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The title is click bait. It’s not homophobia it’s homophobic slurs that are being made a crime.

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I don’t see any problem with removig car dealers. Just phase out of existence no one will miss them.

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so he says it was worth the amount of QA he got rather than the sales. I think it makes sense. I hope its really cost effective so others can try it.

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Alexa is more like a telemarketer disguised as an assistant. Every interaction is followed by a “by the way . Its a shit experience so I stopped using mine.

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Separately, a journalist from Italy who spoke to The Times of Israel on condition of anonymity recounted that in 2009, right after Israel’s Operation Cast Lead against Hamas, he visited Gaza’s hospitals looking to interview wounded members of Fatah — the rival Palestinian faction that Hamas violently ousted from the coastal enclave in 2007.

“Eventually, I realized that they were all at home — Fatah members were too afraid to stay in the hospital, even if they were wounded,” the journalist said.

“Shifa is a very large compound. I got lost inside it, and at some point I ended up on an underground floor, and I found myself in front of two armed Hamas men in military attire, who told me to get out.”

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she left after they gave her an ultimatum of having to take a pay cut if she wanted to continue. i am not sure if she is a founder but she worked at BioNTech , so it's not owned by the university. I don't think it's illegal but this is the time she should be publicizing the story to shame them and divert talent to competing universities.

Lead by example. At least stop pretending that this news article/opinion piece belongs in a technology.

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disgusting. it doesn't surprise me. publishers are continously testing how much their customers can bend over.

You lost me when you claimed that a low quality youtube channel going down would be somehow bad for me.

well now this is getting interesting beyond gossip. I doubt they made a significant AGI-related breakthrough but it might be something really cool and useful.

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I think it's likely a nation state. the gay furry claim is just a distraction.

And you even have some vr fans just blindly claiming that all games should use gliding for movement and that having the option to teleport ruins the game even if they don’t use it. even though gliding (they call it natural locomotion) makes people sick because it’s obviously unnatural. They claim there is no need for movement systems that don’t induce motion sickness because it’s a matter of getting used to “natural locomotion” an anyone who doesn’t get better is because they are lying🙄.

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It's sad that it took them this long.

I think they are just looking to reduce their headcount

I thought they claimed the pope is infallible so how can they challenge him?

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how much fuel is hamas hoarding right now?

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This was never a secret.

I think it’s the opposite. This paves the way to enforce companies to pay to remove the carbon they emit. If this can be profitable then there is room to invest on improvements making it more feasible at large scale.

Unfortunately partially cutting is basically the norm in US.

Just because some of us understand this issue better than him it doesn't mean that we should expect him to understand everything at the same level as if he worked in the area.. it's impossible he can't be an expert economist, computer scientist, anthropologist, chemist, biologist, etc... rolled into one.

For the record I don't think he is a great president.

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So you need reasons to not act on your anti semitism? You are just repressing it.

In that case I hope your health care is reformed to imitate what we have here.

Troll farms or pro hamas tankies

They tried to use the same excuse with their privacy policy for oculus. ie they can even watch the cameras if they want but they promise they won't.....

He should also star making crimes illegal so that they can live in a society without crime /s.

It’s the reverse. Companies get in trouble for agreeing to not poach employees from each other.

Afaik some countries treat female urinary infections with what they call female circumcision. here it’s called genital mutilation (at least when the victim is female)

This is why I don’t assume they had an actual medical reason to sterilize her.

they fired someone and it seems that it was in very bad terms because almost everyone /everyone escaped the escapist, they probably saw what was coming and that they provided the actual value to the company.

Can you elaborate? All the people I know had good experiences with mazda

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Doesn’t firefox have the option to not officially be supported in france? Why are they asserting that they would automatically obey?

I think it would be fair for many countries to send special ops to recover their cultural patrimony from british museums.

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I never wanted software updates to be handled this way. The phone works fine with the original software. There is no reason to downgrade to the latest version that doesn’t work well on the phone other than pressuring users to buy a new one.

Why would companies that generally avoid owning real estate act against its own self interest for the profits of real estate companies?? I don’t see the connection.

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I hope they put some failsafe so that it cannot take action if the estimated casualties puts humans below a minimum viable population.

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A tankie instance

I guess that if I ever use lyft I would describe myself as whichever classification gives you more privilege. In this case I would go with non binary woman

Because it’s been hyped. They had announced it could pass the medical licensing exam with good scores. The belief that it can replace a doctor has already been put forward

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I agree that your point is usually true. But I am not sure that is the case here. In prior news they alleged that they developed the knowledge as they learned from experience from issues with past fabs. If there are no fabs in the continent anywhere close to what they want to build it’s possible that there aren’t enough workers with all the skillsets they are looking for.

On the other hand they are known to take advantage of the fact that their workers are so specialized that it’s difficult to find alternative job offers so they don’t pay well. They will definitely run into the scenario you described when they look for fab operation staff. At least this is known so many people avoid this field entirely.

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I think apple will comply by including a dongle battery that can be replaced but no one will actually carry with their phone

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why limit yourself when you can get a paycheck and enjoy your job at the same time? consider how many hours of your life you spend at work.

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