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Joined 1 years ago

The majority of American patriots will be voting for Biden.

We will not allow the traitorous child raping fascist to deface America, shred the constitution, and install a filthy magat dictatorship.

Anyone who still supports Benedict Donald is no longer an American.

It is far superior and unmeasurably more efficient.

Actually you can measure it, by the amount you save on shit tickets.

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Traitor trump snorted them all

Because magats are Russia aligned traitors

American "conservatives" are over here drooling at the possibilities.

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Good. Fuck that traitor

Wait, are you referring to the well documented, sprawling history of child sexual abuse committed by clergy and covered up by the church?

Headline should be "Criminal Traitor Hosts Money Launderers at Site of Previous Federal Crime"

Gab is an alt-right pro-fascist anti-american hate platform.

They did exactly that, just slapped their shitbrained lipstick on someone else's creation.

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Says "left-leaning" proceeds to list corporate puff pieces. 😂 You people are absolutely delusional

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Love to see it.

Fuck this group with an engorged cactus. Pieces of shit.

It's llm regurgitated garbage. Welcome to the new and worse internet.

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The corrupt supreme court capitulates to the billionaires who have bought them. Shocking

Oh look, the traitors are doxxing her and implying stochastic terrorism.

These piles of trash need to be deported. They aren't American any longer.

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Mass propaganda and some reeeeeaaaaalllly stupid people.

Because we pay taxes our entire fucking lives to still have EXTRA stolen from us for "healthcare."


Why are you people so fucking shortsighted and fucking selfish? You're enabling the Republican thieves to bleed us dry because you aspire to be as greedy as they are. Absolutely insane.

If you still support an orange man baby traitor who attempted to overthrow democracy and install a fascist dictatorship after losing an election, you sure as FUCK aren't an American anymore.

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He's a fucking traitor who enacted a plan to topple the United States government by refusing a peaceful transfer to a democratically elected President.

Thats some tin pot dictator bullshit that has NO place in America. And neither do you, if you still follow that filthy seditionist.

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You people are so fucking stupid it's insane.

There's nothing genuine about these straw cases that the enemies of democracy are pushing before this extremely corrupt supreme court.

The fact that you are cheering on the downfall of what bare consumer protection we have tells me that you are also an enemy of the people.

Oh right because this was the only thing keeping businesses from switching to zero wage robots. No companies were already planning on doing this, but now that employees get a livable wage, all bets are off.

I have zero faith in republicans realizing any facts.

We just want to make sure that they’re out. They’re at church camps. They’re at schools. They’re at 4-H. And we’ll take care of them at all of the places that they’re at, so that they’re out amongst (other people) and not feeding a welfare system with food at home,” Pillen said.

Nebraskan gov is a piece of shit too. Only wants to help the children if they get sent to indoctrination camps. Fucking trash. They're not even pretending to be human.

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Yes. Good riddance to you and every traitor like you.

Oh look, another republican traitor.

I left after over a decade. Haven't been back and won't.

Katie Johnson is the pseudonym of the woman who claims to have been raped by Donald Trump at an Epstein party in 1994 when she was 13. She has brought a lawsuit against Trump, I believe, twice, the last time in 2016. She dropped the suit both times because of threats against her life.

You should really join the majority of us in reality.

You're a sad little person. No friends, no life, just shit posting in defense of a verified traitor.

Seriously. They are insanely fucking compromised. Anti-american trash who don't deserve to live here anymore.

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We like police more than actual traitors.

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Lol Florida huh? Your governor is the perfect, textbook example of a theocratical fascist but you probably adore that Adolf and his open gay hate and nazi book burnings.

The majority of the real world doesn't want your fairy tales forced upon us.

Remember when the anti-american mob did actually smear shit on the walls of Congress during their attempt to overthrow the United States constitution?

Hopefully he committed some of his various felonies across state lines and we have a way to criminally investigate him with an actual American non-turncoat prosecutor in a blue state.

It sure does!

Lmao. You people are the most easily manipulated organisms on the planet. Your anorexic grey matter is programmed to respond to irrational and completely untrue fear mongering.

Why do you still support literal traitors?

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You're sorely mistaken if you think We The People are not AMPED to send these filthy trump traitors scurrying back to the prison cells they would be graced to inhabit alive.

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Opposing traitor trump is the furthest thing from seditious there is. It's the only thing any true patriot can do.

Most IVR systems block that option because fuck you that's why.

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