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Joined 1 years ago

Server blocking hexbear is the only way to stay sane on Lemmy.

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My Seat Leon car. VW really shat the bed with their latest gen cars.

The challenge is, in a real org of some size, you’ll suddenly get marketing or customer success asking you for commitments that are very far out, because ad slots have to be booked or a very large customer renewal is coming up.

And some of the normal coping mechanism (beta-branch that spins off stable feature to the general release branch) don’t work for all those requests.

Try as you might, you are going to get far off deadlines that you have to work towards. Not for everything but for more than you’d like.

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… “and don’t worry about your family back home in North Korea who will be compressed into tinned meal”.

The defection rate will be low I suspect. It’s an automatic TFK (total family kill) to defect and I doubt they’ll send anyone who don’t have family at home in Glorious Motherland!

The Korean War was led by the UN. NATO wasn’t involved.

Maybe on account of the communities I subscribe to, but I’ve personally not come across right wing extremism on Lemmy. The tankies, though … so prevalent. Anyways, by server blocking hexbear it’s reduced by 90%.

“Sophisticated scripts to scour pirate sites”.

I think we’ve just found a new tagline for radarr and sonarr.

They’ve just learnt it all from Vegas.

Lol. What a load of hogwash.

Yeah, I agree that might work if the marketing team isn’t that connected to the product. I’ve not worked with a marketing team where that would work, but maybe it will for some. It doesn’t change the “massive customer will only renew if” scenario, though.

Man this debate is so US centric - as if there is only two choices: Unhinged, raging, exploitative, robber-baron capitalism OR Bolshevik Communism.

Typing this from one of the richest, strongest market economies in the world, which provides free health care, free education and generous e employment protections in the world. Everyone is happy, everyone is healthy, broadly, and capitalism exists next to a system of government that regulates to ensure the well-being of their citizens.

Social democracy people, it’s for real!!

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The people to whom this discussion ought to matter (the prospective buyers of an 8GB RAM machine) are utterly oblivious to this discussion. They’ll continue to walk into an Apple Store and buy these machines. We are like body builders arguing about how obese people should stop eating shit.

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As a Dane I’m bloody embarrassed if Danish unionised workers are unloading the cars there. They should bloody strike with their Nordic brothers and sisters.

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Discord is a fucking plague. I loathe it for communities. As soon as there are more than 10 people in a room, no one can follow what anyone is saying. Threads? No dude, this isn’t the 90s! Let’s slack it up!!! 🤮

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Women speaking up and demanding to be heard.

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I’ve cancelled Netflix. Just wasn’t using it enough for the price. Instead I will entertain myself by downloading Linux distributions on BitTorrent.

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Touch screens are so dumb.

  • AC controls, control surface heating heating/cooling (steering wheel, seat etc)
  • Volume controls
  • Turns, wipers, lights
  • Fog lights

Basically everything you might touch during the drive should be physical.

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I’m presuming when he says “we” he means the royal “we”, ie “I”. I’m not expecting him to negotiate on it. The next CEO will, though, in a couple of months.

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This is what Mozilla should have done a LONG time ago - focussed on browser features, ease of use, compatibility and speed. Make a better browser if you want to win a browser war.

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It just isn’t that simple. I’ve got four kids. At least one of them ended up watching a naked man on Omegle once. And I say this because they were in a group of friends and dared each other on, on a school trip, and they were discovered (one of them felt pretty shocked and told a teacher) and we had a big discussion with her.

Kids do dumb shit all the time. Omegle is (was) very much known about amongst them all.

So, even with careful parenting and a locked down internet, and policies not to have phones upstairs in your room, kids do dumb shit or find a new service that isn’t in your filter, because they’ve heard about it through their friends. I know because my wife and I carefully raise four kids and the internet is a fucking onslaught to a dopamine dependent, approval seeking teenager.

I’m not saying “it’s all Omegle’s fault”. Everyone had a role to play. But let’s not pretend Omegle was blameless.

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The notion that free* healthcare, free* education, subsidised transport, government provided unemployment supports etc is even labelled “socialist” strikes me as particularly American.

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I mean, duh!!

It’s a web version wrapped in some god-awful semi-native wrapper. Everything the app does is stored on the server. So, yes, like gmail, if you give it access to another IMAP account, the password is stored on the server BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS.

This isn’t a scandal. It shouldn’t be news.

The bigger discussion why are we pretending a server driven mail client is local?

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All companies want open standards and regulation of the big players when they’re small. All companies want high barriers to entry and regulation of the small players when they’re big.

All companies want what is best for them. In that matter, they differ very little from people.

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Monitoring employees in this way is just the shittiest shit of all the shit. Surely they can assess output in a different way?

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Discord is honestly the most awful way to create a helpful community.

It’s a great way to give the 20 most active members of the community someplace to trample on top of newbies trying to get questions answered.

“Confidence coffee”.

Let me explain; when you go on stage, you’re nervous and you need some water because your mouth dries out. Bring water in a mug/travel mug.

It’s self regulating. The dryer your mouth is, the more you need to drink water. The more you appear to sip coffee while publicly speaking, the more relaxed you look.

Compare to swigging from a water bottle; your nerves are on public display.

Confidence coffee=water in an opaque coffee container.

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Due to lack of public identity infrastructure, filing taxes online in Britain takes a long time. I mean, at least 10 minutes 😄

I’ve put through kids through secondary and have two more to go. I universally regret giving them a smartphone at year 7. For the first one we fought valiantly - we said no; she and one other girl in her whole year didn’t have a smart phone. Within 6 months it became clear that she was missing out on a lot of events by not having a phone. We caved in and bought one of those neutered android phones meant for younger people - it sucked and basically didn’t work. After 9 months we got her a used iPhone.

It was also the wrong thing to do. Social media immediately starts shaping them and we still have restrictions on which networks they can go on. She can pry Instagram out of my cold dead hands; that site is liquid poison for a young girl.

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I’d be super happy with no upper limit on age.

What I definitely have is an attitude limit; I loathe it when sullen teenagers knock the door, mutter “trckotrt”, no dress up except someone has drawn a tear on their face and then grabs five portions of candy and just dashes out.

Like, you can be fucking 40 for all I care, but you squeal “triiick of treaaaat”, then I say “wow, aren’t your costumes great” and offer the bowl up. You then grab one large or a couple of small things, say thank you and walk off excitedly.

The requirement for me is that you look like you’re enjoying it. Otherwise, why am I opening the door to strangers and offering them sweets?

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That’s broadly not how the labour market works in Europe - but it does in Scandinavia, where the unions “won” (and long may they reign). Almost EVERYONE is in a union, most unions have negotiated a seat on the board of the business and as a result, the union-employer relationship is SO different to elsewhere. This includes the need for state interventions like minimum wage or work time maximums (except the EU directives on work time maximums, which the Nordic countries felt very uncomfortable adopting as it felt like an unnecessary intervention).

Consequently, the unions have “grown up” and don’t reflexively reject any labour market adjustments required. They act as a mature partner, even through redundancies, working to minimise and help people move on.

Partnered with the Scandinavian “flexicurity” model, where it’s very easy to hire and very easy to fire people, but the state has strong support for unemployed people in between jobs (education, financial support), the labour market is probably the most efficient in the world.

Social democracy, yo. It works.

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I have a very negative view of them.

I’ve been the victim of violence from a HA member, for no other reason than “he decided to sit down, extremely drunk and high, at our camp at a music festival”. After offering him a beer and having a chit chat, hoping he would lose interest, he decided to start groping a 16 year old. I was the unlucky person chosen to ask him to leave. That didn’t go very well.

Second, someone in my family unfortunately got mixed up in HA and received a prison sentence from dealing drugs. He has now escaped that environment but it left me in little doubt that there’s few “noble knights” in that group, only drug-dealing gang-members.

Thirdly the country I come from has witnessed multiple wars between immigrant gangs and HA, as well as between HA and Bandidos. At one point they were firing stolen anti-tank rockets into a building where the rival gang was having a party. It’s hard to have a great impression of someone who chooses to fire an AT-4 in through a building.

So yeah, HA no thanks.

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Have you considered a feature like “sibling community”?

What I mean is, for example, car community on server 1 marks itself as a sibling community to a car community on server 2. Similarly server 2 marks itself as a sibling community to server 1, ie it is two-way.

When communities have been linked bi-directionally, any post and comment are shared between the two sibling communities.

This would allow bigger communities to form out of smaller communities, thereby preventing discussions from being fragmented and showing the true size of Lemmy, across servers.

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Hey, thank you so much for the feedback on having the wolf guard the sheep. It’s clear from the discussion that there some concern around using ravenous carnivores to guard prey-animals and we want to continue this important discussion in a meaningless way so it looks like we give a shit before we make the wolf guard the sheep after “a significant time to discuss and address concerns”. We will obviously listen to take onboard feedback such as “what colour fur should the wolf have” and “should it be a male wolf or a female wolf?”. Don’t worry you’ll be able to significantly change this proposal as long as the net result is that a wolf ends up guarding the sheep. Thank you so much for all the involvement from all you sheep. Kind regards, The Wolf.

Stock markets love capex, hates opex.

“Well done, you’ve spent 75 billion to buy market share!!”

“Oh no, you would spend at least 230 million/year for these employees - that just won’t do”.

Nevermind the fact that 1900 roles also buys market share (and you could run 1900 people for 300+ years), but opex is opex and execs are bonused on margins.

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SQLite for all “I’m going to write my own binary format because I is haxor” jobs.

There are some specific cases where SQLite isn’t appropriate (streaming). But broadly it fits in 99% of cases.

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We have a pair of tongs for fishing out stones that our youngest son (2) throws down an outside drain.

As I’ve said before: Sure, go ahead, train on copyrighted material, but anything AI generates shouldn’t be copyrightable either - it wasn’t created by a human.

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I haven’t done this myself because it’s obviously very illegal, but I’ve been told you set up a server with docker and set up the following containers:

  • gluetun for VPN (exit in Switzerland with a fallback to Spain) as these countries have the laxest regulation re downloading licensed media.
  • radarr for film
  • sonarr for tv
  • other *arr instances for subtitles, music, ebooks etc
  • qbittorrent piped through the Gluetun container
  • jellyfish, plex or XBMC in front as a player.

But what do I know? I haven’t done it myself and only download large Linux distributions because I love distro-hopping.

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You hit the nail on the head.

I see this so many places - nobody asks “how big does this company need to be”? This is the problem with public companies - they are caught in an endless growth trap. Private businesses at least get to a point where a) growth has to happen sustainably because often there isn’t endless money available to invest and b) once you’ve got one private jet, as owners, do you really need another?

Reddit was no different. Maybe it would have been better for us all if it was a much smaller team and just careful tendered like a garden that had filled its plot.

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Yea, big evil telemetry like “are users using this feature?”

Oh no, I feel so tracked.