13 Post – 138 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Appreciate and upvote every reply to my comments/posts if I can detect any effort being put into it; even if I think you completely missed what I tried to say or strongly disagree with your opinion.

Occasionally I cannot resist shitposting, hyperbolic, ironic, sarcastic or populist rhetoric; no /s

To train an AI to recognize handwriting you need a huge dataset of handwriting examples. That is millions of samples of handwritten text + information about what the written text says in every example).

then how can this model be so good? the dadaset is only 350 MB and the results seem insane ... sadly i have no idea how to use it.

does this count?


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"only" 15-17 monkeys, but thousands of other animals, insanely depressing. the more you read about it, the more you will start to actually believe that the death of one particular primate could indeed be beneficial for humanity ...

On several occasions over the years, Musk has told employees to imagine they had a bomb strapped to their heads in an effort to get them to move faster, according to three sources who repeatedly heard the comment. On one occasion a few years ago, Musk told employees he would trigger a ā€œmarket failureā€ at Neuralink unless they made more progress, a comment perceived by some employees as a threat to shut down operations, according to a former staffer who heard his comment. Five people whoā€™ve worked on Neuralinkā€™s animal experiments told Reuters they had raised concerns internally. They said they had advocated for a more traditional testing approach, in which researchers would test one element at a time in an animal study and draw relevant conclusions before moving on to more animal tests. Instead, these people said, Neuralink launches tests in quick succession before fixing issues in earlier tests or drawing complete conclusions. The result: More animals overall are tested and killed, in part because the approach leads to repeated tests. One former employee who asked management several years ago for more deliberate testing was told by a senior executive it wasnā€™t possible given Muskā€™s demands for speed, the employee said. Two people told Reuters they left the company over concerns about animal research.

Shouldn't it be the other way around? I was very ashamed of liking Avril Lavigne, today I blast that banger whenever I feel like it šŸ˜Ž

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"If hallucinations aren't fixable, generative AI probably isn't going to make a trillion dollars a year," he said. "And if it probably isn't going to make a trillion dollars a year, it probably isn't going to have the impact people seem to be expecting," he continued. "And if it isn't going to have that impact, maybe we should not be building our world around the premise that it is."

Well he sure proves one does not need an AI to hallucinate...

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avatar 2. a monkey with chatgpt could have written a better script.

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It's an interesting development for sure. In Germany they want to prosecute climate protesters (letzte Generation) for organizing a criminal organization (like mafia, yes). If things continue in this direction the saying "it's not about left/right, it's about freedom/authoritarianism" might soon be something I will say with zero irony.

And not that everything is a competition, but in my testing the results of upscayl always look a bit better than the ones from this web based non foss upscaler.

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yea, specifically I envy the ability to form an original idea and then using your skills to create something exactly how you want it to be. Must be nice. Using those AIs is just unsatisfying, it's never your thing, never your style and never your idea, never your vision, never your art ā€“ even if it might look kinda cool sometimes.

I tried really hard to "create" an older Version of Daria (from the MTV cartoon, so not even an original idea cuz I cannot form those) standing in front of a billboard in a slightly dystopian environment. Despite numerous attempts of prompting, the best I got was this hyper-attractive girl in a green jacket.


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So much software is so necessary that I cannot believe it is NOT free.

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Yep. In all of them, just to be sure in case...

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when will the mods be able to enforce rule 3?

Not regarding using or support for Lemmy

Ho Chi Minh!

While in power, he lived in a small house, didn't own many things, always lived superĀ modestlyĀ andĀ was generally never interested in his personal benefit.Ā He devoted his whole existence to the Vietnamese people, which he freed from french colonialism and US imperialism.

He always remained uncomfortable with the growing personality cult, with large monuments and honorings. He also declined many gifts, like one time a fancy piano, as he thought it's crazy to transport it over the given distance (but I forgot the whole story or mixing something up now).Ā 

He also specifically wished to be cremated, and his ash to be scattered across the country (which didnt happen, everyone can stare at his embalmed body in a huge mausoleum). Today he is worshipped almost like a god, and I really kinda (almost) get it.

I think Ho Chi Minh was probably one of the greatest humans ever. But of course not perfect, not immune to failure and mistakes. Here is a photograph of him cryingĀ while apologizing to the people for his mistakes.

Ho chi minh

In future space travel spaghettification will be a serious concern.

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that's not even shallow. smoking is disgusting, and I say that while smoking right now šŸ˜”

Some ppl should not be allowed to research...

This suggests that guitarists who devote more time to playing chords are more motivated towards casual sex.


However, when the researchers conducted a multiple regression analysis to see if guitar-practicing habits could predict the number of lifetime sexual partners, the overall model did not show a significant result.


The findings highlight a potential distinction between mating motivation and actual mating success.


This discrepancy suggests that while guitar skills might enhance a musicianā€™s mating motivation, they donā€™t always lead to greater mating success


They suggest that in the specific context of extreme metal music, guitar playing might be more about asserting dominance and status among male peers, rather than directly influencing mating success.


Before you do anything, run The Ultimate Windows Utility

"This is a tool that has evolved over several years and achieves much more than just debloating a Windows install. I have expanded it to install the programs you select, which is a bigger selection than ninite. The classic debloat is there, but also includes a tweaks section with quality of life features. To round out everything, I have included my recommended settings for Windows update that I use in a variety of businesses. Misuse of this utility can break your install so please be careful and I do not provide any help or assistance should this happen!""

One Command - Download and Usage

From an Elevated (Run as Administrator) PowerShell prompt

iwr -useb | iex

And then Debloat more with O&O ShutUp10++

people smoke because it feels good

Also only partially true. What feels good is mostly the satisfaction of the withdrawal symptoms that come with the addiction.

i did that test and got a ~$40 book for free šŸ˜†

Yea he's an absolute treasure. I think even if he'd stop updating fairemail, it would take years for anything else to even come close to it.

The only issue I ever had was not understanding how to activate the pro features on a new device.

He responded literally within minutes with detailed and easy to understand instructions.

I generally recommend never using social media under your real name. And every business communication (where you need to use your real name) should only consist of bland and necessary stuff. A business, whether as big as Disney or just you, offering a thing from a website or food truck, simply does not need (and imo should not have and not pretend as if it had) values and political views.

The podcast blocked and reported often revolves around your question (or more around the drama after it happened), sometimes they also interview people who had it happened to them, or wrote books about it.

I cannot remember a specific episode now, there are so many. In one, a family-owned(?) bakery lost everything cuz they were falsely accused of racism.

Probably the most interesting and famous case that underlines that simply being a "genuinely good person" is not enough, is the one ofĀ Justine Sacco; the woman who tweeted "Going to Africa. Hope I donā€™t get AIDS. Just kidding. Iā€™m white!" andĀ then lost her job etc., almostĀ got her whole life destroyedĀ (she fine today).

While it may not be hilarious to everyone and kinda on the tasteless side, shitposting and making jokes should not destroy your life, so never do it under your real name!

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Guys please stop downvoting this post, that is some hilarious shit here šŸ¤£

Yea you can block it and move on with your life

uh. for the slower ones.... how does this improve security? šŸ¤”

edit. thanks, @azron, i still dont really get it, but feel confident to trust you guys on this one.

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I thought the end of the plot was the rapture for the good and apocalypse for the rest of humanity. So unless we somehow missed the rapture (oh shit that might actually be the case šŸ¤”) the Bible didn't spoil anything.

But anyway, I think Christians don't want people to read the Bible, they want people to become Christians. And to do that they should act more like JESUS CHRIST! Like going into rich peoples homes, throwing around tables and fuck shit up!!!!!

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Yea maybe, but would still concern the hell out of me...

Once at a rave at an abandoned psychiatric ward, while wandering through the rooms and hallways, far away from any music or noise, my friend suddenly said 'its like someone's screaming in here'. He was so creeped out that we left before the party even started.

Another friend claimed she knew that a woman hanged herself in her new room before she found out that that's what actually happened.

goddammit that is so stupid it might actually work! I don't have a problem with quitting, did it dozens of times, but sooner or later always had the famous "only one cig".

gonna go for a cigar when that happens next time šŸ‘Œ

I'm sorry

Pinkest Pink!

pinkest pink

  • its like really pink!
  • everyone can buy and use it, expect some idiot named Anish Kapoor

One thing that comes to mind is, avoid applying and following every rule to the extreme.

Like how you did here with rule 1 šŸ˜‚

That is the most disturbing part of this whole mess. People seem to actually believe that Russel Brand is a danger to the establishment. He acts like a teenager who got grounded, and then goes on a rant about how the illuminati imprisoned him because he was about to uncover the truth about the yeti.

Literally a 50-year-old man-baby who just realized what people usually realize when they are teenagers; corporations want to earn money, governments are involved in wars, there is something called capitalism, and life is not fair.

How is preaching those things on Youtube a threat to the establishment? Dude got fucking canceled cuz people dug up the dirt, it happens but does not mean you're the second coming of Jesus Christ, Neo or Che Guevara.

Seriously, what is wrong with the world? Also I thought Blumenthal was smart, wtf.

Got me scared there for a minute, but my comment with 64 downvotes is still there šŸ˜Œ

The assertion that our Earth orbits the sun is as audacious as it is perplexing. We face not one, but a myriad of profound, unresolved questions with this idea. From its inability to explain the simplest of earthly phenomena, to the challenges it presents to our longstanding scientific findings, this theory is riddled with cracks!

And, let us be clear, mere optimism for this 'new knowledge' does not guarantee its truth or utility. With the heliocentric model, we risk destabilizing not just the Church's teachings, but also the broader societal fabric that relies on a stable cosmological understanding.

This new theory probably isn't going to bring in a trillion coins a year. And if it probably isnā€™t going to make a trillion coins a year, it probably isnā€™t going to have the impact people seem to be expecting. And if it isnā€™t going to have that impact, maybe we should not be building our world around the premise that it is.

I see endless possibilities, but it's questionable if any of them are realistic before we overcome capitalism.

But one idea I really like is AI helping with the implementation of sortition for democratic decision-making in government.

Recently, the concept got some attention due to climate protesters demanding it, which I think is nice. So while I don't want to discuss the concept and where it should be applied, here's what (future) AIs could do:

  1. Enhanced Random Selection Process: AI can ensure a representative selection from the population for sortition by analyzing demographic data and employing stratified sampling algorithms.

  2. Personalized Education and Communication: Once participants are selected, AI could offer personalized learning paths to prepare them for their role, and adapt communication to suit each participant's unique circumstances.

  3. Facilitating Communication and Mediation: AI can manage communication among the selected group by setting up secure environments for discussion, and serving as an impartial mediator to promote fairness and respectfulness during deliberations.

  4. Information Provision, Fact-Checking, and Bias Detection: AI can provide relevant, unbiased information on complex topics, perform real-time fact-checking, and monitor discussions for potential biases.

  5. Emotion and Sentiment Analysis: As discussions take place, AI could detect the emotional states and sentiments of participants, ensuring decisions are not overly influenced by emotional reactions.

  6. Advanced Simulation and Scenario Exploration: AI could create sophisticated simulations to help participants understand potential outcomes of the policies they are considering.

  7. Public Accountability and Feedback Collection: After decisions are made, AI can ensure transparency in decision-making by tracking and reporting the progress of the deliberations, and collecting public feedback on the decisions made.

I should probably add that this list was made with the help of GPT šŸ˜… so a more direct answer to your question might be: AI can help humans lay out their ideas and foster discussions.

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The internet and computing in general is no longer a harmless activity.

Woa, did you start to write that essay in 1981? šŸ¤£

Just kidding, reasonable thoughts there. But I'm way more optimistic; in the future I see whole generations rejecting any communicative online activities, if its not work related. Idk when but at some point people will sinply go outside to be sure to interact with real humans.

But yea, good that you found a way out now already, can't say the same for myself šŸ„²

Lumpenproletariat! (but it's ok, cuz I belong to them too)

Ugh, so instead of doing what I should be doing (workingšŸ˜­), this fucking post made me have GPT explain the plot of the Bible to me, and ...


It all starts with "The Seven Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls" but I leave this out cuz I didn't really understand it and, while dramatic, it seemed unnecessary. For dramatic effect, I also left out and/or rearranged some parts, but basically, here's what's going to happen according to the Bible (according to GPT):

The rise of the Antichrist

Emergence from the Seas: A formidable beast rises from the sea. It possesses seven heads, ten horns, and upon its horns are ten crowns. Each head is marked with a blasphemous name. This creature's appearance melds the features of a leopard, bear, and lion. From the shadows, a dragon bestows upon the beast its power, throne, and immense authority.

Miraculous Recovery: One of the beast's heads, once thought to be mortally wounded, recovers in a way that astounds the world. This miraculous healing draws many to pledge allegiance and worship both the dragon, for granting its authority, and the beast. A collective gasp spreads, with people uttering, "Who can compare to the beast? Who can stand against it?"

Blasphemous Proclamations: For forty-two months, the beast vocalizes proud and blasphemous words against the divine. Its audacious remarks target God, His name, His abode, and all celestial beings.

Dominance and Conflict: The beast's reign extends over every tribe, people, language, and nation. It initiates a fierce conflict against the holy, overpowering them. All on earth, save for those inscribed in the Lamb's book of life since the world's inception, fall to their knees in worship of the beast.

The Second Beast, the False Prophet: Another entity emerges from the earth's terrain. Its external demeanor mirrors that of a gentle lamb, bearing two horns, yet its voice rings with the authority and tone of the dragon. This being acts in harmony with the desires of the first beast. It orchestrates ceremonies, convincing the masses to elevate and worship the image of the dominant beast. This image isn't just a mere statue; it's alive, it speaks, and it delivers a stern decree: all who resist its veneration will face mortal consequences.

The Mark of Allegiance: In an audacious move to consolidate control, the second beast introduces a mandate: everyone, regardless of their social or economic standing, must bear a distinct mark on their right hand or forehead. Without this mark, the simple facets of lifeā€”buying food, trading goods, earning a wageā€”become impossible. This isn't just any mark; it carries the numerical essence of the beast: 666.

The Second Coming of Christ

Celestial Appearance: The sky cracks open, revealing a brilliant figure astride a white horse, the universal symbol of victory. This isn't just any rider; His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns. His name is "The Word of God," and He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood.

Heavenly Armies: Following Him, the heavens release an army, each member clothed in fine, white, pure linen, also riding white horses. They carry no weapons; their presence alone embodies the might of righteousness and divine justice.

Decisive Confrontation: The beast, the global leader who once commanded the world's attention, together with the kings of the earth and their armies, gathers to make a stand. But they aren't just up against a man. They face the one called "Faithful and True," whose words cut sharper than any double-edged sword. In a climax of cosmic proportions, the beast and the false prophet are thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. With no trial. Their reign of deception is terminated.

The Millennial Reign: Christ, the Redeemer, establishes His throne on earth, marking the beginning of a thousand years of unparalleled peace and righteousness. The scars of past conflicts fade, replaced by the harmonious cadence of unity. Those who bore the brunt of persecution, who laid down their lives for their faith, rise again. They are honored with the privilege of reigning alongside Christ. Gone are the days of deceit, oppression, and corruption. Governance is marked by fairness, with justice flowing like a mighty river. The air is devoid of the cries of the oppressed; instead, songs of joy and gratitude reverberate from every corner. Nature exhales, landscapes rejuvenate, as deserts burst into bloom and barren lands yield bountiful harvests. The animal kingdom, once marked by predation and fear, now showcases a serene coexistence. The lion grazes alongside the lamb, while children play near once-dangerous creatures without a hint of trepidation.

Final Revolt and Defeat of Satan: After the thousand years, Satan is released and deceives the nations one last time, gathering them for battle. They surround the camp of God's people, but fire comes down from heaven and devours them. Satan is then thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, joining the beast and the false prophet.

The Final Judgment

Resurrection of the Ages: As the millennial peace concludes, a monumental event unfolds: a resurrection unlike any before. Multitudes rise, representing every generation that has ever walked the earth. Both the righteous and the wicked, everyone awaits their final fate.

The Grand Courtroom: Above all stands the Great White Throne, so resplendent and fearsome that the very earth and skies flee from its presence. Seated upon it is the Divine Judge, whose gaze penetrates the depths of every soul. Books are opened, containing records meticulous and unerringā€”every deed, every word, every thought ever conceived.

The Decisive Criterion: Among these records, a paramount book is presented: the Book of Life. It contains the names of those who lived in alignment with the Divine, those who embraced love, truth, and righteousness. To be inscribed in this tome is to be recognized as a child of the cosmos, worthy of eternal communion. Those whose names echo from the pages of the Book of Life are ushered into an eternity of joy, peace, and loveā€”an existence where sorrow, pain, and death are archaic concepts, never to be revisited.

But those absent from this Book are cast into the lake of fire. They are joined by all those who chose the path of darkness, defiance, and denial. The lake burns with sulfur, a final destination where deceit and wickedness are forever confined.

The New Heaven and New Earth

A Cosmic Renewal: The very fabric of reality shudders and transforms. The old heavens and earth, bearing centuries of scars and memories, fade away, making way for a pristine heaven and earth, untarnished and perfect.

The Heavenly City Descends: From the shimmering skies, a city of unparalleled splendor descends, its brilliance rivaling the most radiant of jewels. The New Jerusalem, vast and glorious, serves as the nexus between the Divine and humanity, its gates ever open, welcoming all who approach. At the city's heart flows the crystal-clear River of Life, its waters pure and invigorating. Flanking its banks stands the Tree of Life, its branches heavy with fruit and leaves possessing the power to heal nations.

The Divine Dwelling: The greatest marvel of this renewed existence is the palpable presence of the Divine. God Himself chooses to reside among His people. The chasm, which once separated the Creator from His creation, is bridged forever. Night, with its accompanying darkness, is a relic of the past. The radiant glory of God illuminates every corner, rendering sun and moon redundant. The inhabitants live in perpetual day, basking in the warmth and light of the Divine.

The New Heaven and New Earth herald the ultimate realization of God's grand design ā€” a universe where love, harmony, and beauty reign supreme, and where the promise of "Behold, I make all things new" finds its resounding fulfillment.

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yup. what agenda ya want to push kind stranger? depending on the agedalevel I charge two to five rubels per shilling. I also offer the exclusive pushpackagesubscriptionbox, 200 shillings per hour with a 5ā€° discount!

Another article:

Could it really be, that US government related elements were directly or indirectly involved in financing this?

Some of the arrested suspects said that they were promised money

The new atlas raises this possibility in a somewhat plausible way. (video, also talks about Myanmar)