Trump Melts Down as Idiot Sons Are Set to Take the Stand to politics – 578 points –
Trump Melts Down as Idiot Sons Are Set to Take the Stand

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“Someone else offered much more, so what? Now they come up with something called ‘disgorgement.’ I never even heard of the term. WITCH HUNT!!! ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!” Trump wrote.

Disgorgement is a remedy requiring a party who profits from illegal or wrongful acts to give up any profits they made as a result of that illegal or wrongful conduct. The purpose of this remedy is to prevent unjust enrichment and make illegal conduct unprofitable.

Congratulations, both me, you, and Donald Trump learned something new today.

late 15th century: from Old French desgorger, from des- (expressing removal) + gorge ‘throat’.

He's smart enough to realize his own ignorance is probably shared by most of his cultists, so playing using his own ignorance to attack the the government is going to work perfectly every time. Basically, it's hard to sound like a fool if you're speaking to a bunch of fools.

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