Speaker Johnson says he believes he has the votes for a Biden impeachment inquiry

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 181 points –
Speaker Johnson says he believes he has the votes for a Biden impeachment inquiry | CNN Politics

House Speaker Mike Johnson said Saturday he believes Republicans have the votes to launch a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

“I believe we will,” Johnson told Fox News of a GOP-led impeachment inquiry. “I suspect no Democrats will assist in this effort, but they should.”

Johnson added Republicans “have a duty to do this” and “we cannot stop the process.”

Republican leadership and key GOP committee chairs on Friday made the case for why they believe an inquiry vote is necessary, arguing it would strengthen their legal standing in court and accusing the White House of “stonewalling” their probe into the president and his son’s foreign business dealings – a claim the White House has forcefully rebutted.

Johnson, appearing alongside House GOP conference chair Elise Stefanik, claimed the inquiry wouldn’t be used as a partisan political tool.


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Another pandering to the base waste of time and taxpayer money.

Yet they keep getting elected.

The problem with morons is they enjoy being pandered to. When a large portion of the voting electorate possesses less critical thinking skills than the average elementary school child, you can see how pandering to what they perceive to be their "in-group" is THE MOST effective strategy. Until education, gerrymandering, and the problems with the electoral college are addressed in this country we will always be in a perpetual position of potential minority rule by the stupid, lowest common denominator of the voting public.

I really believe you should at least have to take a pop quiz on your party's current platform before you're allowed to vote.

Why--To force the Republican party to have a platform? Lol

Mmm…maybe to highlight a plank?

Like when TX added the shitcanning of teaching critical thinking, because it might abrogate parental authority (no shit).