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I finally understand what ‘make America great again’ means. The America they are trying to return us to is the one where we had a king.

I’m sure trump’s funeral will get great ratings. Can someone let him know that?

Please. Of course any president could always do anything, and of course it’s always up to the prosecutor to make a case. Are you really claiming that the Supreme Court setting the precedent that presidents are exempt from criminal liability is not a change? Does the weight of that precedent not make prosecuting presidents vastly more difficult and, apparently, impossible in many important ways? Does that fact not make it much more likely that presidents will commit crimes? You may want that change, but there is no merit to the argument that this decision doesn’t change anything.

Why should anyone believe either of those processes are possible anymore, now that the president has been granted the power to coerce members of both branches through threat of force?

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Earlier today I was writing about how we are in a full blown constitutional crisis now. Then I realized that we aren’t. The crisis is over and the Supreme Court chose to abandon the constitution. The crisis was happening before this decision was made, but very few people were aware or alarmed about it. We are now in a state where I doubt there’s any legal recourse. We’ve moved on to another stage and that terrifies me.

Sotomayor’s written dissent explicitly says that this decision makes the US President a king that and can now act with impunity. This is effectively the end of the republic as described by the constitution.

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Exactly this. It’s critically important that we prevent trump and his fascist goons from getting control of this power. But that in itself doesn’t address the really big problem here. Living at the whim of a benevolent king is still living under a king. I honestly think this is it. The constitutional republic is over in every meaningful way beyond window dressing. Given the authority of the Supreme Court, I don’t see a legal fix for this. This is dark AF.

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Like, why even bother with the election at all? Biden can just not participate in it, and stay in power as long as he does it as an official act. The Supreme Court just ruled that he’s allowed to do that.

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You are confusing the United States that existed until this decision with the United States that exists after this decision. As long as it’s an official act, the president can now do whatever it wants. If the supremes court objects, the president and threaten or assassinate the justices as long as it’s an official act. The President is now effectively a king. Read Sotomayor’s dissent in this decision. She explicitly states this.

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I get it. This is how government functions according to the constitution. Please understand however, under this new interpretation there is no effective legal check on the executive doing anything at all. Yes, it’s not official for the president to do that, but there is no enforcement mechanism, and the president now has authority to coerce anyone or any institution. I know it is difficult to grasp the implications of that, but that is in fact what the Supreme Court did today.

Some in this thread think that ‘chaos’ would emerge if the party replaced Biden and that would hurt the party’s chance of defeating trump. You are correct that there would be a media frenzy, and weeks of exhaustive, drama chasing coverage. It would absolutely dominate the media narrative, and be pounded into the entire voting population’s psyche. You know what else? That would be a wonderful, wonderful thing. It would totally disarm trump’s ability to drive the media narrative for much of the rest of the election. Whatever deficit that exists of national awareness for the new candidate would be erased very quickly. That candidate would be gifted months of desperate, free, media coverage. It’s actually a great strategy. That being the case, I’m sure the DNC and the party elders will never attempt something so obviously effective since they are terrible at politics and their cowardly approaches to both campaigns and governing are ultimately the reason our democracy is in such an existential crisis to begin with.

And…the rest of us have to pay the price of his hubris. Just like we’re paying the price for Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s hubris. And Feinstein’s hubris. And Hillary’s hubris.

The Republicans are pure, self-interested evil. But, all of consequences of their awfulness is actively fueled by the Democratic Party’s unwillingness to mount a meaningful opposition.

The only silver lining to Biden’s pathetic display yesterday, is the prospect that this moment may represent the last few stammering gasps of boomer domination in the US. Thanks for the music and the computers, now get the fuck out of the way so younger people can start cleaning up the mess you made.

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Ok, sounds like the Supreme Court is just sorta all-in on institutional corruption. Got it.

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This is straight up fraud. I believe that one of the reasons companies do this is to signal business growth to prospects and investors. For public companies, that’s a form of securities fraud. I observed this firsthand when doing a job search a few years ago. I would apply to new job listings as soon as they were published. After not hearing a response I would check in to see if the listing was still active. I would frequently see the exact same listing reappear every six weeks or so. I watched this cycle repeat for more than a year with some companies. Each time the job is re-listed, the clock resets on networks like LinkedIn. It creates the illusion of fresh business activity and growth. One specific company that did this was Snowflake. To clarify, I am directly accusing Snowflake of securities fraud.

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As an American, I’m legit terrified of sustaining some kind of injury or extended illness. The society we have constructed, and that we tolerate, is an absolute abomination. Let me say it again. The United States is an absolute, top to bottom, left to right shit hole. We do not value people, life, or well being in any meaningful or equitable way. This is an economy masquerading as a society.

As an organization, they are actively and intentionally interfering with electoral politics. Their lifetime appointments were designed to remove them from that dynamic, but they have decided to bypass that principle. The structure of our federal government is designed to deal with problems like this by having the other branches check them when they step out of line like this. Unfortunately, neither of the other branches have shown any desire to take action. As a result we are currently caught in a self-reinforcing death spiral of anti-democratic corruption that will eventually undo the union unless something changes. What a time to be alive.

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It’s remarkable how quickly OpenAI has speed run into evilcorp status.

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Oprah is a bullshit artist. She has always been a bullshit artist and she got rich peddling bullshit. Her efficiency promoting pseudoscience throughout her career makes her a blight on society, forever deserving scorn for the people she helped to hurt. We are collectively dumber because of her efforts, and she gets to live her life lavished by luxury and adulation as a result.

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Hans, are we the baddies?

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Veritasium. After he put that uncritical commercial for the self driving car company on his feed I couldn’t take any of his content seriously anymore.

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Please, please, please leave town.

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Corrupt piece of shit member of a corrupt piece of shit club continues to reaffirm just how corrupt, and just what a piece of shit he is.

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Fascists are always the biggest cowards in any given situation. Because of this insecurity, they have to restrict speech, restrict movement, manufacture realities, bully their citizens, bully their partners, obfuscate, gaslight, and play the victim card over and over again to advance their awful goals. In every respect, Israel is a comically evil, insecure and dishonest entity. Actual democracies, like what the US keeps pretending Israel is, don’t need to hide their actions and berate the world community like this.

Uh oh. Does anyone know of Israel has another ‘sink a US Navy ship and get out of jail free’ card?

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And there you can see the reality of US policy. Biden can speak all the nice words about human dignity, the value of freedom, and the right of self determination, but they are all hollow sentiments. Your moral worth has nothing to do with what is in your heart. The only thing that matters is your behavior. Likewise, the only thing that states should be judged on is their behavior. As a US citizen, it is heartbreaking to again witness the depravity of my own nation. It’s made doubly difficult when we have to endure the endless parade of false moralizing from this administration, and the one before that, and the one before that, on and on and on.

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My suggestion, based on more than three decades of observing and interacting with this company: don’t believe a fucking thing they say, ever.

The time has long passed whereby we need to remove Google as the effective governing authority of the internet. As with most things online, a good idea ballooned into a net negative for nearly everyone else. This fact was obvious decades ago. There needs to be actual competition and government need to reassert itself as more than a rubber stamp for business growth.

CNN cannot claim to be a news organization if it is operating under this arrangement, especially without disclosing it with every single relevant report that it issues.

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I think it’s because there’s a lot of sensitivity about misinformation, which is typical in early war situations. This story is highly emotionally triggering in all the same ways that previously debunked propaganda pieces have been. Specifically, it is reminiscent of the ‘babies getting pulled out of incubators’ story that was instrumental in fomenting popular support the first US war in Iraq. It was later discovered to be complete fiction. That is not to claim that this story is untrue, but considering all the possibilities is very emotionally draining.

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The reason that Israel doesn’t go full speed on genocide is the same reason why they never actually pursue peace. That is, the ruling authority there benefits from having a persistent threat. They get to maintain and build power and wealth while genociding in a slow enough fashion to not raise a critical mass of objections from their benefactors in the United States.

I’m seeing a lot of what looks like famous last words in this thread. I just don’t know where you people get this confidence in the American people from.

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Narwhal just went behind the paywhal for me to today. So, I guess I’m finally done with Reddit now? I’ve been in there at least 14 years. It’s just wild to me that I lost Twitter and Reddit after so much time.

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Given how completely the airline industry disregards customer service and treats its customers like cattle, I don’t know why anyone would expect them to do a proper job of maintaining equipment. Furthermore, given how eager we are to gut regulation and dismantle the administrative state, all of this is going to just keep getting worse and worse.

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Biden, his administration, and the bulk of the Democratic Party deserve every bit of blowback that they are going to get from their racist, bloodthirsty, gaslighting-filled stance on Gaza. The immorality of it all is bad enough, but it’s also just politically stupid given how so much of the electorate feels. I am painfully aware of the existential threat to democracy that this election poses. For Democrats to gamble US democracy itself on their desire to fuel a genocide is unforgivable. If this godforsaken country actually elects trump, it will be entirely the result of Joe Biden and the sclerotic Democratic Party leadership. We deserve much better.

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I’m old enough to remember when 24 hours ago the Biden administration said that a ground assault in Rafah would be crossing its red line. It’s pretty easy to remember because that was about 48 hours after the Biden administration said that just ‘going in’ to Rafah would be crossing its red line.

His creepy affect and smirk just exudes ‘hiding a kiddie porn dungeon’ vibes.

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I 100% expect that such warnings will motivate the US to further reign in freedoms and discriminate against specific ethnic groups rather that spark any meaningful introspection about the policies that are the fundamental cause of such threats.

Every time I read a new story about another example of this, I struggle to understand why people are getting outraged. Did you have some expectation of privacy when you published your thing to the world-connected network run by profit-seeking corporations?

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“and about just as many view it as a belief in Israel as a Jewish and democratic state (72%),”

This, right here, is a big part of the problem. The notion of an ethnostate is antithetical to a democracy. You cannot be both. It’s definitionally impossible. A state practicing some of the mechanics of democracy does not make it a democracy. If the supremacy of one ethnic cohort is a fundamental tenet of your state, there is no amount of ‘liberalism’ or rhetoric that will turn you into a democracy. If you are part of this 72%, I implore you to examine the cognitive dissonance you are practicing. I strongly suspect that many of this 72% have not critically examined the fallacy of people’s claims of Israeli democracy. Of those that have, I suspect that many are intentionally misrepresenting the situation since afterall, actively supporting a violently oppressive ethnostate isn’t a great look.

Edit: spelling

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I’ve got news for the Biden administration. Lashing themselves to a fascist ethnostate and participating in their genocidal campaign is going to have political consequences for themselves too.

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