
0 Post – 104 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Notice how none of these replies are “AI assistant”?

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Nothing says "conservative" quite like destroying the thing you were supposed to conserve.

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Microsoft is the abusive partner wondering how many times they have to hit you to make you love them.

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Obligatory “What could possibly go wrong? /s”

Only in Europe. For the rest of us, they will make sure to leave in all the enshittification that Makes Windows Worse Again.

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The flight attendant wasn't getting paid if the doors of the plane were still open. Maybe if Air Canada paid them, they would care about vomit.

Car-independent livable cities.

IIRC, it is a C runtime function that stabs a file.

Front. Butt.

I recently installed Edge for a technical reason and was instantly grossed out by all the stupid bling they’ve added to it.

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I don't buy this excuse. Just make it "opt", meaning neither option is the default. You have to choose "Yes, contribute diagnostic and bug data to Fedora (recommended)" or "No, keep my data private" before you can continue. Put a big "more info" link to documentation on what is collected, when, and who gets it, and how it's used.

It somewhat under-represents those who value privacy most and over-represents those who want to help Fedora with their usage data, but I argue that's a good thing.

How could we have predicted such an unprecedented action. /s

Do not challenge him to a limbo match.

I don't do it for the money. I do it because I like doing it.

Sounds like 1P handled it about as well as they could, and the attacker didn’t get very far.

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I am both a (T-)SQL expert and a language design enthusiast. IMO, SQL the language is mediocre in its grammar and extremely resistant to cleanliness. Once you get past that, the things you can actually do with it are extremely useful.

I'd love for a better syntax to exist, but it's a Herculean task to make one. Modern SQL dialects have gargantuan, labyrinthine grammars, and they grow with each new product version. It's a lot easier to keep adding to that than to build a feature-complete replacement. This is also the reason why most ORMs are so frustratingly limiting: it's too much work to support the advanced features of one SQL dialect, let alone multiple.

I wonder if this guy is secretly receiving funding from Russia. This is exactly the kind of article the SVR (Russian foreign intelligence agency) would want written. I don't like that a small part of the AFU uses the symbol or has a white-supremacist past, but that's no reason to stop supporting Ukraine. Russia's territorial ambitions and lust for war crimes must be obliterated. Once there is peace, there will be plenty of time to deal with whatever far-right sentiment remains. Personally, I think the journey to EU and NATO membership will do much to moderate those people.

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Seriously considering swapping over to my Linux partition as main and virtualizing the Windows side this weekend. Still need the Windows because well, I make Windows software.

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It could be that we have transitioned into the unforeseeable future.

Oh, good. If there's one type of entity I trust to lead humanity safely through some sort of existential risk, it's for sure a venture capital firm.

Been using DuckDuckGo for a month or two. It's mostly good enough for me.

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As a particularly flaming leftist, I’d rather judges have to give up their political associations and take on a duty of being nonpartisan.

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Recently asked my coworkers. Turns out we all dislike Linus Sebastian and his content.

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Makes sense. You need geological time scales to describe how old that BlackBerry is that the person is holding.

Enjoying it, and time.

The reaction is funny too, because in my experience comparing communities of various distros, Fedora's community is among the the most inviting and professionally-behaving of them.

Personally, I am not running Fedora at the moment, but probably will when my Framework 16 arrives, since Fedora is officially supported on it. And to be honest, I find that I am making the same choices with Arch as Fedora would have made for me (aside from bootloader), so I feel that I'm wasting a bit of effort.

Probably something you'd notice more in the number of concurrent users each solution could handle per web server instance. Rust theoretically would let you serve more users with less resources.

Disclosure: I dislike PHP.

The only thing Trump values is Trump.

Sorry, only interested in Muskodon

Prigo was definitely not against the war.

I develop software that runs on Windows, so I have to use it to some degree. I would pay so much money for an officially-supported version that lets me cut out all the shit I don’t need and not deal with stupid thirst tricks. For the longest, I just ran Windows Server in a VM.

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You might be interested to know that I'm writing this comment from the Tri-Cities Area.

Neither: I am not aware of it.

Funny thing. The reputation of Vista is universal, so I don't doubt it at all. However, I ran Vista starting from beta and never had a problem with it. I must have had the magic hardware combination that worked. My least favourite Windows release was 8.

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I’m not even an Apple fan. If Android had the product support longevity and privacy of iOS, I’d consider it. But nope, we get disposable products and an icky privacy history. I wouldn’t call Apple great in either category. AFAIK there are no smartphone manufacturers who are.

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As a Windows app developer, I wish Windows service management, boot control, and logging were more like that of systemd. What we have is so much more janky and Sisyphean to work with.

This is a bit tongue-in-cheek, but kbin generally requires its users to be either unaware it is written in PHP or OK with using something written in PHP. That has to exert some selective pressure.

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They need an app called FedUp

Fuck that. I’d be miserable without coffee, Benadryl, acetaminophen, and especially paroxetine.

Just heard of this service but I am signing up first thing tomorrow.