Why BBC doesn't call Hamas militants 'terrorists' - John Simpson

Nighed@sffa.community to World News@lemmy.world – 626 points –
Why BBC doesn't call Hamas militants 'terrorists' - John Simpson

I guess not strictly news - but with all of the vitriol I have seen in discussions on the Israel situation, that have boiled down to arguments over wording, I feel that this take from the BBC is worthy of some discussion.

Mods, feel free to remove if this is not newsy enough.


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The same thing's happening in Canada with the CBC; bunch of people calling them out for not saying "terrorist" implying it means they're in favour of the attacks, when CBC simply has a policy of not saying that about anyone, because it's not their job.

This is why we need CBC and can't let the Conservative Party of Canada destroy them.

I generally don't like the CBC, but I personally find their international political reporting top tier due to this kind of approach.

???? They call neo-nazis terrorists.

Because they unambiguously are. Nobody reasonable is debating that. We're never going to look back and say "actually they were right"

So burning babies is ambiguous to you?

The lack of self awareness is almost as funny as the liberal fascist siding with the nazis.

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