6 Post – 271 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Just jail the fat, mouthy fuck and let him talk to the walls.

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There’s enough content for me here, and metric FUCKTONS less toxicity; so there’s jackshit Spez could offer, to get me back.

BTW, I detest the repost bots linking directly back to that cesspool. At least provide archive links, just to fuck with Spez’s engagement numbers.

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Buy the box set, rip it to .mkv, drop in Plex, rinse and repeat.

Oh, wait, this isn’t c/piracy?

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Four students and Satan, facing down the ISD. You GO guys!

Wait. Is that Ajit Pai on the right?

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In his blog post, Tan defended the subscription-only licensing model, calling it "the industry standard."

“Industry standard” my ass.

If Adobe hadn’t started the trend by lusting after Blizzard’s subscription model and ultimately emulating it, we’d all be a lot better off.

Not to mention our wallets being eternally thankful.

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Still, a third of the country wants him back in the oval; proving once again, the power of propaganda.

Looking at you, Fox.

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Fuck you bud, our unit was more productive remote and we had the metrics to prove it.

Unfortunately, data doesn’t trump tiny minds who need to manage people in person, or obviate the type of bullshit rumors billionaires and those invested in commercial real estate tend to peddle.

End life time appointments, now. Pack the court, now. Pray some of those fuckers keel over, quick.

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Another pandering to the base waste of time and taxpayer money.

Yet they keep getting elected.

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The party of “We-Can’t-Get-What-We-Want-So-We’ll-Change-The -Rules!” at work.

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Uhhh, once the door closes, HOW DO YOU KNOW IF A TRANS PERSON IS IN THERE?

Wouldn’t surprise me if they tried sending people with mirrors on sticks into johns, to save the children of course.

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This explains the issue succinctly:

Discarded TV film was secretly salvaged from bins and skips by staff and contractors who worked at the BBC between 1967 and 1978, when the corporation had a policy of throwing out old reels.

Of course, now today’s suits just see £££ signs.

Oy! Watch it! You’ll give cunts everywhere a bad name.

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How is this an improvement for the user?

Wrong question. You should be asking, how is this an improvement for owners and shareholders? There’s money to be made somehow, right?

All this robustness, yet the buying power of my $$ is less than it was in January, prices continue to spiral and there’s seemingly no end in sight. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Fucking billionaires should be taxed out of existence.

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In a rambling interview with Newsmax…

^ That’s all ya need to know.

Rudy has been assimilated by the mother of all reality distortion fields and having pandered once seems incapable now of stopping.

Way to telegraph your pussydom, Ted.

When they say, “It’s for the children”, you can rest assured, it’s not.

Pharma freakout incoming.

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The support those children will receive postpartum, will be just, warm hearted and generous, right?

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…researchers from NTU were working on Masterkey, an automated method of using the power of one LLM to jailbreak another.

Or: welcome to where AI becomes an arms race.

Oh fuck you, just pay the woman you despicable dick.

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What about the rest of us, who manage to scrape by on 60K or less after y’all have already taxed away a third of it? Where’s our relief you whiny shit? 💩

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He’s also stiffed multitudes of his previous service providers and contractors, IIRC.

Free speech my ass.

Yep, moms dying due to childbirth, is just God’s plan.

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^ This. R&D in PharmaWorld means mergers and acquisitions; the real moneymakers they scrape from public research, tweak and then charge for.

Having been victim to one Diaspora, you’d think they’d be loathe to inflict another on someone else.

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Yet another reason that odious orange toad should be denied a second term.

Nancy Mace, Newsmax, why are you giving them the oxygen of attention? Neither are credible from the start.

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Judge Terry Doughty, who was appointed by Trump, barred officials from…

Partisan courts? Perish the thought.

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I got the teaser IPO email, join the lottery BS and dutifully gave it all the concern and consideration that SPAM deserves

Also an obvious indicator of the need for something comparable to the GDPR to keep this shit manageable going forward.

Whenever someone says, “It’s for the kids”, it’s usually about controlling others.

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Once advertising got involved, it was all downhill from there.

Highly recommend dry herb vaping over combustion, made a diff for me.

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Parasites and control freaks endorse “child safety “ bill, what could possibly go wrong?

There’s nothing wrong with periods of static or negative economic activity.

In the natural world the only thing I know of that’s always growing, is cancer.

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