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Joined 1 years ago

A 30% increase in performance just might get gamers to switch over to the new operating system.

Hell that is the difference between a better graphics card for some people. It's like getting a free overclock, just for going outside your comfort zone.

27 more...

“Someone else offered much more, so what? Now they come up with something called ‘disgorgement.’ I never even heard of the term. WITCH HUNT!!! ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!” Trump wrote.

Disgorgement is a remedy requiring a party who profits from illegal or wrongful acts to give up any profits they made as a result of that illegal or wrongful conduct. The purpose of this remedy is to prevent unjust enrichment and make illegal conduct unprofitable.

Congratulations, both me, you, and Donald Trump learned something new today.

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Those that make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable. - John F Kennedy 1962

I do hope no violence happens in Texas, I really do.

Though anyone who has picked up a history book knows how this ends. And usually forced to sit as a bystander as it happens.

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“Seeing what happened in Colorado makes me think—except we believe in democracy in Texas—maybe we should take Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas for allowing eight million people to cross the border since he’s been president disrupting our state,” Patrick said.

Texas and Florida have been bussing people out of states. They already have a solution in place for this called "Dump your troubles onto someone else."

The last time they actually put this into practice, Florida's construction, agriculture, real estate, and education labor force all dropped. DeSantis had to repeal his own law and give raises just to get migrant workers back.

The problem isn't that migrants are crossing the boarder, the problem is that the republican solution is outdated. We need a more managed and modern way of controlling immigration.

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Flight tracking sites confirmed that flight AM672 to Guatemala City was delayed for 4 hours and 56 minutes Thursday.

The flight to Mexico city from Guatemala city, is a 3 hour trip. Those people had been waiting for nearly 5 hours just to take off.

because of a maintenance alert on the plane, the captain had to return to the gate for the required maintenance.”

Inconceivable that a safety check was requested after the people were on board and the money-for-services was exchanged.

A video apparently recorded aboard the flight showed passengers fanning themselves and asking a flight attendant for water.

Yea no, I thought we all agreed this was stupid penny pinching tactics.

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Mathew 25: 36 - 40

I was a stranger, and ye took me in: 36naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. 37Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? 38When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? 39Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? 40And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Why does our country embody NONE of these ideals? Why do modern day Christians embody NONE of these ideals? How can we call ourselves a nation under god when we bomb innocent civilians, starve children for profit, imprison a population disproportionately then use them as slave labor, and shoot at immigrants for merely crossing an imaginary line.

What GOD would want us?

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These "Moronic articles" places him into the spotlight.

There is very few things that can be considered an "Annoyance" to rich folk, being in that spotlight is one of them.

People like Clarence Thomas want to go on vacation and not worry about being recognized in public.

Being in the spotlight means they have to hire more security, it means background checks, it means more people in your private life, it means always looking over your shoulder because the "media" is everyone with a smart phone nowadays.

So while I would love to see less topics on Clarence Thomas that doesn't involve a jail cell. The attention on his shadiness, is the 2nd best for now.

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Spends months talking about how trump is incompetent, then endorses trump

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No satire? Guess anything on the internet is out of the question then.

Engaging or providing subjective negative reviews

What do they think a review is?! If they wanted an advertisement, buy an ad spot on Google ya cheap bastards.

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“I’ve often thought ‘I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20 because it was worth more than my initial $70 and they didn’t try to nickel and dime me every second,’”

You know what, I could agree with that opinion if the irony wasn't lost to folks

No. One. Would tip for a blizzard game.

  1. Blizzard DOES nickel and dime you at every second. Literally.

  2. Blizzard has not produced a good game since Overwatch 2.

  3. Blizzard made 8.71 Billion in 2023. They can afford to pay their developers without relying on public donations.

21 more...

Blitzer pressed Hecht on the logic involved in Israel’s decision to target the refugee camp.

“This is the tragedy of war, Wolf. We as you know, we’ve been saying for days, move south. Civilians who are not involved with Hamas, please move south.”

They have been bombing the southern humanitarian corridor too. So I am not sure what he is saying.

Also, the thing about battlefields is that eventually the north becomes the south. At least if you are winning.

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According to two sources familiar with the matter and another person briefed on Team Trump’s legal strategies, the former president and his lawyers are intentionally trying to provoke the judge into a nuclear-level overreaction.

This? Is the plan?

That's like saying you're going to kill a dragon by hopping into its mouth.

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Looks at the entirety of the internet

Oh no.

3 more...

There was no way that coin was going to sustain itself like Spez claimed it would.

People weren't going to buy crypto coins, just to give content creators medals. And the idea that medals would give more power to these people, except not really and only in polls.

This was such a jigsaw puzzle of shit, before you realized that each community was supposed to make their own coin that could only be used in that community.

At that point, it is a coin trying to be as complex as possible, without really doing anything that you paid money for.

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Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) said Sunday that the United States needs to accept that Ukraine will likely need to “cede some territory” to Russia to end the fighting.

The problem is that if you reward Putin for his efforts, you only empower him and dictators like China and Iran. China will go after Taiwan, and Iran will go after Syria.

Because after all, they don't have to beat the US military, or even war exhaustion from the people. He just has to outlast the greed of the American Senators.

Which compared to the 800 billion we spend on the military, or the $300,000 you can bribe a senator. It would seem that Russia has chosen the more economic approach.

The block feature is not there out of the goodness of their CEO's heart.

It is there to limit liability from harassment. After all, why police harassment laws at your expense. When you can get the end user to enforce it for you.

It's just Dumb evil.

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What is their obsession with this dude?

According to the Fox report, House Ways and Means Committee chair Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) says Biden "mischaracterized" his role working for his own firm, Rosemont Seneca. Biden said that he didn't "control" the bank accounts for the company and they were not "affiliated with him."

Really? ? Wake me up when republican's find evidence. Otherwise, this is just the same circus with the same clowns.

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… If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not, in fact, making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?” he said.


He believes child marriage should be an option, so abortion isn't an option. I would expect this from 4chan, not a government official.

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Stay safe everyone, the government clearly doesn't like this message because it is counter to their objectives in the region.

I like what I see. Everything looks like a set of conditions I can support. I am not sure about the gore part, but I can understand why people wouldn't want that can of worms.

4.1: No one under 16 years of age is allowed to use or access the website.

Someone's going to need a stretcher for the roblox mods.

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We have now locked out members of the bargaining unit and fully implemented our contingency plan with highly qualified firefighters performing the work of (union) members.”

Strange, that sounds a lot like Union Busting.

I know the company that has plane parts falling out of the sky and engineers "Dying randomly" wouldn't try anything funny during this time.... RIGHT BOEING!?

I have just learned that the very Biased, Trump Hating Judge in D.C., (blah blah blah....), ME, has reimposed a GAG ORDER which will put me at a disadvantage against my prosecutorial and political opponents,” Trump wrote at 12:28 a.m.,

Want to know what's the first thing you should not do when getting a gag order? Eliminate plausible deniability that you saw said gag order and then violate it.

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I sure do care about Ukrainians right now, and we do need to get that funding back on track.


That's a pretty big slap in the face for anyone hoping for student debt relief, universal healthcare, or parental leave. And told constantly it would bankrupt us. Suddenly we find 100 billion in between the couch cushions when there is even a wiff of war.

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Strange .. I don't remember storming a capital building trying to subvert our democratic process....

All I suggested is that not everyone in Gaza is Hamas. That 6 year old girls are way to young to understand what a Nazi even is.

And that Israel's tactics for a hostage situation is deplorable. Considering they used more Bombs in a week then the USA dropped in Afghanistan in a year.

Prosecutors said Taylor, a Vietnam native, approached numerous voters of Vietnamese heritage with limited English comprehension and filled out and signed election forms and ballots on behalf of them and their English-speaking children.

Keep in mind he still lost his election.

While it’s incredibly rare for fraud to affect more than a handful of votes, the frequency with which Republicans do it isn’t a coincidence. It’s a direct result of a party that is undermining democracy at every turn and—importantly—telling its voters that the other side is going to cheat anyway.

It's more of the "I am able to cheat, so everyone must be cheating" Logic that gets people into trouble. Then they realize that they are the only ones cheating

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Even though I am a stanch proponent of eliminating CEOs as a ruling class.

If you cheer on the killer before getting the whole picture, then you and me ain't friends.

The Suspect pleaded guilty to a first-degree sex offense charge in 2015, and was sentenced to 30 years in prison with all but 14 years suspended. Denied parole, he was released in October 2022 on good-time credits, according to parole commission Chairman David R. Blumberg. According to court records, The Suspect previously pleaded guilty to first-degree assault in December 2009 and second-degree assault in June 2011

he was released on Oct. 5, 2022 and is listed as “non-compliant,” though it was unclear why.

“This individual will kill and he will rape,”

Only reason this is getting attention is because the person killed was a CEO. Though, this is also another case of the law letting a dangerous criminal out early for good behavior, when he was clearly not being his best self.

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“If I wasn’t a Libertarian before, I sure as hell am a Libertarian now.”

If Libertarian-ism was 180 degrees and a mile in the opposite direction. Dictators notoriously go after the liberals and libertarians first.

I wouldn't use the government to jail people, I just wouldn't do that

No. You'd send in the national guard to shoot them for merely expressing their discontent.

Maybe you don't want to win. Keep getting your 3% every 4 years.

Win what? With Trump?

  • Loss of abortion access?
  • Loss of child tax credits?
  • Loss of freedom of expression?
  • Loss of library books?
  • Loss of civil liberties?
  • Loss of climate action?
  • Loss of accountability to rapist and fraudsters?

If Trump is the win for the libertarian party, then I would prefer to lose.

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To the question: Do you have any evidence of wrongdoing by the president of the United states.

All 4 republican witnesses all said, they don't have evidence of wrongdoing.

If this was a real court case, with average individuals, the case would have been thrown out.

This is happening at a time when Russian armor and infantry are being stalled at the north, south, and eastern fronts.

This is also happening at a time when American munitions are about to be loaded into Ukraine. (June-July.)

This is also happening as Ukraine is asking the US if they can use these Munitions inside Russia.

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The approximately 40-page document, which the Israeli authorities code-named “Jericho Wall,” outlined, point by point, exactly the kind of devastating invasion that led to the deaths of about 1,200 people.

Then, in July, just three months before the attacks, a veteran analyst with Unit 8200, Israel’s signals intelligence agency, warned that Hamas had conducted an intense, daylong training exercise that appeared similar to what was outlined in the blueprint.

“I utterly refute that the scenario is imaginary,” the analyst wrote in the email exchanges. The Hamas training exercise, she said, fully matched “the content of Jericho Wall.”

So they did know. They even knew the plan of attack and still did nothing.

At best case, the officials in intelligence that made that call should be fired for incompetence. At worst case, for letting it happen.

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Several of these rape victims appear to have been later executed. Others were taken to Gaza. In photographs released online, you can see several paraded through the city’s streets, blood gushing from between their legs.

I thought I had seen the worst of what humanity has to offer.

This war will have no winners, only losers.

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"I bet your target is missing a pride section," is going to be a low-key burn to some folks.

I bet $100 to donuts that conservatives will still drive out of town to other targets to make it a big deal anyway.

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Hey.... Hey boss. I got an offer for ya. How would you like a crypto that you cannot take off of reddit! Only exists on Reddit. And gives you "exposure."

1 more...

The jury haven't even made a ruling yet.... All they've done is listen.....

"You are going into a kangaroo court. There's nothing more. Nothing less. There'd be absolutely no reason, no justification to do that whatsoever." - Donald Trump Jr.

Not even an excuse? , if the jury only has one side of the story that is what they are going with.

If you aren't even going to put your fists up and spend all your time arguing with the referee, you can't complain when you get KO'ed

32 seems like an awfully small number of texts.

Admittedly it does depend on what key words they are looking for.

But this is the kind of stuff McElon could go to prison for. So one would hope he complied.

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That is some seriously bad situational awareness combined with some terribly bad luck for those thieves.

One of the agents opened fire, but no one was struck by the gunfire, the Secret Service said in a statement. The three people were seen fleeing in a red car

Then there is the fortune that they were allowed to flee the scene.... unharmed....

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I also have no sympathy for him getting targeted for this, when all he had to do, after one of these attacks, is denounce the white supremacy that has taken root in Florida.

Just one little press speech: "I do not condone white supremacy in my state and they will find no safe harbor here."

Instead, he hired a white supremacist for a campaign assistant, knowing his ties, gets a video posted with the "Black sun", still does not call out white supremacy.

He reaps what he sows.

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“We have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open,” the US vice-president said. “Sometimes they won’t, and then you need to kick that fucking door down.”

Whelp it's decided, I am going to kick down a bank vault door. Because Harris said fucking.


Ogolobyak is said to have counted out the stabs aloud until he got to 666.

I thought that part might be a bit over dramatized, but nope, he did it.

"He served in the Storm Z unit for six months... He is disabled after being wounded. He can walk, but the wound was a serious one. He isn’t working yet, he’s recovering. He’s not likely to be drafted back into the special military operation

Keep in mind that Russia is redrafting people with only 80% blindness, so if the Russian army didn't want him after this disability, it either is a very serious disability, or he is lying.

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(he) commercial sex overtures by gradually sexualizing conversations and conduct with them. At the same time, the victims were developing serious opiate addictions, using pain medication and, later, heroin. (the priest) waited to propose commercial sex until he knew the victims were so heavily involved in drug abuse that it was impacting their daily lives, physical and mental well-being and ability to maintain a stable school or work life.

This guy needs to be sent to hell with the force of a super nova.

This is also your monthly christian reminder:
Priests: 15+
Drag queens: 0