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Joined 12 months ago

I learnt meritocracy is a joke long before I discovered that it was literally invented to be a joke.

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I’m not addicted but it does help me get through my day.

Yeah... you're addicted.

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Anti-LGBT protesters

Is that the "politically correct" term for fascists these days?

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The only thing that makes data useful to humanity is the fact that it can be copied - not copying data is unethical.

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I stopped telling myself that twenty years ago... at one point or the other, even I couldn't believe it any more.

Ooooh... the liberals are about to hand the fascists the keys to the tanks.

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It's never just been the US - Israel doesn't just have a whole bunch of enablers... said enablers also back the very idea of a modern-day Israel.

France, the UK, Germany, Australia, Apartheid-era South Africa all played their part in helping with all this - I guess the fact that it's all countries with histories that are deeply entwined with white supremacism, antisemitism and colonialism is purely coincidence, eh?

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In other words, these laws are not “fighting pedophilia”. They are enabling child abuse.

So no different than all these laws that (supposedly) "stop sex trafficking" which only exist to clamp down on sex work while... drumroll... making absolutely no dent in actual sex trafficking?

Yeah... that tracks.

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And Bastille Day is coming up in about four days, isn't it?

Oh, the irony...

Don't forget teflon...

the point was to reform them into civic minded individuals ?

That was never the point.

Right-wing media is well-funded.

Also double dipping in a sauce or dip.

Perhaps, but still gross.

There’s a hole the size of a railroad junction in the 13nd amendment.

It's less of a loophole and more of a loop-archway... with bright neon signs to advertise it.

Oh look... it's Jordan "please-ignore-all-the-nazis-in-my-fanbase" Peterson.

Obviously, the Russian quack that supposedly broke his brain didn't make a proper job of it.

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I recently came back to Lemmy from reddit to escape the batshit pro-Israel censorship happening on there right now and I have to say that the quality of the content and discussion has just gone up.

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Anything that has the word "smart" in it.

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Laughs hysterically in South African... where we now have no choice but to use gas for almost everything because our electrical grid is collapsing due to IMF-approved neoliberal shitfuckery.

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make their gender the defining aspect of their character

The vast majority of cishet people (if not all) make their gender the defining aspect of their character - so why should trans people be any different?

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I'm afraid not - goon squads around the world still has tons of chemical weapons for use against pesky protests. And then we're not talking about all the toxic stuff they use during colonialist wars under the thin pretext of "defoliants"...

There is no such thing as "radical" right-wing ideology - right-wing ideology is reactionary. It is about as anti-radical as ideology gets.

The idea that people deserve proper drinking water is a radical one - the idea that people should be denied drinking water is about as reactionary as it gets.

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When they remove old.reddit it's over for me - there is no browser I've tried that new.reddit hasn't managed to crash within a few minutes of using it.

But I'll stay on old.reddit for as long as possible... there are just too many nazis and fascists waiting in the wings to hijack the communities I've put a lot effort into. It's better to just milk them for as long as possible.

Israel doesn’t trust Hamas.

Then maybe Israel shouldn't have funded them.

The blockade, which, mind you, is also enforced by Egypt

The US-backed dictatorship in Egypt is doing the US's bidding? You don't say...

Any civilian casualties are to be condemned.

Israel hasn't made much distinction between combatants and non-combatants since 1949 - can't blame Hamas for playing by Israel's rules.

Yet, you must remember that Hamas likes to base itself under hospitals, schools, mosques.

Right, because there are vast tracts of unused real estate in one of the most densely populated areas on the planet, eh?

If that is not surgical, I don’t know what is.

There is no such thng as a "surgical" artillery shell, Clyde. And as for the claim itself... the IDF is no more trustworthy than the Apartheid security forces were.

Fuck Israel.

Oh, it turns out the US is the most prolific sponsor of fascist terrorism in the world?

You don't say!

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They can literally get away with murder and they will be protected by their coworkers and bosses.

It's not just their bosses and coworkers that protects them - the entire media machine and political establishment protects them as well.

We don't say ACAB for nothing.

most the people you interact with won’t like you.

Yeah... because you're a corrupt and murderous goon that's above the law. What's not to dislike?

At this moment? I'd say we should make peace with the fact that there aren't too many generations of humans ahead of us.

At one point or the other, we will have to accept the fact that saving humanity is not within our power - but wreaking vengeance on the elites that caused it is.

Riiiiiight... and if Jewish people would just have stopped being Jewish the nazis would have given them a cozy homeland in Bavaria, right?

Nothing is completely harmless... aspirin and paracetamol is far more dangerous than marijuana.

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Qatar literally provides shelter to the leaders of the Hamas, a globally recognized terrorist organization.

Have these same people who classify Hamas as a "globally recognized terrorist organization" classified Israel as a terrorist state?


Then their "classifications" isn't worth shit, is it now?

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Qatar is openly hostile to Israel.

So is anyone with a fully-functional brain. What is your point?

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Aliens. Me and my brother sneakily was watching it when our parents were gone, and when that chest-burster came out of that woman, I was out of there like a bat out of hell. Never told my parents, of course - had to protect our VHS privileges and all that.. It's still one of my favorite movies - the original cinematic cut, not the overly long director's cut (which seems to be the only one you can find these days.]

It feels like as soon as Biden got into office a lot of people on the left threw their BLM signs in the garbage

This happens every time a lib gets into the Waffle House - the liberals will ride the coat tails of the resistance the left puts up against the establishment, and go to sleep as soon as the "good cop" is back in the driving seat. It happened with Obama and Clinton, too.

If you look at it real hard, you'll see that right-wing agitation builds most of it's momentum when there is a lib in charge - there's a good reason they say that fascism can only sprout after liberals have loosened the ground for it.

The US propaganda complex is the most spectacularly successful propaganda effort to ever exist - even modern-day China have zero hopes of even approaching it.

It’s about ensuring that the children of the wealthy and powerful would die alongside the children of the poor in any conflict.

Bullcrap. The children of the wealthy and powerful always get to have have convenient loopholes to get out of conscription - just look at Elon Musk and Donald Trump.

like building projects and disaster preparedness and relief.

Or, you know... have groups of trained civilians around to repress anything that threatens the precious status quo.

You just tried to say that Israel’s supporters are antisemitic?

No. I never tried to say it.

I just plain said it - the countries that enable Israel is as antisemitic and white supremacist as they have always been. They've been hiding it since WW2 - but, as the resurgence of mask-off far-right ideology in the US and Europe proves, it's still the same old west.

The west's support for Israel has always been antisemitic - dumping European Jewish people in Palestine was literally one the Nazi's potential solutions to the "Jewish Question". It's no secret - just mundane history that westerners doesn't like talking about.

Christian Zionism predates Jewish Zionism - the whole reason these white supremacist and antisemitic societies fantasized about a modern-day "Israel" was simply because they did not believe Jewish people belonged in their precious "white" societies.

You don't have to think about it for very long to see it for yourself - who were the people that made it so difficult for Jewish people to "belong" in western societies? If the US was so friendly and welcoming to Jewish people as the US wants to pretend it is (prominent Jewish people like Steven Spielberg and Noam Chomsky will happily tell you about US-style antisemitism), why would Jewish people need a "homeland" in the middle-east?

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Also, i thought ghengis khan was all about meritocracy.

No... Genghis Khan wasn't a joke. Meritocracy is.

What's the matter, fascist? Not happy that the weaponry used on Palestinian children isn't "Proudly British"?

Hiding your pro-fascist tendencies under a paper-thin "concerns over objectivity" will only work on liberals.

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Hmmm... do you think Israel regrets funding Hamas, then?

I hate to break it to you, Clyde... but Hamas is the lesser evil here. And Israel only has itself to blame for that.