Importance of a low intellectual quotient to – -26 points –

In recent weeks I have met a pretty and sweet girl with what I consider her only biggest problem: her IQ. She is slow, does not remember things and has no concentration at all, has no arguments, systematically repeats the usual twenty words. (A bit like the character of Forrest Gump, for those who do not know what low iq means). I feel like I like it to go deeper, but I wonder if it's not a mistake. Do you have similar experiences?


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Go for it, she seems like she's on your level.

Maybe she can even teach you not to make life decisions based on fascist pseudoscience.

Fascist? I thought IQ testing was designed around the apolitical flavour of white supremacy.

IQ was made to find out who the worst-performing student in a class was, and then immediately became about deciding who to sterilize.

Use in a classroom setting is questionable enough as is, but when applied in a general sense to other things, that's fascist pseudoscience.

But with great respect, the question isn’t about a supposed measured level of IQ. OP is just saying “she don’t seem all that smart, guv’nor” and use the term IQ as a short hand for this. I doubt OP has sat down and asked this girl to do an official IQ test. Not sure why this immediately has to descend into a discussion about fascism and white supremacy.

"dude, why do you have to make everything about race??"

No that's not what I said. Specifically, it is not a secret to me or her an official disability certification by doctors that concerns a low intelective quotient, it is not the banality that many users have understood as an offence, here we talk about disability.