
1 Post – 344 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Why would it have to be a crypto donation? Their bank accounts are in USD. Most of their readers have USD. People can transfer USD. What does some arbitrary crypto thing you want to pretend is money add that makes it better for those "most people"?

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Generally speaking, people who contribute to society.

I don't see "gambling on the right cryptocurrency" as a contribution to society. I also don't see how "individuals that own the overwhelming majority of dollars, euros, etc." wouldn't simply become "individuals that own the overwhelming majority of cryptocurrency" by virtue of working with that

If by "a big cut" you mean maybe a few percent, and that most businesses take electronic payments anyway because there are advantages (people are more likely to buy stuff when convenient, accounting is easier, less risk of theft/loss than physical cash, etc) then sure, I guess.

If you think the solution is to make up a new kind of imaginary money that takes a shitton of energy to maintain, which has tons of different types (Bitcoin, Ethereum, whatever one was referenced in the initial comment) and would happen to greatly benefit those who happened to be early adopters (TOTAL coincidence, I'm sure)... No.

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Ahhh yes. Some of them are just made up things that people say is totally money, while the others are actually just made up things that people say is totally money. Huge difference, I'm sure.

Not the one you replied to, and I have a slightly different model (OpenRun Pro) but in my experience, not at all.

They work a little differently with bone conduction. This requires a tiny bit of pressure just below your temple in front of your ear. It doesn't hurt, but if I wear it all day long (way more than a couple hours) I find myself a little bit... Annoyed with them? Just a little. I still happily put them on again the next day. Zero pain.

Oh, and bass comes out a little differently and kinda tickles a little bit. If you listen to stuff with a lot of bass frequently it may not be your best option. Sound quality is generally like a pair of Sound Blaster speakers from the 90s: it gets the job done just fine, but it's not for audiophiles.

Also a huge fan of mine (OpenRun Pro). Worth mentioning that they're pretty lousy in noisy settings, like airplanes or mowing the lawn, but I love being able to listen to things without separating myself from the outside world

the 90ies

The ninetieies?

In my experience, damn near every pizza place has had combo deals and coupons and stuff. And no, I never had to give any extra information or data or app install or whatever that I wouldn't have had to give for the order anyway. Just say "yeah, add that special to the cart"

Kinda like if you order a cheeseburger, fries, and drink instead of a #1 combo.

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It's funny because Rhode Island is so smol that you need 3 of them to make a mile!

That's true, I have generally gotten my pizza elsewhere (not that I'm an anti-chain purist snob, but there are several options and Domino's is my least-favorite). If Domino's is particularly egregious, why was that your choice? Surely you knew that and a coupon wasn't the only way they could do it?

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Unfortunately, so many local burger joints have a "flagship" burger featuring a Sysco patty, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and onion for $17, sides extra.

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When I'd search "(location) weather" on Google (e: in Chrome) and I'd get a really nice at a glance forecast right on top. Do the same thing in Firefox and I'd get a whole bunch of weather websites I could go to. The former obviously being a better, more direct experience. I found an extension that fools Google into thinking it's Chrome and all works fine with that.

I'm amazed if this doesn't violate some antitrust regulation

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I hadn't heard that story before. True or not, I'm glad it was there

So? If your invention depends on illegal plagiarism to exist, maybe it shouldn't. It's not the law's fault that LLMs depend on other people's work to function, nor was that its specific target when it was written

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I was in rural India for a friend's wedding. They set up a giant tent pavilion to use as a dining hall, with fans hanging from the top. This was a ways away from the main house, but there were some power lines nearby so they just got power straight from the grid.

Also, day of the wedding, there was a large sound system for the musicians and priest. All the components were plugged into a power strip, which was powered by a couple loose wires stuffed into an outlet

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I'm trying to figure out how an election less than a year away means he'll be spending the next 2 years running for president

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I think it's happening more and more in the tech industry - one theory I heard was that rising interest rates meant companies couldn't just take out loans that were practically free money, so they're cracking down on monetizing every nook and cranny.

Reddit was no exception. Many of us left this thing we once loved because of it, and came here. So on top of industry trends, there's a huge selection bias among us Lemmings.

Oh geeze, I read that headline to mean a liberal judge suddenly decided they weren't anymore, like that POS North Carolina congresswoman who flipped to give Republicans a supermajority so abortion could be restricted.

But this... This is nice to see.

Gasoline comes from oil. Electricity comes from coal. Or oil. Or natural gas. Or nuclear. Or hydro. Or wind. Or solar. Or hamsters running on wheels. The renewable options are there and they're only becoming more prevalent.

Also, power plants scale much better at producing large amounts of energy more efficiently than a bunch of tiny little engines make a car go. So sure, coal plays a part in feeding an electric car, but if you're going to advocate against it anyway you're missing the bigger picture.

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One time my dad and I were sitting in the car while my mom and wife were shopping (fabric store, not our jam). They kept calling us and we kept answering, pretending to be our voicemail messages.

I don't know how we could keep calm while talking, because we were laughing our asses off in between calls, but it worked!

While I don't disagree with the concept at all here, I'm a little uneasy over the idea that anyone would have to do anything to go out of the way for their own safety, especially taking up a political cause. That should be the default

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It became a platform in which the whole world communicated about anything and everything. Maybe it still is to an extent, but knocking down the world's platform plank by plank isn't an absurd thing to write about

I am far from being the fuckcars type. With that said, you do know that you can have those things without a car, right?

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This has been discussed way longer than 10/7/2023.

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They used a lot of words to say that it's recently rained in Barcelona and the tourist season is beginning. Then they said tourists use more water than residents, with absolutely no indication of how that may be the case.

Then the article just... Stopped.

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Hell, a car with 40 kWh of usable battery capacity is still plenty for a high schooler to get around town or something. Which is what you'd often expect for a car as it reaches an old enough age anyway

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I can explain this one! When the knob only has one set of hi/lo, it controls the burner's heat as you'd expect, and it all works in the same direction. Those with multiple hi/lo sets control the heat and the size of the burner, since there are 2 (and on one, maybe 3?) concentric heating elements available for that knob.

I've had something similar for years, and have never had an issue. I'm even less likely to accidentally choose the wrong knob since the single-size one tends to have a looser feel to it.

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That's actually really accurate when first learning to program. Eventually you figure out how to think like a toddler.

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The 14th amendment explicitly allows Congress to cure a disqualification with a 2/3 vote in each house. The idea that it should also be implied that that same Congress decides someone is disqualied is absolutely ridiculous. In a way, I kind of want this resolution to get just enough traction to get challenged and have someone try to explain why a resolution passed (by just one house? Not sure) with a simple majority should be enough to cure a constitutional provision that needs 2/3. And whine we're at it maybe shine a light on the fact that Congress should not be the one making this determination other than the 2/3 to cure provision.

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The protections are only removed in the copy, though. Since OP was wondering if the original stays intact, it does.

Love your description, but I would add that radios were arguably an even more common reason for people to replace tubes. Also, while television stations did exist as far back as the late 1920s it really wasn't until after WWII that it became semi-common for the middle class - I live in Denver and we didn't get our first station until 1952, for example.

It doesn’t matter which algorithm is used. Somebody will crack it and abuse it for their own good.

If the algorithm gives a bigger shit about giving the answer people are actually looking for, and doesn't emphasize length, formatting, and other bullshit... And people crack the algorithm by giving exactly that answer I'm looking for, I'd be ok with that.

But it all starts with the algorithm

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I agree other than

most sane people wouldn't think any amount of defamation is worth $83m+

Maybe not on its own, but remember that the initial award was far less. Then he did it again. The numbers skyrocketed because of punitive damages: basically, what's an appropriate amount that would stop him (and him specifically) from doing it a third time? If a court were to make me pay, say, everything I have in my savings account I'd think twice about what I do. But my net worth is far less than his is purported to be. With that higher net worth comes higher punitive damages to prevent another occurrence.

So should it not have been done at all because it wasn't enough for you?

Technically 5 to 10! would be factorial growth. If that trend continues, we would quickly run out of space on planet Earth to hold all those busses 😉

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Is it really that hard to write the word "north"? Is that even what nth is supposed to mean? I keep reading it as the mathematical "1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th..., nth" and it makes my head hurt

I am honored to have inspired content like this!

By Russia faking the DNA test results to save face. They wanted him dead, that plane crash wasn't an accident, and to say anything but "yeah he's dead" or otherwise admit that Russia got outsmarted would be an embarrassment to Russia.

for some reason

It's gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is the reason.

Honestly, there are a few jobs that make sense for teenagers to get some spending money, and that's fine: things like cashiering a grocery store or sports game. With our enforced 21 year drinking limit and most places having open container laws we stigmatize alcohol more than I would like, including this. It's not like a teenager hasn't seen beer before.

HOWEVER, part of our strict laws include penalizing employees personally if they serve someone underage. So are we going to exempt these minors from those penalties? I suspect not...

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