for this???

Honestly shocked.

And it's Google, so you know they are going to keep raising prices, probably adding some ads also in the near future. And of course selling your behavior to advertisers as well, that's a given.

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Discord is pretty much against everything the open web is about. Closed source and proprietary protocols... Probably tons of data mining of users as well.

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It's interesting how we all are focusing on tiny non-noticeable performance gains when privacy is what matters in browsers.

Almost as if Google wants us to focus on performance where they can compete.

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Cry less, make better service more.

It really hasn't been that bad. Firefox mobile had ublock origin all this time, which is of course critical to being able to use the web today.

There are a few other plugins too, and now they are going to add a lot more. Sounds like good news. I'm not unhappy about mobile Firefox at all, I've been on it all this time

Looking ahead, Hohndel said, we must talk about "artificial intelligence large language models (LLM). I typically say artificial intelligence is autocorrect on steroids. Because all a large language model does is it predicts what's the most likely next word that you're going to use, and then it extrapolates from there, so not really very intelligent, but obviously, the impact that it has on our lives and the reality we live in is significant.


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Except from Google of course, the worst offender of privacy that exists.

They put all these "privacy" features in so other companies can't do what Google already does.

If you ever tried using a Google phone without Google apps, you realize how completely dependent almost all apps are on Googles API in the background, and most of them won't work without it.

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Game companies sure are completely disconnected from their audience these days.

When I was growing up, game companies were happy that their games became popular. There was none of this shit going on.

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I don't know what this is since I dont use windows, and it makes me happy.

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The entire idea of fighting "for your country" is ridiculous to me. It's not my country.

Almost the entire human race has no influence on the events that occur at all.

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Privacy Sandbox from fucking Google... Lol.

That's like a terrorist offering protection services.

I'm not too worried. Graphs dont only go up. :)

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It's so funny that having a different theme makes the computer hard to use for some parents. :)

Those people drive cars on the road!

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Depressing actually. Future generations will look up and see shitty satellites.

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The real outrage is big tech clouds like amazon taking open source software for free and bundling it up in AWS services that cost a lot of money.

If they would contribute back to the authors, they would become rich, but of course not....

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This happens all the time. Companies are bleeding money into the air every second to aws, but they have enough money to not care much.

AWS really was brilliant in how they built a cloud and how they marketed everything as "pay only for what you use".

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Could also be tracking and monitoring, I think those counts as Microsoft features.

Forcing people back to office, firing thousands of tech workers... Yeah I don't see why people don't love working for these guys. Nobody wants to work!

Let's all go to the office for the "collaboration" and team spirit. We are all a family here. :)

The Musk tells people to sleep on the factory floor, that's how much he cares about people.

I would use it if it was self hosted and separate from big tech, but using these services when big tech is watching, huge no.

When an individual builds something on the web, it's for the pleasure of building and seeing it being used by people.

When a corporation builds something, it's to exploit the user, lock them in, spy on them etc.

This is why Lemmy is such a breath of fresh air, in this web where corporations control all the big sites.

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Yeah it's nice to upvote and comment here to show activity since we aren't that many. :)

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Because people here are tired of being exploited by corps I would assume.

Also it's a teenage thing. No money but wants to play all the latest games. :)

I used to download every single game when I was a kid.

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