
14 Post – 204 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

An instance gets boring if you use it too much. Time to switch instances...


They never even got a DMCA takedown notice or any sort of copyright claims. Just because one user asked. Wtf

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Nothing happend at Reddit's Frontpage on June 12, 2023. The so called “protests” is a hoax invented by the Lemmy devs attempting to discredit our wonderful platform. The “purge of moderators” never happened, not one single moderator was purged. And those who did get purged are violent rioters internet vandals. Reddit is the greatest platform ever, and Lemmy is filled with racists and spammers and ads and evil developers trying censor posts and take away user freedom. Long live CEO Spaz! May his wisdom guide us towards a better future!

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The enshittification continues until profits increase!

(Btw I still haven't seen those yet. In USA and I'm using uBlock Origin on Firefox)

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Why's everything going to shit? The world is already shitty enough, lemme enjoy some escapism ffs.

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Excuse me wtf. I mean drafting people to invade another country is already fucked up enough. Charging money to return bodies? What. The. Fuck. So is the russian army just gonna accept this? C'mon man, do a coup.

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Yes, here:

Enjoy learning about the secret illuminati jewish space laser and the deep state trying to establish a new world order!

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"The Center-Right party, one of the two dominant parties in a two-party system, claims that a voting system allowing multiple parties to emerge is bad. The other dominant party, the Far-Right party, agrees."

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Hey, I've seen this one!

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Because if you park too far out, there'll be an idiot that will hit your car.

Edit: not excusing their behavior, just providing their reasoning.

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Congratulations, you've been defederated. Please do not resist.

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I guess the perpetrator also wore a brown shirt? Here we go again: Weimar Republic 2: Nuclear Boogaloo

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1984 is wayyy too exaggerated. We don't need to force people to have a "telescreen" if everyone just voluntarily spend their own resources to obtain them. (Eg: Smart Home Assistants) We don't need to have a "ministry of truth" when people voluntarily believe in lies spread on news and social media. (Eg: Various Facebook groups, "QAnon", Fox News)

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I'm so disappointed in the fact that you didn't literally shit over the manager. My disappointment is immesurable, and my day is ruined. (But the manager's dignity would've been ruined if you did shit over him/her.)

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Does personal blunders count? Because I changed my Bitwarden password and now I'm locked out of all my accounts.

For details:

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Conserving every status-quo, except for conserving the environment, because fuck the environment.

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That's not jolly, that's not jolly at all!

Meh it's better this way. Maybe reduce the canvas a bit, but we don't need this to be another battle of defacing other's works.

Also, if we can get more instances to be involved, that'd be better. I don't want a canvas that one person can decide to censor, but there also needs to be some form of moderation to stop hateful messages. Maybe we can get a "lemmy council" consisting of owners of big instances to decide what constitude hate messages.

No, you owe me a million dollars! Remember that small loan I gave you?

Plot twist: In this alternate timeline, you go bankrupt for spending all your life savings on gambling

Capitalism, especially with little to no regulation*

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Pretty sure if you did this transplant on a cop, it'd be much more compatible and will work for a longer time.

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Just watch gay porn normally so you can identify the bigots. Anyone who tells you to turn it off is a homophobic.

God damnit why is my bus always filled with homophobic people? Literally every one of them. I just wanna watch my gay porn in peace, in public. SMH my head, these fucking bigots everywhere.

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vision.exe has suffered a fatal error

Yea, my friend asked me to ask on Lemmy if what he did in Ecuador was a bad decision


Collatz conjecture or sometimes known as the 3x+1 problem.

The question is basically: Does the Collatz sequence eventually reach 1 for all positive integer initial values?

Here's a Veritasium Video about it:


You choose any positive integer, then apply 3x+1 to the number if it's odd, and divide by 2 if it's even. The Collatz conjecture says all positive integers eventually becomes a 4 --> 2 --> 1 loop.

So far, no person or machine has found a positive integer that doesn't eventually results in the 4 --> 2 --> 1 loop. But we may never be able to prove the conjecture, since there could be a very large number that has a collatz sequence that doesn't end in the 4-2-1 loop.

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More reasons why our country needs better healthcare. I don't think any president has ever been this crazy. Evil? There a lot of those. But crazy? This must be the first time in US history of presidents. But then again, maybe we shouldn't have old people in government.

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Lmao lemmygrad defederated my instance 🤣 I guess Australians are too "Liberal" for them

They stop giving you money, spend it on helping your opponent win. Manipulate congress to impeach you. Also they can blackmail you since you technically took a bribe, you just didn't honor your end of the deal. Realistically, it wouldn't be the rich person himself/herself talking to you about it, but someone that works for them. They can have one of their goons admit bribing you and they can exchange their testimoney against you for their immunity against prosecution. They might've made a secret recording of the conversation, but conviently left out the part of which wealthy billionaire they're working for. You might not even know the identity of which billionaire, all of the interaction could be through messengers.

Don't worry, the 28th amendment was passed officially annexing canada, and grants "Natural Born Citizen" status to all former citizens and residents of Canada, age restrictions were also waived. Everything is fine.

So this is how the internet dies? With ads, paywalls, and DRMs?


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Lol you posting this is what was always meant to happen, same as how I am here and read your comment and replied.

As an American with Chinese Ancestry, I would never even think about giving information to China. As long as I hold US Citizenship, this is home to me.

(Meaning, if the US for whatever reason turn their back on me and revokes my citizenship, there's no guarantee I won't be giving secrets to whoever offers me a new home. Afterall, I don't have any duty to a country if they no longer recognizes me as a citizen. But hopefully, that doesn't happen. Such as how twice in history they've done so. Eg: Chinese Exclusion Act and Japanese Internment Camps)

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Um... I feel... so... um... 😊

Wait... not literally right? 😧

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How's that?


They won't be forced turn over names. They can now sell them.

spaz be like: 🤑🤑🤑

Edit: Also it's just a bunch of IP addresses, they'll have to somehow get the ISP to sell that data too.

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Me using browser ui:

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Maybe you got a cabinet position for.. um idk... Secretary of Agriculture because the president knew you and decided to appoint you for some reason? And then he/she and the VP both got involved in a huge scandal or something and everyone else in the line of succession were fired by the president for snitching on him/her regarding the scandal, then you are now the next in line?

(Don't think too hard, it's a hypothetical 😉)

If half of the country thinks he didn't commit a crime how are we supposed to convene an impartial jury?

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Kitty is disappointed in human...

Face of disappointment ^

Pardon me? I am enjoying posting this on my toilet thank you very much.