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Joined 12 months ago

This sounds like candidate for malicious compliance. Just say 1st Jan, when that doesn't work 2nd Jan, then 3rd Jan and on and on until you crack it

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I'm more of a cracked Denuvo = no play kind of person because Empress is cooked & I don't wanna feed their ego

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All those little abrasions in the lungs allowing the nicotine to get into the blood stream even faster, these guys were living in 2952

The bottom is also on a transparent screen

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In his brain?? Yeah he's fucked

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Don't know if it's bizarre but I was shocked when I found out I'd been lied to my whole life... a leap year isn't every 4 years.

So leap years happen when the year is divisible by 4, but not when the year is divisible by 100 but then they do again when the year is divisible by 400.

So the year 2000 is a perfect example of the exception to the exception. Divisible by 100 so no leap year, but divisible by 400 so leap year back on..

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Brah what a long way to ask for a jacking off buddy

As an Australian I can confirm I have nfi what the daily wire's bluey knock off is

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Yeah as soon as I heard the "if you don't know vote no" slogan I knew it was already over.. this one line just forgives people for being racist.

I'm not saying every No vote was racist just that many would have been and this made it so fucking easy for them to feel no guilt.

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God I'm dyslexic af, I read it as Australia and I'm like why would anybody setup a pirated streaming service here and why wasn't I using it... wasn't until I read "arrests were made in Vienna, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Vorarlberg, and Tyrol" that I worked it out

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110 years, may be just enough time to get out of bronze

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Will be even more interesting when they inevitably hold the data for longer than the 30 days

Yeah and his best offer is I promise I'll pay you what you're already being paid...

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There is a bit of truth in that title

Right-wingers don't think

Ours put our rent up 25% so just because I was upset I paid this month's rent a week late and they were complaining they needed the money to pay their montgage... Bitch please I don't wanna hear about your financial problems

The teleport one if it has no cool down could be used to fly, just keep using it

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Narh just piss on the floor like a normal person

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But you can fuck on park benches so the vision isn't all bad

I'm 5 too and I worked out it was different than most people what I was around 6yo when some kid in kindergarten asked me what my mum looked like and I said I didn't know but all the other kids knew what their mum's looked like.

40 odd years later and i still can't picture my mother, wife, kids, friends or work colleagues in my head, I couldn't give you a detailed description but I've trained myself to memorise features but it's more like memorising how to spell a word than an image

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Brah my cat did this to me yesterday but instead of the bed it was the dining room mat, fucker was less than 1 metre from an open door....

This is every petrol station in Australia, don't think I've every seen anybody do a runner, not like it's hard to catch up

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My wife had a spontaneous abortion at week 11, we went for the second scan they found no heart beat and they sent us home... what happened in the following hours was fucking horrendous. I couldn't imagine after that some copper wanting to come around for a blood test and to seize her phone, honestly my reaction would probably get me arrested.

What a fucking cunt

Probably the same thing as all other forms of refugees, building walls to block them and detention centres to torture those that manage to get passed as a deterrent for others to try

But what about ummm.... Hunter's dick?

I'm honestly interested in how they'll get around anti money laundering laws

What is this? A phone for ants?

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I say we call them Doms, you know, for reseaons

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Ah fuck no, I'd just gone long enough that I forgot this existed

He really is the best at losing, no one loses like he does, they say they do but they don't he is the best loser.

In my pocket?

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There have been a dozen or so advisory bodies since the 60s and most of the time they're been disassembled when the following party gains controll of parliament. The only thing that would have changed would be to protect the body from being dissolved without another referendum, that's it... All these people that have a problem with the voice probably have nfi these bodies already exist and have never been concerned with any recommendations they've made.

Knife fly

I'm 12 steps away from fucking your mum

I'm so upset at myself for not getting a screenshot but I was in a hurry to complete one and no shit it was a few images you had to confirm if it had a bus in the picture and one of them was a photo of a snow covered bus stop which looked liked Russia with 2 guys having a fucking axe fight, blood splatter in the snow and all...

I can't read that whole article but yeah doesn't make sense.. a foreigner could just set up a trust which then purchases the property and leaves it vacant and you're back to square one.

But before I elaborate I'll need to explain 4 things that are going to come up during the story

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It's gone full circle, think that means we get some free spins

Here comes Polly Pocket motherfuckers

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I mean depending on if there was a drink limit or it's just open bar I'd head in for Friday's at least for unlimited drinks, but don't expect too much out of me after lunch