Google Testing Ads Mixed Within Organic Search Results to – 1 points –

Hi, do you have a minute? I would like to talk about as the solution to all your problems.

Google will always try to squeeze more and more ads into your life, just like Microsoft and all the other big tech shitfarms.

While Kagi uses some Google search results, they are avoiding most of the SEO crap you get in Google while also giving you the option to completely remove or prioritize whatever sites you want in the search results.

It really makes the web feel very fresh again because you discover sites you never see on Google or Bing.


label an ad post as an 'AD' next time in the title

Just a happy customer. Do you ever feel excited about a product? That's how I feel about Kagi.

It's a fantastic product, and the best search engine in a decade probably.

I’m a happy Kagi convert, but yeah, this post is indistinguishable from an ad. A disclaimer and perhaps a rationale for posting would have helped.

I'd seen someone calling all us Kagi fans shills which I thought was stupid at the time, but now I'm starting to see why they might think that.

I thought it would be funny. It's a play on "do you want to talk about Jesus?". :)

this is an ad, even if you werent paid to make it or are affiliated with them

Duck Duck Go already exists.

It’s slowly getting worse though. Trust the market to ruin every good thing there is for profits.

People have always been saying duckduckgo is bad or worse than google but it's always worked fine for me, and still does.

same. haven't had to 'google' on google in years.

Yep, the circle of the internet:

10 Create new awesome service
20 Get a lot of users
30 Build a great community
40 Start running ads to offset costs
50 Get VC funding
60 Add new features that enable increased monetizations 70 Make old core feature more annoying to use.
80 Push users to new features
90 Kill important old core feature
100 Push old users out
110 Increase monetization of the service
120 See user numbers dwindle
130 See new competitors start
140 Count of existing userbase to keep service alive
150 Slowly move into obscurity 160 Become a joke brand that is forever tarnished.
170 Never really die
180 goto 10

It's not even comparable in quality... When I was using it, I had to resort to Google search every day to get good results.

I won't lie, I was really dubious on the idea of paying for search, but after the demo I really came around and signed up for the year. Kagi results are far and away better than anything else on 90% of my queries. The only thing I miss is, when you use google in your searchbar, you can use it as a calculator. E.g. if I type "13 * 42", the top suggestion is "= 546", you don't even have to press enter.. So I got really used to using that as my default calculator. But Kagi just blanks you, so I've had to start keeping a desktop calculator open all the time lol

They can probably fix that, they are very open to suggestions, unlike Google. Mail them about it :)

In my experience the quality is just fine on duckduckgo.

It's a bit different because they aren't tailoring based on all the data google has about you but it's still good.

Why does Kagi Search require an account? Kagi Search requires an account only because it is a paid service which requires an account for the transaction.

Note that Kagi does not collect any personal information for billing and that you can even use an anonymous payment card such as Privacy if you want to.

I'll pass ...

While I agree that this post seems like a giant spammy ad, you don't have to provide anything personal to Kagi. You can pay with crypto rather than card - I paid using Monero via a swap service.

$120 a year and still limited to 3600 searches. Pretty sure I'm way above that number. I get they need to make up for lost as revenue but that's still too much for me to justify. I'll keep giving my data to a free engine.

They recently made that level unlimited. That’s when I became a customer. Before that, I agree, not worth it.

kagi is so overrated, I don't get it. it's not even worth to set up email aliases and abuse their unlimited trials. searx is much better, if you really want to pay for something and need Ai stuff i recommended perplexity and nothing else.

What? I tried searchx and it's not even close. We can compare query responses if you like... :)