Ron DeSantis DROPS OUT and endorses Trump to politics – 364 points –
Ron DeSantis suspends his presidential bid and endorses Trump

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Spends months talking about how trump is incompetent, then endorses trump

To be fair, other than the subtext created by running, I don't think he's ever criticized Trump.

He hasn't. With a handful of obvious exceptions, the entire Republican leadership has spent the last four years running a clinic in cowardice, pathetic boot-licking and groveling.

I hate to make you feel old, but it's a lot more like 8 years now, almost 9.

Yeah, sigh, you're right. On the plus side, I'm in my 50s and already feel old, so no worries about that.

I'd imagine in a dark and dystopian future, the dictatorial and dysfunctional trump dynasty will simply imprison any challengers to the throne, like their daddy Putin does.

This ain't gonna happen. Trump couldn't run for two terms in a row. Do you know why? Because the majority of Americans don't want him.

In a democratic country that would indeed be the result, but he became president while the majority of American voters didn't vote for him in 2016.

So that is no guarentee at all, because the US political system is archaic and rotten to the core.

Yes, sure. But Biden won in the end, didn't he? If what you said were true (though I agree with you to an extent), Trump would be president right now. The GOP had the majority in both the Senate and the House. And there you go. The people voted and Trump lost. So the system, flaws and all, can work if the American people really want it to work.

I think Trump needed to happen to wake up the majority of Americans. We got waaaay too complacent back in 2015/2106, thinking that Clinton was a sure score.

It's an interesting and terrifying thought experiment. Hopefully we're not actually going to run it IRL.

For whatever it's worth, I don't think it would fly in a country as massive and habitually fractious as the US, but I've been wrong about a lot of things in the past --never imagined that an unlettered buffoonish corndog conman like Trump could even come within sniffing distance of the presidency for example-- so who the fuck knows?

I don't have a lot of faith in my fellow Americans. I probably never should have, but hindsight is always 20-20 or whatever.

Sick of the hypocrisy by the politicians. Hedging, walking back statements, playing down etc are all held up as skills and being 'shrewd' or 'having savvy' about the game. To the rest of us, it just reeks of having no spine, no integrity and having none of our interests at heart.

Lol, when did he do that? The time he literally said in a debate he'll vote for him?

He raised his hand during the debate when the moderators asked who on stage would vote for Trump if he was the nominee. Chris Christie mocked him for looking around first before raising his hand.