Speaker Johnson says he believes he has the votes for a Biden impeachment inquiry

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Speaker Johnson says he believes he has the votes for a Biden impeachment inquiry | CNN Politics

House Speaker Mike Johnson said Saturday he believes Republicans have the votes to launch a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

“I believe we will,” Johnson told Fox News of a GOP-led impeachment inquiry. “I suspect no Democrats will assist in this effort, but they should.”

Johnson added Republicans “have a duty to do this” and “we cannot stop the process.”

Republican leadership and key GOP committee chairs on Friday made the case for why they believe an inquiry vote is necessary, arguing it would strengthen their legal standing in court and accusing the White House of “stonewalling” their probe into the president and his son’s foreign business dealings – a claim the White House has forcefully rebutted.

Johnson, appearing alongside House GOP conference chair Elise Stefanik, claimed the inquiry wouldn’t be used as a partisan political tool.


He may or may not have the votes, but he certainly doesn't have the evidence. However, that no longer seems relevant for Republicans.

They believe in the rule of law, just like they believe in Jesus. More of a mascot than a coach.

They see impeachment count as a political issue ever since Trump was rightfully impeached twice. Now they can't be the only party with a president impeached so many times.

2 more...

Another pandering to the base waste of time and taxpayer money.

Yet they keep getting elected.

The problem with morons is they enjoy being pandered to. When a large portion of the voting electorate possesses less critical thinking skills than the average elementary school child, you can see how pandering to what they perceive to be their "in-group" is THE MOST effective strategy. Until education, gerrymandering, and the problems with the electoral college are addressed in this country we will always be in a perpetual position of potential minority rule by the stupid, lowest common denominator of the voting public.

I really believe you should at least have to take a pop quiz on your party's current platform before you're allowed to vote.

Why--To force the Republican party to have a platform? Lol

Mmm…maybe to highlight a plank?

Like when TX added the shitcanning of teaching critical thinking, because it might abrogate parental authority (no shit).

My tax dollars being used for an investigation that has turned up ZERO evidence in the 3 years it's been active is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT then my tax dollars being used to fund teachers doctors first responders roads infrastructure lead pipes . . .

I don't think you should continue your funding of lead pipes.

I generally agree, although this is exactly what commenters on conservative subs were saying 3 years ago. Well, they were complaining about immigration and stuff and not teachers and doctors, but still.

Democrats didn’t wait three years to provide evidence in the Trunp impeachment. The Ukraine call thing took less than four months to provide evidence.

Yes, however in this case, actual objective reality seems to support the idea that there is no evidence for a Biden impeachment instead of the made up alternate reality those conservatives were living in.

I see they still dont have a single accusation for Joe. Hunter is not an elected official.

Every day we see another mass shooting in the US, and this is what these idiots are working on.

I'm not American, but have had a great interest in Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History podcast and his dive into America's past and current issues with gun violence. In the last episode I listened to, he interviewed several trauma surgeons, and they said they would likely not see a dent in gunshot victims arriving to trauma centres if mass shootings were to end tomorrow.

That, and the gun violence epidemic has been masked by improvements to trauma care. Essentially, gunshot wound treatment has improved so much that the reduction in murder rate can be significantly attributed to that. If victims survive, the crime is classified as aggravated assault and separate stats aren't even kept by PDs for the number of people shot versus other weapons. So, there's actually very poor to no available information on the prevalence of gun violence if the people who were shot survive.

You do realize that mass shootings are categorized on how many are shot and not how many dies. Let's not also get into the fact that gun violence is still gun violence regardless of the charge. You need to find a new podcast.

Calm down. I agree with you, I'm just saying mass shootings are only a small part of the gun violence issue, and would add that it's unlikely that government intervention would do much to impact overall instances of bullet contact, as many of the firearms are already unlawfully obtained in the first place.

Good to see Republicans are working on the important things this country really need first...

“Elise and I both served on the impeachment defense team of Donald Trump twice, when the Democrats used it for brazen partisan political purposes. We decried that use of it. This is very different,” Johnson said.

Oh ffs.

To be fair, it is very different. Trump committed some actual crimes. Serious crimes.

Republicans looked the other way, and for good measure plugged their ears while screaming nonsense like a bunch of toddlers who didn't want to hear that it was time for bed.

"claimed the inquiry wouldn’t be used as a partisan political tool"

lol.. not 'used as' one.. it is one.

How has the White House been stonewalling anything? They've been staying out of it entirely, as has the DOJ seemingly. It's just that y'all conservatives have been failing at proving anything whatsoever about Hunter and have just been making yourselves look like idiots.

Because voting genuinely matters.

They tried to make it not matter but it really really matters. Dems need the voters

GOP probably: Biden is stonewalling by not resigning and relinquishing the White House to Trump.

Not this stupid shit again...

Anything they can do to diminish the integrity of the word is in their game plan.

How else could they waste their time and money?

If they were just wasting their money, I wouldn't care as much, but they're wasting our, the tax payers, money for this retaliatory impeachment bullshit.

He also believes in god… so…. His credibility isn’t great.

A formal impeachment inquiry vote on the floor will allow us to take it to the next necessary step, and I think it’s something we have to do at this juncture.”

While comforting that the republicans feel another fishing expedition would yield result, this is was what was promised last time.

That there would be undeniable proof Biden was corrupt.

And it yielded nothing. They had full access to his bank records/ taxes and couldn't find anything?!

Either I have to assume that Sleepy Biden can hide his secrets better then the whole republican party, or I have to assume that the republican party isn't competent enough to find the evidence.

I thought they've had an impeachment inquiry underway for over a month now, or is that the Senate?

The Senate does not have the power to impeach, and it's controlled by Democrats, so it wouldn't be there. There was something in the works under McCarthy, but can't remember how far it went.

They admitted it was made up as a distraction if I remember correctly.

" Bacon added. “But high crimes and misdemeanors? I don’t think we’ve seen that or enough data to really make a good case and I feel like [Johnson] really agreed with us on that.”

They are just going to keep saying shit because it gives the republican voters something to be angry about and keep the rift.

I've said it before and now again, I will not vote for Hunter Biden for president. The Regressicans need something to do to maybe help someone in this country instead of smiting heathens.

Yet another Benghazi sequel, to establish false equivalency in the minds of low-information voters.

I guess they are kind of comparable. I would argue most people could care less about Hunter Biden though. But I'm sure neolibs will blame it on that instead of Biden actually being unpopular though.

I don't think the average person cared much about the Libyan embassy either. It was just another talking point for the ignorant.

The Embassy no, but dead Americans... Yes...

Far more than Hunter Biden cocaine fueled antics.

Lmao, you people care so much about your neighbours that you aren't even able to ask your Congress to pass sensible laws regulating the distribution of firearms among the civilian population.

As an older meme used to say "bitch, please"

"You people" lmao.

Would you have preferred my favourite term "you mogrel gun-loving crackheads"? Because I can totally use it if you like

Poor guy lost one of his own yesterday and now he desperately needs some payback pandering.

This is so annoying. Like what are you gonna do it for? Biden being old? Having grey hair?

Using a straw. Did you see how he had to purse his lips around it?!

Has the votes, too bad he doesn't have the high crimes and misdemeanors.

Same dude who voted against expelling Santos and fucked up his own intended funding delays. His track record is pristine so far.

He might have the votes, but is completely out of evidence...

This is the best summary I could come up with:

House Speaker Mike Johnson said Saturday he believes Republicans have the votes to launch a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

Republican leadership and key GOP committee chairs on Friday made the case for why they believe an inquiry vote is necessary, arguing it would strengthen their legal standing in court and accusing the White House of “stonewalling” their probe into the president and his son’s foreign business dealings – a claim the White House has forcefully rebutted.

Johnson, appearing alongside House GOP conference chair Elise Stefanik, claimed the inquiry wouldn’t be used as a partisan political tool.

“Elise and I both served on the impeachment defense team of Donald Trump twice, when the Democrats used it for brazen partisan political purposes.

“Now we’re being stalled by the White House because they’re preventing at least two to three DOJ witnesses from coming forward” and withholding evidence from the National Archives, he continued.

A spokesman for the White House counsel’s office, Ian Sams, told CNN in a statement Saturday, “This is a baseless, politically-motivated attempt to smear President Biden with lies, and it reflects how this chaotic House GOP is focused on the wrong priorities, when they should be working on real issues Americans actually care about like the President is.”

The original article contains 479 words, the summary contains 208 words. Saved 57%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!