4 Post – 122 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

My meme/shitposting alt, other @Deebsters are available.

Works here too, but when I tried to save it to the Internet Archive the saved page doesn't have AI results 😟

Ironically, it's a pretty well-known one itself (you see people just refer to it by mentioning "today's 10000").

Rickroll: (v) to troll the youth using memes

Makes sense!

I had to check, but the real thing is the Dairy Council and this is a parody account. Obviously it's way more interesting than the real @dairyuk account.

Obligatory mention that Firefox Mobile supports plugins like uBlock Origin. You don't have to suffer this rubbish!

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4 out of 4, which seems a slightly unintuitive scale

Finally, there’s a level 4 sting, which is as bad as it can get. Schmidt knows of only three critters capable of inflicting level-4 suffering: the warrior wasp (Synoeca septentrionalis), a two-and-a-half-inch-long black bug found in the tropics; the bullet ant (Paraponera clavata), also tropical; and the tarantula hawk (genus Pepsis), two inches long, which Schmidt can find in his yard in Tucson.

-- The Straight Dope

btw, this image is a legit snippet from the wikipedia page Schmidt sting pain index although it doesn't make clear that Schmidt didn't get stung on purpose for science.

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You're claiming that Generative AI isn't AI? Weird claim. It's not AGI, but it's definitely under the umbrella of the term "AI", and at the more advanced end (compared to e.g. video game AI).

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It's great hot, and it's great cold. What's not to love? It's quite cheap to make, although not so cheap to have delivered, and it's one of those meals you can make that uses up leftovers well.

People who reheat pizza in a microwave will be first against the wall when I am king.

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This one's obviously fake because of the capitalisation errors and .. but the fact that it's otherwise (kinda) plausible shows how useless AI is turning out to be.

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As a student I wasted so much time mucking around with flags and settings in Gentoo. It definitely wasn't pointless since I learned so much, but I didn't need to sit there and watch it compile as much as I did.

It was pleasing to watch though, just like defrag in Windows.

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According to testimonies, the soldiers ordered all the men to undress, gathered them in one place, and took the photos that were later disseminated on social media (senior Israeli officials have since chided the soldiers for sharing the images).

It's very telling that the officials only have a problem with the evidence of their war crimes. for those who want to hear it

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In addition, the “Search Bar” settings in Settings > Search, which let you choose between using the address bar for search and navigation or add the search bar in the toolbar, is also gone in Firefox 122.

This doesn't affect me, but I'm sure there's going to be a vocal tiny percent that absolutely hate this news.

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Thank you for fixing a critical flaw in the original RFC.

What did you think about the Save 418 Movement? Were you involved in it in any way?

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Yup, although on kbin they're called "magazines", so their urls start with /m/, e.g.

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Seems that this has been asked before, and Wikipedia has gone for inaptronym

I like nominative ironicism or unaptonym.

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I think this could do with being rewritten in Rust.

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I don't think you can count the sites that just mirror Reddit comments.

Searching on shows the top being several ! megathreads with comments in the thousands, then that ! post you highlighted, more ! threads, then a ! megathread about Hexbear's federation. I guess we can see who comments the most.

I liked this ! post Your username is the prompt, what did you get? which has 1618 comments.

Your comment confused me since I thought you were saying the EFF was cancer at first.

I'm surprised that no-one's brought out a client that can merge communities. People properly using the cross-posting feature seems to help with this a bit.

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Thursday’s patch is the product of recent penetration testing work that the Mozilla Foundation funded, Mastodon cofounder and CTO Renaud Chaput told Ars. He said a firm called Cure53 performed the pentesting and that the code fixes were developed by the several-person team inside the Mastodon nonprofit.

This is good to see, although it's worrying that such a serious vulnerability went unspotted for this long. At least, I hope it wasn't spotted; maybe some bad actor's made subtle use and all our bases are belong to them.

Interesting point. So it's more like

Cart? Returns Leaves
Thinks return is right 😇 👿
Thinks leave is right 👿 😇
 L    __/   [] \
LOL===__        \
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Yeah, this is a good topic. I can add a few:

Short term, pets in houses, farm animals, etc will need to escape and start fending for themselves otherwise they'll starve (or dehydrate).. Oops, I'd somehow missed an entire paragraph of your post 🤦‍♂️ Sheep need us to trim their wool, because we've bred them up grow fair more than they need. They'll get too hot if they don't have problems with defecation first (an actual thing farmers have to worry about).

Medium to long term, when dams and dikes aren't maintained they'll eventually fail, flooding vast areas including the Netherlands.

I guess that the world will continue heating for a bit even once we're gone, so we wouldn't be around to theoretically use our tech to help. Obviously, we're the reason it's happening in the first place, but nature's not equipped to deal with change that's this rapid.

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Apart from OP's picture missing the 's on Kelley's, it seems genuine due to the matching inconsistent use of capitalisation.

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Oh, so css is in there - I'd assumed it would be a false positive.

I agree, and I still don't even know if they mean magazine as in the publication or as in the thing that holds ammunition - both make about the same amount of sense to me.

I find kbin more confusing overall, e.g. how you have both boost and voting available, but then for short posts boost is more obviously placed (since the up/downvote buttons are way over on the right).

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I joined too early and stopped looking as there was so little content. In fact, when Lemmy started becoming well-known, I forgot I even had an account and made a new one elsewhere. Luckily, my password manager has a better memory!

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Absolutely, now is the time to fix a few things at the design level:

  • Accessibility (let's get affected users involved, starting with asking for their feedback and current pain points)
  • Semantic markup (helps with a11y, SEO, plugins)
  • Internationalisation (had anyone thought about right-to-left language support?)
  • Usability (also for power users? E.g. make RES-style keyboard shortcuts an option or just the default)

I think that forcing links to create new tabs world be a problem. Links working the default, normal way is a feature, not a bug.

edit: This start bit is wrong; Lemmy does SSR so Javascript-free/spiders should see at least some comments.

Lemmy is currently pretty terrible at SEO, in large part because the comments don't load until the JS has run.

This isn't just a problem for search engines, it affect things like and offline reading. Earlier today I loaded a page from an instance that had dropped offline - while they had Cloudflare Always Online enabled, the page loaded without comments so it was almost useless.

I think it's a mistake to consider all the SEO-related concerns as irrelevant just because you don't care about Google, etc. Most of the things necessary for good SEO are just good practices, with benefits for all users, especially in the areas of accessibility and third-party tools.

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Oops, RTFM. Well, thanks for fighting the good fight with the power of your reputation.

You don't need another step when you start in your ultimate form 🦀

Do you have any examples?

Alex Horne has entered the chat

Some people are insane/brave enough to regularly view all/new. The bottom of the barrel must be broad and terrible.

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You've missed off the ! so Voyager thinks it's an email address.


That all depends on what you're interested in. I'm assuming you've come from reddit, so you could try to find new homes for your subs, although tbh I don't know if it's up to date or not - there have been some instances die so the communities had to move.

I think the whole Fediverse is struggling with Reddit and Twitter sending a lot of new users their way.

Which timezone is this? B-, good effort