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Its not some weird secret conspiracy by the Democratic leadership. The GOP generally has a much easier job. They get what they want by preventing anything from getting done. It's much harder to create than destroy. Yes it's on Democrat officials to actually follow through on their platform when they have the ability, but we can't give them 51% in a system that requires 60% and be surprised when we don't get sweeping legislation passed.

That's before you factor in how different the demographic makeup of the parties being so different. The Democratic coalition includes far left, progressives, and moderates across the political spectrum with very different ideas. Some good, some bad. Some honest civil servants, some corporate sell outs. The GOP is made up of people who simply disagree about how public they want to make their goals known, they all have the same evil vision and they will all sell out their country.

Didn't think Trump was a big Tolkien fan.

At the very least, it's not going to be fun for Trump. If they actually mute his ass it's going to drive him insane. I will enjoy that.

I've played through undertale on my deck, works great, had zero issues. I prefer the controller for this game Eta: it's a stellar game too, definitely recommend it.

Put Big Gretch up top and keep Harris as the VP and I think they could smash Trump. I think you gotta keep Harris on board for this to be a smooth enough transition this late in the game. I think a ton of people would be excited about an all female ticket too.

I think you're thinking of Howard Dean?

I bet even Cannon could figure it out.

Looks like we need another hearing scheduled in 2026 to figure that out before we proceed.

The American Prospect has some pretty good analysis as well.

I hope the tarantula is okay

Because a ton of people haven't been following this stuff and need to be reminded of who Trump is and what policies he represents.

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Fuck that place looks absolutely splendid.

There are a lot of people who don't consume any news whatsoever. They're too busy trying to survive to remember shit from 4 years ago and just want their lives improved. If you aren't following this stuff day to day it's easy to forget just how cartoonishly insane that fucker is.

I just don't get why people believe there's this elusive "undecided" vote that will be flipped if Trump just says one more crazy racist statement or something.

I think there is a small segment of voters that could be swayed by reminding them just how chaotic Trump was/is. We're playing with margins of 10s of thousands of votes in a couple states so every little bit is going to matter.

They didn't accidentally do shit. They ignored the consequences of their decisions for profit at the expense of everyone else. You don't get to make $100 billion dollars and feign ignorance about how you got it and the damage you caused to obtain it.

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1000% by design. Conservatives cannot win a fair election. They know this.

Let me be clear, I don't actually despise her very much. That being said, she's a fucking albatross for the Democrats. The 30 year campaign to vilify her by conservatives has been very successful. I wish she would stay out of this.

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Someone is about to meet the Postal Inspection Service and have a very bad time. You do not fuck with the mail. They will find your ass.

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Wow more conservatives committing voter fraud, shocking. The projection with these fuckers is astounding.

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Bob Moore sounds like he was a good dude. If more business leaders thought like him we'd all be a lot better off.

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"I can't morally support the lesser of 2 evils"

Yes you can. Not voting/third party voting helps the Republican party. This is a mathematical fact. Every single person who doesn't vote for Joe Biden and could is supporting Donald Trump. If you're an eligible voter you can only influence the election in one of two directions. There is no "sitting out" option. It does not exist. Not voting does not remove your influence on the results, it simply lessens the impact.

Biden is not my first choice by any means, but this is the reality of the situation. If you think it could be fixed by electing Republicans to power I would be very interested in hearing how the fuck that would work.

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Which is exactly how we should hold debates. There's absolutely no reason to allow a bunch of screaming people and candidates to interrupt each other constantly. Debates are to scrutinize candidates, not see who can get the most attention.

Jokes on you Nathan's, now I know Impossible makes hot dogs and want to get some. Their brats are pretty good, didn't know they made hot dogs.

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Lifetime appointment. She can serve as long as Congress lets her and there's no way the GOP will impeach a conservative judge.

Id be significantly more open to this if you assholes hadn't spent the last 50 years helping steal money from the poor for billionaires.

Just want to say that Kyle Clark has been running a clinic on how to question conservatives.

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You don't "have sex with a minor". You rape a minor. The fact that this asshat is breathing free air is already a failure, let alone that he's still sitting in Congress.

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Like, it's not even a close call. And I'm still not seeing how biden's actual record isn't a factor. He's done a pretty solid job with the resources he's got. A good chunk of Congress is a terror cell at this point, the supreme Court is stacked with zealots appointed for life, and he's still managed to get a lot of good stuff done.

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But I thought Florida is where woke goes to die or some dumb shit like that?

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I am so fucking sick of N Texas judges pulling this bullshit...

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That's great, hopefully he gets the message. Exactly how we should use primaries. That being said, the people not voting for Biden in the fall are ushering in a dictatorship that among other things will result in substantially more deaths in Palestine. Send a message, but stopping the GOP has to be the top priority.

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Obligatory Fuck Ajit Pai with a rusty tv antenna

He's absolutely right. To people paying attention the Democracy message probably resonates. Most people aren't paying that close of attention. They've been failed by the system we have set up. You just aren't going to get the results you want if your message to people who have been failed by the system is "save the system!"

Take the golf courses first, I think that would piss him off the most.

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I figured she was just trying to get out in front of it, but it appears she is stupid enough to think that someone might find that story endearing.

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34 here, I absolutely hate being told thank you for my service and generally don't reveal I was in the military if I can avoid it. I have no interest in being associated with the crowd of morons happy to send other people's kids to war and then refuses to take care of them when they come back.

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As a resident of the district this asshat currently represents, I was disappointed that I wouldn't be able to to vote her out of office this year. Sounds like that won't be an issue for the 4th either. Womp fucking womp you piece of shit traitor.

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Fuck this evil piece of trash. Can't wait to never hear about this scum again. She'll never win another election, that's for sure.

Voting matters people. The big name races for president, senate, etc don't have nearly as much impact on your day to day life as local races and your vote has significantly more impact the smaller the race.

All those shit hole red states that are passing crazy legislation? That's because conservatives spent the last few decades focused on state congresses and it worked extremely well. It's going to take at least that level of commitment. Put up good progressive candidates every primary (and fucking vote for them) and vote Democrat in the general election. That's the only path that leads to change. You cannot get away from the 2 party system without eliminating FTTP voting and the only party that will allow that is the Democratic party. Voting 3rd party or abstaining from voting because Democrats "need to earn your vote" does nothing but make it worse.

False, If it as a mathematical fact prove it.

We operate in a first past the post voting system. This means you vote for a single candidate and the candidate with the most votes wins the election. A non-vote or 3rd party vote mathematically benefits the minority party by decreasing the number of votes needed to win. The minority party in our electorate is the Republican party.

Nothing is false about what I said, you just don't like it. It has absolutely nothing to do with the party line. If I had my choice Biden wouldn't be the nomination. No candidate is entitled to your vote, but your influence will affect the race whether you want it to or not.

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Something separate, but equal?

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