4 Post – 1160 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

'Neither Left nor Right' is a fascist dogwhistle. Fascism has a rich history of marketing itself as the apolitical choice.

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I'm laughing my ass off at whoever did that, hats off to them.

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They're called enameled cables, they've got a thin layer of insulation which prevents them from rusting or shorting.

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We've all felt this at least once be honest with yourself.

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The writing was on the wall when they established a generative AI using everyone's code and of course without asking anyone for permission.

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Americans be like "I like fascism I just don't like THIS fascism"

Days since last warthunder leak

What if I told you there was a step between death and allowing them to maintain their power, would you believe me?

But the way you worded it strongly implies you want to just let nazis off the hook because "c'mon everyone was doing it" which is not good.

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Translation: "We support Nazis and would like to offer them passive protection. If you have a problem with them, we will ban you"

Get gamers involved, they've been starving for a replacement to the max-enshitified fandom wikia

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My cat wanted to have kittens. I did not. They had other plans. Three beautiful kittens. Sold Two. Kept the one who snuggles up with me every night and purrs me to sleep. Wake up to this now: ::: spoiler image Two snuggle kittens

No longer against the idea.

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Corporations treat free software as an endless pool of free resources to exploit, pollute, and then shut down.

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Yes but not because of pheromones, humans can't do that it's incel pseudoscience. It's because when you spend a lot of time with someone your biospheres intermingle which causes you both to release similar smells as the same bacteria colonies eat and shit all over your bodies.

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There's no way this can be a dream. I'm using a computer

The keyboard:

If people suddenly collectively understood they're paying for basically nothing it would probably spur large-scale revolution.

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It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war. It's not a war.

They're not at war. They're doing genocide.

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Communism: "My boss yelled at me" (hammer and sicke REDACTED) No depression

A lot of people say there are a bunch of tankies on Lemmy which really begs the question: Where do you all keep your tanks and can I drive one?

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You are aware that the .ml doesn't stand for machine learning, right?

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Because they turned themselves from a shithole nation into a world superpower practically overnight. The odds were super stacked against them and if it wasn't for them collapsing under their own contradictions (and a boatload of pressure from fascism worldwide) they would still be one today. Like obviously there's a lot of stuff I eeeeh at, but when you consider the hand they were given, they played one hell of a game.

The one reason everyone either loves or hates them all boils down to the fact they ended the nazis. Hence why all anticommunists are fascists.

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Anticommunism is indistinguishable from pro-fascism. Source: Decades on the internet. I once gave a guy a chance just to see what would happen and about a month later learned that they were involved in a pedophile ring. Yeah, pretty much.

On the other end, just because anticommunism is pro-fascism doesn't mean they're beyond criticism. This is Russia's playbook. You gotta bash the fash regardless of where it comes from, especially when it comes from inside.

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A little context, one of the larger exit nodes was compromised and would send malware to your computer. The behavior shield probably caught this and correctly marked the program as a trojan, since, by definition, that's literally what it was acting as when connected to that node. More advanced AVs (like malwarebytes) will instead block the malicious connection rather than blanket-banning the entire program.

Nothing says "badass hacker" quite like insecurely cyberattacking a community-based platform.

The main problem is that they only focused on how much money they could make, and forgot to make it somewhere people actually wanted to be. Basically the developer equivalent of "here's the deal, you do something for me-" then they never finish the sentence.

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On one hand it can be damaging to take away opportunities from kids, on the other hand roblox is massive groomer haven; I genuinely don't think the kinds of connections they would make there would be worth the long term harm that may result for being involved in that shit.

Ultimately I think you did the right thing by banning it. You're locking out like a 10th of their social life but those aren't contacts they want.

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Millionaire's tax return (empty gold pile)

Inside you there are two wolves. One is gay, the other is gay. They are married.

I learned about a week ago why they are the way they are. See the soviet union was the closest in their mind the world has ever come to communism, so even though it's fallen into fascist oligarchy, they still hold hope that the anticommunist putin is going to rise up and reestablish global communism once more. The only problem with that is that... well Russia doesn't want communism. This is their playbook Yeah, that doesn't look socialist, that looks like "we tried communism it didn't work so lets do fascism this time" so they end up throwing their support towards red flavored fascism since it's the best chance (in their minds) at getting global communism. When the alternative is an american nazi world order, or tiny countries with no power, you don't really have much choice.

But here's something I want every single one of you to realize having read all of that: Even the most fascist redfash still would have killed the nazis. The same cannot be said for the average (in-power) liberal today. Anticommunism is always pro-fascism. Never let your critiques of the left turn into support for the right.

EDIT: Case in point, the person i'm responding to is never going to see this post because they're on a nazi bar instance that banned me.

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Communism for fascists and fascism for the commons. It's the american way.

The users are a mixed bag but the mods/admins absolutely are in the business of running a nazi bar. They're doing the classic strategy of passively protecting fascists while actively suppressing those calling out the fascists. They also ban people who are open communists.

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I love this one, I always keep it on my holster whenever someone demands I explain why they (a centrist) are siding of nazis.

They're always expecting some bullshit debate and are thrown completely off guard when I show them that. I think only one has bothered to even fight back after seeing that and they were a hardcore nazi who was just using centrism as a shield for their massive amounts of bigotry.

It's like, why should I bother wasting my energy fighting a losing battle when I can just say "you're a nazi, and this is your one chance to stop"

Wake itself up in 2:00 in the morning just so that it can crash the graphics card. Ask me how I know.

"Homer no! That's Elon Musk, probably the greatest inventor of our time!!"

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MLs: "The only way to socialism is through violent, top-down revolution."

Syndicalists, getting every W known to man: "Are we a joke to you??"

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The worst thing about USB is that it always takes 3 attempts on average to get the fucker in if you don't know the orientation of the port.

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Go for it, she seems like she's on your level.

Maybe she can even teach you not to make life decisions based on fascist pseudoscience.

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"Thieves enforce rules to prevent their stolen goods from being stolen" underpins every single aspect of what we call society today.

Burning 3 continents worth of coal to steal artwork at maximum efficiency.

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The venn diagram of people who buy small dogs and the people who can't be bothered to train them is a circle.

That argument doesn't fly for companies that employ psychologists specifically to make their games as unhealthy as possible.