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Joined 1 years ago

Good thing I don't perform any activity there any longer

As a two week user, this is my experience. There is also no way to collapse comments... Yet. Someone has wonderfully coded it and shared with the devs but it has yet to be pushed to the main branch yet.

With the huge influx of users this past month they are in triage mode. Just please be patient with the product, Reddit was new at one point too!

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Especially for a game located in England!

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I'm sure this will get some downvotes, but how is buying a PS5 to let it sit considered a boycott? You literally handed them money for air at this point.

I understand compulsion purchasing as I suffer from it myself, but purchasing a whole console to let it sit is a whole nother level and just adds to the entire problem you're complaining about.

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Unfortunately since it happened in September it happened before the vote took place. Still despicable though

Have they asked the engine how they can generate more revenue?

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That was my thought too. Not knowing how much they cost and reading $100 I already knew that amount was way too low. I've gotten recalls on dehumidifiers in the past and the rebate usually equated to about half of a new unit. That's obviously apples to oranges but still a rediculous offering given the price of a newer model.

10GB is nothing in an enterprise datastore housing PBs of data. 10GB is nothing for my 80TB homelab!

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Yes you can. It requires those docker containers to be installed and plugged into it on a stand alone system. This is exactly what HAOS is doing behind the scenes for is users and why many stick with it.

Mobile UI is atrocious after the recent upgrade a couple months ago. Wish I could go back.

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Exactly what they did in Ohio. Fucking infuriating.

It's very convenient that the Republicans in rule decide to bring this up right now given the fact that the state collected enough ballot signatures to have abortion rights on the ballot for November. This is specifically a power grab to go AGAINST the will of the populace, and they've been brazen enough to even admit it is the reason for the special election.

This is the same party that had their maps ruled unconstitutional for the 2020 election and ignored the court order for a redraw, and have still not redrawn the maps for the state.

The reason is not for "fairness" but for keeping thier decisions in check and not giving the populace their fair vote. Why shouldn't a simple majority be able to change the rules that govern them?

Except if the malware has already infected the recovery partition or completely removed it. Personally I'd take no chances and just nuke the HDD and perform a fresh install.

I always end up over buying and want that candy GONE! No age restrictions for me either.

It's almost like Israel was just waiting for an excuse to level the entire place. Feeling very sad for all the people who have lost thier lives due to this fued over an imaginary man. I know it's a very complicated situation but this is uncalled for.

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Come join us ye scaleewag. Thar be free booty across the bay in all directions.

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I hate reading article headlines like this due to my own comprehension skills but after re-reading this several times I realized this is a great thing. These centers pry on women's emotions to guilt them into bringing a baby to term, and then ghost them after their "job saving a life" is done. It's a horrible practice and I'm glad they are being defunded at a government level. user chiming in here! I haven't checked out Lemmy but I'm content with what kbin offers me so far.

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Because is a main Lemmy instance and there are some popular instances over there. I'd love to block out right but they have the main starwarsmemes and some other good practical magazines, so I'm stuck unsubbing from them on a one-by-one basis.

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If they didn't specify a dress code for women then he should just change his pronoun. That would get them all in a tizzy!

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Based on the prices the Apollo dev was slinging around, I highly doubt Relay will be around even after this guy "figures out" what to charge his users. Unless he's aiming for whales with deep pockets I give it maybe 3-6 months before he also folds. Reddit can also easily move the goal post on Relay, which is inevitable, because Reddit wants people to use thier app.

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The double-wide might already have nuts on it!

Switch to usenet and call it a day. Switched last year and am finding the stuff I want, new and old without issue. I still have some private trackers in my list but have usenet as #1 and rarely does it not pull what I request of it.

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There's more to it than that. CPR certifications only last two years (at least in the US) and there's also the liability included with performing CPR that they cover in the class. If you perform CPR but are found to not have a current certification then you can get in a heap of financial debt as your not truly covered by the protections the certification can provide you, mainly around the "permission" to perform the act. Ribs can be broken and lungs can be punctured simply by performing CPR normally with the required amount of pressure needed.

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Don't like the content? Make your own! :)

I'm liking the fediverse so far. I was mainly a lurker on Reddit for 9 years and only recently started conversing on it a few months ago myself. did seem pretty "dead" when I joined earlier this week, but once federation was turned back on content has been pretty good. The only thing I need to find out is how to not see posts to magazines I don't follow in my main feed. I'm getting quite a few German language posts that I can't read, so filtering those out would cut down on the noise.

Add in prowlarr\jacket, bazarr and gluetun (with desired torrent\usenet client) containers and you're bulletproof.

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My nephew whom is mainly an FPS player and said that BG3 was not for him has recently picked it up and is loving multiplayer with his friends.

As a previous player of the BG series and others like it, BG3 is a far cry from any of its predecessors. I'm not stating your opinion isn't fair, but wanted to also give another account of players that don't consider this their type of game and are surprised to like it.

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Based on the amount of Ukraine drone strike videos I've seen, these things are near unnoticeable as high up as they are.

"We fixed the glitch - The whole thing will just work itself out naturally!"

They'd probably prather not pay likeness fees, and there are a LOT of legal considerations Martinet would have to consider as signing the rights away to his own voice brings a lot of considerational challenges.

An argument against that is that typically the only need for multiple accounts is if a specific instance has defederated against another instance. In most cases those defederated instances are hosting hostile or pedo content. Good riddance!

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It's for the feel goods and gives people something to point at when it becomes a point of contention again.

He also suffered a stroke right before the election and was not in the most coherent state in his speeches at the time. And the ruling is only for the Senate floor, so he should be able to campaign in his own form of style outside of that.

It'd be a shame for these companies to build some kind of cosmetic DLC priced at 10k or higher that "unlocks the full game" to avoid the charges. I'm sure Unity would just build some legal lingo to get around that loophole however.

Alyx is a prequel to HL2, so it can't be part of the episodic release. There were some cliffnotes a previous lead storyboarder had released on the loose plot of HL3 some years ago. It ended with Gman retiring freeman and employing Alyx if I recall correctly.

I remember Scorched Earth from the DOS, Win95 days that this was based on. The tanks would hurl slurs at each other before shooting and I recall a similar purchasing system that you mention as well.

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Because everyone in the game is making money off those trackers. Just because you give them your address and general interests doesn't mean they know you're shopping for a new fence for your house or different daycares for your kids at a specific given time.

That's exactly what I have set up too. I also have gluetun tied to my Prowlarr and NZBget containers. I know Prowlarr tied to VPN may be overkill but it doesn't hurt anything so why not?

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Go on..... As an avid non-apple\mac household I would install safari pretty quickly just to watch ad-less YouTube.

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