
3 Post – 1214 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Sorry, I meant install base meaning users. How many devices have downloaded or installed it?

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What is the install base of Ubuntu Touch even? Are those numbers somewhere?

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Remove the packages, DKMS folders, and blacklist everything Nvidia from modprobe. That'll do it.


These are to sell, not rent. Extra rental properties suppresses rent inflation.

So, instead of finding ways to reduce ridiculously inflated home prices from price gouging boomers, you just sell shoeboxes to poor people for a more distributed kind of "poor people" homes. It's like spreading an unattractive refugee camp out amongst a larger space so the rich folk don't have to look at it all in one place. Great work.

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They can deny them all damn day, but the burden of proof is on their side. They've had 4 years and found zero credible evidence of widespread or a conspiracy to fix an election. Literally no evidence.

If you didn't have proof when it was happening, it's time to shut the fuck up.

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Alito is shit. The more mind-blowing stat is that Kavanaugh and Gorusuch seem to be the most centric in voting for criminal defendents in these types of cases. Thought there would surely be a more defined line there.

There is no lying here. Adding real world identification that can be correlated to other accounts is the fault of the user. That's being said, I'm glad Proton follows the letter of the law.

Rsync and rclone are the best options as mentioned in other comments. If you want to get real-time with it, and the previous cron-based solutions aren't what you want, look at the myriad of FOSS distributed filesystems out there. Plenty of live filesystems you can run on any Linux-based storage system.

I think the better question would be: what are you trying to achieve? Live replica set of all data in two places at the same time, or a solid backup of your data you can swap to if needed? I'd recommend the rsync/rclone route, and VPN from the primary data set whenever you need, with the safety of having your standby ready to swap out to whenever needed if the primary fails.

I got an email ban.

1609 hours logged 431 solved threads

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Just find a static host for free instead of dealing with it yourself. Million out there.

Honestly, you might be looking at a ShieldTV.

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Skipped through it. Very humanizing. Still a crazy piece of shit anti-vaxer and conspiracy theorist.

To his PR team: just because you cut AROUND the crazy, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Get this guy on a debate stage, and it'll all flow out.

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Where is Ja?

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It's like two guys. Working on downstream of all things.

Find me a public code repository, a social , or some other cohesive piece of confirmation this is still in development recently, and I'll delete my comment.

Yes, this does seem to be the case with the info at hand. You won't be able to recover the data afaik.

I believe that is the industry term, yes.

Uhhhhh....who thought that was going to be a bright idea? Google is probably the single biggest traffic draw for Reddit.

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That orange fucker needs to see some consequences for his actions for once.

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All his fanboys should be absolutely shitting bricks about this since Elon has been out there for years saying that people who purchase Tesla vehicles absolutely own them. He's been spouting this bullshit since they got caught remotely crippling software features YEARS ago, but this is further proof Tesla owners are completely at the whim of a tyrannical douchebag who decides if you get the privilege of using something you paid for the way you want.

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This video kind of misses the mark on delivering the points of the title, but these are the simplest boiled down points of the community gripes:

  • ASUS is having quality control issues, or deliberately skimping to pad profits
  • They are rebranding lesser quality components with the higher quality ROG brand, and pricing it as such
  • They are unilaterally voiding warranties when users try to RMA or return said hardware

Gigabyte (remember them?) did this same slow slide of enshittification about 10 years ago. The issue pretty much boils down to a company producing too many different types of things, instead of staying good at the things they do well, and the community has noticed and is calling for boycotts. This will no doubt put them on the defensive for years to come, and affect their overall standing in the larger community until they correct course.

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Because then they can avoid social media again by building their own catalog of interest.

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I'm unfamiliar with her, but good on her for asking questions that are intended to make these people give impromptu and unrehearsed answers to questions that aren't soft queries on banal bullshit.

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Don't mean this is a gouache way, but this needed to happen. It really seems like she lost her cognitive abilities a long time ago, and whomever has been keeping after her was manipulating her for their own benefit, and possibly using her as a puppet in her frailty, and it didn't seem it was going to end anytime soon.

That seat needs new blood and energy.

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Our data, you mean?

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Because the spectrum required (UV-C) to do so is harmful to humans and the environment. Putting it EVERYWHERE would cause all kinds of problems.

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Funny thing is, EULA agreements like this have already been shot down in so many cases, it's dumb at this point to try and pull this off. They're just trying to test if anyone will actually pull the trigger on a class action.

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I feel like these types of things will be especially bad this year. They won't be able to catch those responsible fast enough to prevent impact on the primaries, but they should be looking to tie these to the Republicans, and disqualify them from the actual election. We know it's them. It's always them.

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Define the criteria, have it peer reviewed and diagnosed, or else we will ALL be diagnosed with Autism soon enough.

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Welp, out of curiosity, I read up on this movie. It's way dumber than I expected from the title. It's just 'Ladybugs' all over again.

Edit: holy shit does this get worse and worse. It's like a right-wing wet dream. The cast is literally nothing but hate-group aligned right-wing YouTube personalities lol.

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Well done, whoever you are. Thoughtful and poignant.

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Expert trolling.

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"Okay, sooooo...with no tax revenue or money, zero education, and no energy.......that's still a country somehow right? How does this work????"

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Just flagrantly fucking with the system now. This person needs to just go away and do something else aside from pissing an entire country off.

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Yeah they will. They'll threaten your lives with social programs all day long if they get the chance. Things like After School care, food programs, poverty assistance, medicare for all, housing placement...the horror. /s

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That should be the smoking gun right there. Wonder what kind of lies and bullshit they're going to throw at this one.

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He's already selling to both sides with Starlink. Who is to say Musk won't be doing the same with this? He's really playing up the Bond Villain stereotype.

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Man, Microsoft really seems like they don't want power users on their OS anymore. Forced AI junk, Ads, MS accounts, and all kinds of other junk. Waiting to see what the Linux Desktop adoption numbers are this fall.

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