
1 Post – 55 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

3D sculptor for all things Blood Bowl and more.




I mean of course they won't stop at Kyiv. They can't reach it.

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Should be noted that Hurensohn in German is a lot harsher than son of a bitch in English

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"We just need to accept that the Sovjet Union will cede some territory to Nazi Germany, the Wehrmacht just can't be overpowered."

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I highly doubt Trump learned something from this

Hate to say it, but Wintergatan and his Marblemachine X. In the earlier days his videos were an exciting mix of mad genius, cool music improv and crafting. Then he became obsessed with making the machine play tight, precise music to a level that is beyond what anybody in an audience would be able to hear, and it became obvious that the machine would never get finished because he was stuck in an improvement loop.

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Now hear me out: Arrested Development, Trump version. Think about it. A family of horrible, dumb people dragging each other down. The family father getting caught doing illegal stuff and running the dumbest defense ever. The idiot lawyer holding a press conference on a shitty parking lot next to a porn shop because noone bothered to check if it was the right Four Seasons (still the funniest thing to happen in the last 2,000 years). I can totally see Eric Trump saying "Illusion, Ivanka. Magic is something a whore does for money."

The only thing missing is someone decent enough to play Michael (which is saying something, because even Michael was a horrible person).

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Jesus Christ it's so fucked up that we can watch stuff like this almost live

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These sticks look super uncomfortable to use though

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"I think it's very easy to convince people they are wrong."

"Actually, here's all these studies that prove that the opposite is-"

"Well I don't believe that."

It does. But while in English you could easily say something like "you son of a bitch, you did it" to a friend, you wouldn't do the same with Hurensohn in German as this would offend most people.

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Because he wouldn't admit that he's wearing heightened shoes

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Also pushed Sweden and Finland into NATO, so I dunno about that

These bullshit "If you're not for Israel, you have to be for Hamas" takes really have to stop

Rudy Giuliani holding a press conference on a parking lot right next to a porn shop because someone didn't check which 4 Seasons it was is definitely Arrested Development level of funny :D

It's almost as if the american politics system is a fucking shitshow

No loyalty among rats, eh?

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You're insulting oatmeal

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If an outlet asks a question like that, you can always answer it with No

You also turn off the lights and shut the curtains, lest you see something!

I wonder if this war will bring out a new term, something like droneshock in the same way that WW1 brought us shellshock. Must be fucking terrifying, knowing that at any given moment there might be a drone stalking you that you can't see, hear or outrun.

It doesn't matter that he doesn't know where it is, because neither do his followers

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You wouldn't download a person.

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That's like saying playing video games for 10 hours every day isn't a sign of addiction because it devalues the gaming hobby.

Social Media addiction is a real thing. Every single popular social media app is designed to draw people in and keep them using it. The "drag down to refresh" is literally copied from slot machines.

I didn't know about Conservapedia, but I'm not surprised something like this exists. Alternative facts and all...

Comments like yours wouldn't fly on any properly moderated community

That last one. Holy crap.

I wonder whether we're just being shown the lucky hits, or whether drone pilots have become really good at aiming. Can't imagine it's easy to hit something from that far above. And then there's those videos where they hit running or driving targets...

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They weren't complaining, just giving you an example of how a central European country still isn't "cleaned up" even after all these years. That country being Germany has nothing to do with their point.

Grayjay has completely replaced NewPipe for me because it automatically updates my subscriptions

WW1 soldiers had shellshock, whoever survives this war will never be able to hear drones without flinching

Remember the pics from last winter of russian soldiers that froze to death while being chained to a pole so that they don't abandon their post? I bet this is similar. Lay down here in the snow and hold position, or else.

Niagara Launcher for me. Love the minimalistic approach!

I know, just amusing to see how they all turn on each other

Are you having a stroke, mate?

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Oh, it's 100 percent demoralising! But thats, unfortunately, what it boils down to, isn't it? Having to choose the lesser of two evils instead of being allowed to vote with your heart (even if that means not voting at all). It's entirely unfair. Young people aren't responsible for this mess, and now so much depends on them. They deserve so much better, but are stuck with a party that is united behind a lunatic with the vocabulary of a 5 year old, or a party that is excellent at putting forth candidates that make that lunatic look just reasonable enough. If this was any other country I'd merely sympathise and sleep peacefully knowing that Trump is old and unhealthy, and that his time will come. But it's the US that we're talking about, and so much depends on the election. You not only have the US looking at young voters, but the entire world. It's a horrible situation.

Oh no

I don't know if you're wrong because even after reading your stuff 4 times I still don't know what the heck you're talking about or what your point is

Yeah, pretty much this. Would have been best had he never bothered with 3d printed and manufactured parts as they allow a level of control (or illusion thereof) that would have never been possible with wood. Who cares if you're losing a couple of marbles during a show (no pun intended), or if the snare drum isn't tight to the thousandth of a second?

Not Commander Keen, it was a lot grittier (if you can call games from that time gritty). Thanks though!

Almost had me there