Do you believe conscription is okay? Why or Why Not?

WtfEvenIsExistence3️ to – 119 points –

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The entire idea of fighting "for your country" is ridiculous to me. It's not my country.

Almost the entire human race has no influence on the events that occur at all.

For me my country is things like the institution of the local pub, liberal use of gallows humour, and deeply despising the idea that cities and fields ought to be organised on regular grids rather than things like Parliament or the monarchy. I love my country in the sense of the former, I think I’ll live out my days frustrated and pessimistic about the latter.

It’s not my country.

Yep... it's always "our country" this and "our country" that when they need you to play cannon fodder - and when it's all over, it just goes straight back to being their country. No different than rich people telling us how we're "all in this together" during COVID.

It's cute how they tell everyone we can just go vote to have a lot of influence on things too. :)

As if any of us has any influence on what's going on whatsoever.

Do you think you deserve to live in a country if others fight to save your life but you won't do the same for them?

The only requirement to live in a country is to be born in it. You shouldn't expel a citizen just because you can't brainwash him to your liking.

So your ok with other people fighting and dying in Ukraine but you think if you lived there you shouldn't have to defend our risk your life in any way? You think after the war you should have the same standing as any other citizen? You think you should get the same benefits as those families that lost loved ones because you didn't feel you should risk your life?

Let me provide you with the second side of the same coin.

Would you be ok with fighting on Russia's side? Do you think that after the war you should have the same standing as the ones, who were doing anything to avoid being conscripted?

Because, see, every war is at the very fucking best (read: not realistic) consists of one side that is righteous, and one that is not. Realistically, the chances of you being on the "right" side of it are excruciatingly small. But given conscription, you are denied of choice during that time, your feelings and believes on that matter are not considered at all - you are just a cog. And nobody gives a damn about cogs.

Russia's country is not being invaded. Ukraine is. That is the reality. If you don't defend your country and are fine with your neighbor doing so and dying, what makes you think you should have the same benefits as him?

I would be forced anyway and die on the first week, so my rights would not enter in play anyway.

But your attitude suggest that you advocate revoking rights from draft evaders. What rights should Trump lose, then?

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