Microsoft now thirstily injects a poll when you download Google Chrome - The Verge to – 407 points –
Microsoft now thirstily injects a poll when you download Google Chrome

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I recently installed Edge for a technical reason and was instantly grossed out by all the stupid bling they’ve added to it.

I've used it at work since it often is the only installed browser and it feels like it's already infected by toolbars and other malware out of the box.

The new tab page reminds me of the weird ads you see at the bottom of tabloid websites.

As a sysadmin, if I'm ever told to not provide browser choices to my users, I'll quit. It's sad that your work pigeonholes you into a single choice.

Luckily on my actual work PC I can use whatever I want, but on other devices I'm forced to use Edge both because of restrictions on what I can install and because there's a lot of internal applications that still rely on vbscript.

I recently installed Edge for a technical reason

was it playing around with bing's AI chatbot? because I did it for that reason. all of ten minutes before getting bored at least.

No, it was to run Teams as a PWA on Linux.