
3 Post – 230 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The suspects were identified earlier this month as a 38-year-old man named Zheng and a 55-year-old woman named Wang, both from the Chinese autonomous region of Inner Mongolia.

So after all this time, the Mongols finally breached the wall...

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Personally, I'm crippled, so even getting to the front door is a process. If a driver calls me and says I need to come down, I tell them no shot, I paid you to bring it to my door, so either bring it to my door or refund it.

If drivers are not getting paid enough to bring deliveries to people's doors? That's a conversation for the drivers to have with the company. The company says they'll bring it to me, and I expect the service I pay for.

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TL;DR He was arrested for uploading a recording of the entire VN two days before the game came out, which, being a visual novel, debatably cost them sales from people who just read his video instead of buying it. It's a bit like if someone filmed themselves turning the pages of a new Harry Potter book before the street date so everyone could read it.

Seems to me that it's less "uploaded lets plays" and more "posted game footage before the game release", and they nailed him for anything they could.

I don't think piracy should be punished, but like, if you're gonna do it, don't post video recordings of yourself doing it before the game comes out my guy.

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In the interest of saving anyone else falling for the clickbait, the "1 Way" in the headline is "don't let kids touch magnets"

Not necessarily. All DRM punishes paying customers, but some also punishes pirates. Very few games with Denuvo ever get cracked, instead the publisher removes it after a while because Denuvo charges a license fee as long as its in your game. E.g. the Hatsune Miku game on steam hasn't been cracked in the two years it's been out. So there's an argument for using it, even if it's a flawed one.

But these games already went without DRM for years. They're long since cracked. The only purpose this DRM serves is to make it harder for paying customers to use mods. Not pirates, they can keep using the same mods they've always used. This is literally for the purpose of degrading the experience of paying customers. That's what they mean by "only punishes paying customers".

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I've heard Firefox's inbuilt tracking protection often trips whatever detection method they're using, and like, I'm not turning that off for Youtube.

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TL;DR a company called Zuma is trying to replace school busses with a fleet of smaller vans for 5-10 kids at a time to increase efficiency. "Like Uber for kids". The routing software did not handle the addition of a new city well.

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Unless an iphone becomes literally the only option, I don't see myself ever getting one. I'm deeply morally opposed to their walled-garden approach, and I won't even get one Samsung's Androids for the same reason. It would be nice for me if there was more people like me, but regardless, as long as there's a freer option, I'll be taking it.

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He got got because the user used an Apple ID that was linekd to their real identity, which is one of the things Proton is obligated to provide in cases like this.

Proton says all the time, they are obligated to comply with the letter of the law, so do not store anything identifiable anywhere they're legally required to provide it. They tell you exactly what not to do, to avoid this precise case. They do not want to provide anything they don't have to, but they also do not want their company shut down.

The same thing's happening in Canada with the CBC; bunch of people calling them out for not saying "terrorist" implying it means they're in favour of the attacks, when CBC simply has a policy of not saying that about anyone, because it's not their job.

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This sucks, but like, Bleem taught us this lesson almost 30 years ago: don't take money for an emulator.

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What are you talking about? Firefox has had literally Sync since before Chrome existed.

Firefox Sync initial release: December 21, 2007

Google Chrome intial release: September 2, 2008 (Beta), (1.0) December 11, 2008

A full year, my guy.

No, you see, you just get every citizen to pay a little bit into the bridge, and then everyone can use it. Maybe we put some of that money aside and establish a group of people to care for the bridge, upkeep and whatnot. It wouldn't be fair to just pick them arbitrarily, so we should probably hold some kind of vote. And, well, I guess the money will run out, so maybe we take a little more from everyone every year, just to keep it in good shape

Huh? That sounds like what? Gov--

Oh fuck wait shit i mean DONT TREAD ON ME

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I am paying a to-my-door delivery service to deliver things, to my door. I shouldn't have to specify that I expect people to do the entire job and not just the easy part of it. If they don't want to do the entire job, that too is a conversation for them to have with the company, not me.

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On the other hand, I would posit that anyone who would perform a mass shooting is, by definition, mentally unwell, and the loss of mental health resources can only make things worse.

  1. Password managers are, generally speaking, far more security conscious than the average website. I'd rather send a password to my password manager a couple times a day than send passwords to every website I interact with.

  2. One click to confirm vs. 2-3 to autofill. Tiny gains in speed 🤷‍♀️ If you make a password manager even slightly more convenient than just using gregspassword123 for everything, you can onboard more normies.

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And they're going to fight it. A literally insignificant slap on the wrist, and they're still going to the wall. Burn amazon down.

It’s just the latest in a long line of experimental, conceptual Coke flavours. Honestly, it’s something I’ve been saying for years; stop being constrained by imitating “real” flavours and let the flavour scientists loose, let 'em go nuts.

So far they've done:
Space (I liked that, hints of toasted carmel and raspberries)
Dream (Also good, a little bubblegummy, a little cotton candy-y, a little mangolike)
Transformation (Awful, like coke with coconut oil and a hint of turpentine)
Byte (Just decent, kind of indescribable)
Pixel (I never got to try it, it was US only, but by all descriptions it wasn't great)
Movement (A bit like theatre butter and cinnamon, it was okay but wasn't a fan)

And now AI flavour. I plan to give it a shot, but I don't expect much after their last two Tech-y flavours were eh.

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There are people in PR thread explaining it's a reference to this screenshot. Which is fake, for the record.

It's probably C.O.P., short for capitalist oligarchic pig

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I can't believe Gentoo isn't based

it didn’t say avoid apparently

It originally did, but once someone ran an article on it, people adviced the admin that his current reviews might afoul of steam policies, so they went back and revised all the reviews be neutral statements that SBI was involved, linking a source for each.

However, all the ratings on this curator are negative non-recommends, with SBI involvement as the stated reason. So it's hard to paint it as just a neutral list.

That said, there's nothing inherently wrong with that. If you want to avoid a company's games, that should be allowed.

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Reading the article, it looks like there was barely any warning, because it was the type of turbulance that is extremely difficult to detect. Additionally, it seems the dead man had his seat belt on; he died of, as far as they can tell, a fear heart attack, as the plane essentially fell off a midair cliff, dropping 1800 meters (6000 feet) in three minutes. That's over 10 meters (30 feet) a second).

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Sure.. "leg day" 😘

>spend the first 20 years of their lives conditioning girls to be demure
>mfw when women are not as assertive as men

We live in a fuckin society

It's even more complicated because he posted it to YouTube two days before the game even came out, potentially devastating their early sales

It's impossible to prove the harm piracy does or does not do, and in general I agree that it shouldn't be illegal in the first place or at least shouldn't carry more than a slap on the wrist fine, this is the world we live in and the dude uploaded a game to YouTube in its entirety before the game released, which is the kind of thing you don't do in a world where copyright claims send you to jail

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TL;DR: They added like, 20 filters, ranging from the standard various hue-shifts, to more unique things like "high contrast silhouettes" and "vertical stripes on one player, horizontal ones on the other". Some people flicked through them and said "wow some of these are so crazy it makes me sick to look at". Game journo picks it up and runs with it.

If an optional accessibility filter makes you sick, don't turn it on! There's no rule that says you have to! Most people will never see these in the first place, and even if you need one, pick one of the ones that doesn't hurt you!

They even mention in the article, just above the cut, that they're afraid this article will get paywalled lol

And below the cut, that they're aware of the irony, but surely people who pay for journalism can see why journalism is important, which is like.. good point, I guess. Sometimes the system sucks and we have to work with what we have.

Tom's, of course

"Embrace" is a strong damn word

Forget the socks, where do I get a top like that?

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Clearly it's 2051 AG (Age of the Galacticsingularity)

That's why there's only one guy, the other two finally aged out.

The point is that it's extremely common practice to call your ISP and tell them you're cancelling so they'll send you to Retentions and you can get a few more months at "50% off" (a reasonable price). This would be included in those "3/4 people stay", but those were never actually going to cancel anyway, they only say they are so they don't have to pay the insanely inflated sticker price.

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Organoids are largely homogenous lab-grown mini-organs.

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The solution to stick drift is buying controllers with Hall Effect joysticks; drift is caused by plastic parts literally grinding down and potentiometers wearing out. Hall Effect sticks don't make contact, so they don't have this issue. Since you like the Xbox layout, 8BitDo's Ultimate controller could be a good third-party option for you.

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These are wildly different medications. Meth is occasionally used for ADHD when nothing else works, but it requires careful medical supervision, for life. A pharmacist subbing out your amphetamine salts for meth will go to jail. Adderal is not meth, any more than caffeine is adrenaline, or morphine is fentanyl.

You say you "have family" with ADHD; do you mean you have multiple different family members on different medications? Because 9 outta 10 times someone tells me they know someone on "meth" for ADHD, they've misread methylphenadate; Ritalin.

Some of the smartest people I know are some of the dumbest people I know.

A historian who falls in with one MLM after another. A senior engineer who doesn't trust doctors because homopathy is the only real medicine. A dentist who thinks the moon landing was fake. A doctor who warns people off "seed oils" and onto a "paleolithic, mostly-meat diet".

Ime, people can get "too smart" for their own good, and start to believe they're qualified to speak even outside their own specialties. The smartest thing you can do is recognize where you're qualified, and where you're an idiot, and in the places you're an idiot, stay quiet and listen.

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Yes, it's a pretty common korean and chinese name.

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I translate:

be a biologist
research clovers
everyone says "clovers have 3 leaves"
its a law of nature
go outside
find 4-leaf clover
i better take it to court for violating laws of nature

This is obviously stupid. Discovering something that violates a descriptive 'law' means the law was wrong. And yet, people do this in conversation all the time.

Sometimes casual conversation begins with a "But". E.g., someone might say "But anyway, have you seen that new movie Oppenheimer?"

Grammar nazis react to this by saying "You can't say 'but' at the start of a sentence if that sentence isn't a rebuttal of the previous sentence! It's a law of english!"

'Laws' of english are meant to be descriptive, not prescriptive. But alas, we live in a society 😔

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From what I know, this is also one of the few games for which the publisher has removed Denuvo.

Pretty incorrect. Denuvo charges companies a regular subscription fee as long as its present in their game, and most companies don't want to pay it any longer than necessary, so they strip it out after a few months to a year or so after they've made the bulk of their sales. The number of Denuvo games that ever actually get cracked is dwarved by the number where the warez guys just wait for the publisher to remove it.