Greg Abbott declares open season on protesters in Texas to politics – 342 points –
Greg Abbott declares open season on protesters in Texas

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Those that make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable. - John F Kennedy 1962

I do hope no violence happens in Texas, I really do.

Though anyone who has picked up a history book knows how this ends. And usually forced to sit as a bystander as it happens.

Yeah the problem is that the other side says the exact thing, with the difference that they aren't oppressed, they simply lost the "right" to oppress others

The violence already happened.

You are delusional if you think more will never come.

I didn't say that.

Well you used the past-tense "happened"...

My comment should not be read as "the violence has already begun and ended, and no more will occur" but rather more like "we are past the point at which violence has begun". I was implying that violence is not inevitable, it's already here.

No offense, but then "happening" would have been more appropriate. The other commenter is correct about "happened" being past tense as in... it's over. Or you could have used "has happened" which leaves a bit of room for future violence. But this is pedantry at it's best - you're intent having been acknowledged. :)

From the police, yes.

Worse: From a random citizen that was tried in a court of law and found guilty. The governor used his powers to claim absolution (or worser still: justification).

In this context your comment means the violent from protestors/revolutionaries has already happened. That's why everyone's confused and asking for clarification