6 Post – 406 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is just ragebait, without knowing what they posted it's useless information.

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Have people forgotten all the straight up lies, broken promises and features?

The police would spawn inside locked elevators with you!
NPCs disappeared if you turned around!

I'm glad some of you had fun with the story but the game was still a damn mess.

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Don't think he actually was a mod for it, you used to be able to just add people as mods without them having to accept.

Fuck spez anyways of course.

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Classic peaceful religions

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The US-defaultism that happens on the internet is very annoying

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Almost like it's caused by broader societal issues

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Finally coming out of early access!

You should see the comments on instagram reels whenever a teacher posts something and there's a rainbow in the background, like just a rainbow on the wall in a kindergarten class or something, so many people absolutely fucking lose their minds and spew the most vile shit at these teachers, it's bizarre.

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It's just bugged atm.

Stop insulting people's looks just because they do something bad.

What if a great person who looks like this person happens to see this comment?

Stick to criticizing the bad things they've done.

It is pretty weird, like "The reaction was one of massive support for all the affected mothers"..?

Kids should learn about the world, LGBTQ+ people are part of the world.

People can do that too, are they gonna sue all people?

Firefox 118 Available With Performance Improvements >and< Automated Translations.

I fucking hate this news headline rule of never using the word 'and', it just makes headlines worse and less readable.

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Stop insulting people's looks just cause they've done something bad.

What if a great person who happens to look like her sees your comment?

Stick to criticizing the shit she has done.

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Yep.. People hate protests because they don't understand that's how it has always worked.

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Firefox doesn’t implement the AudioData API, which is probably necessary for the waveform viewer and cropping tool Discord presents in the soundboard management UI.

Not everything is about Chrome DRM yall.

Edited to add screenshot of spoofing user-agent on Firefox and getting an error:

Here’s what happens when you spoof a Chrome user-agent.

There's already a delivery fee

Firefish is a way better experience than Mastodon, of course shares content;

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It's just completely sidestepping the question IMO

It's not something I think, it's a fact.

I'm already on kbin :)

Stop shaming people's looks just because they did something bad.

What if a great person happens to look like this dude and reads this?

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says in the article that firefox and safari aren't affected.

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What do you mean by "the people there"?

The workers? Sure.
Other customers? Absolutely not.


I feel like you should automatically just be kicked out if you do something like that?

Tankies, not just commies

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The Lemmy devs are tankies, they also deny chinese human rights violations and deny genocides.

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Except Kick is run by crypto gambling site Stake

I really like my fairphone 4 and highly recommend it :)

It's honestly pretty much the same with ai, there's lots of settings, tweaking, prompt writing, masking and so on.. that you need to set up in order to get the result you desire.

A photographer can take shitty pictures and you can make shitty stuff with AI but you can also use both tools to make what you want and put lots of work into it.

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That's incredibly silly

It does so much good and all you can do is whine about the headphone jack that no other phone has either?

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I imagine they use it to keep track of alts and ban evasion, not surprising to me and you should probably assume that any site you visit will store your IP forever.

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They run and censor people talking negatively about the CCP

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That's simply not true and you know it, just stop being a dick.

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I think they might just be trolling, the LLMs always say "As an AI language model" not program

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The evidence of Lemmy devs being tankies who deny human rights violations and censor negative talk about the CCP is not filmsy.

Please stop bogging down the conversation with this every single time fairphone comes up.

Lemmy devs are tankies(support authoritarian regimes under the guise of 'communism'):

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