Right-wing media fumes over Univision anchor’s debate questions

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 401 points –
Right-wing media fumes over Univision anchor's debate questions | CNN Business

“Florida’s new black history curriculum says, ‘Slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit,’” she said to Gov. Ron DeSantis. “You have said slaves developed skills in spite of slavery, not because of it. But many are still hurt. For the descendants of slaves, this is personal. What is your message to them?”

She later asked former vice president Mike Pence: “The Department of Homeland Security warns that violence against LGBTQ+ people is on the rise and intensifying. According to a recent study, members of that community are nine times more likely to be victims of violent hate crimes. As president, how would you protect this community from violent attacks and discrimination?”

But the unsparing and frank manner in which she engaged with the Republican field prompted a wave of ferocious backlash from right-wing media figures watching back at home and one of Fox News’ own prime time hosts.


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I'm unfamiliar with her, but good on her for asking questions that are intended to make these people give impromptu and unrehearsed answers to questions that aren't soft queries on banal bullshit.

What were thier responses?

"woke CRT is destroying America!"

Cue right wing audience applause

Copied from https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/second-republican-presidential-primary-debate-transcript

CALDERON: Governor DeSantis, I have a question for you. Governor DeSantis, I have a question for you. This new black history curriculum says quote, “slaves develop skills which in some instances could be applied for their personal benefit.”

You have said slaves develop skills in spite of slavery not because of it. But many are still hurt. For descendants of slaves, this is personal. What is your message to them?

DESANTIS: So first of all, that’s a hoax that was perpetrated by Kamala Harris. We are not going to be doing that. Second of all, that was written by descendants of slaves. These are great black history scholars. So we need to stop playing these games.

Here’s the deal. Our country’s education system is in decline because it’s focused on indoctrination, denying parent rights. Florida represents the revival of American education. We’re ranked number one in the nation in education by US News and World Report.

CALDERON: Vice President Pence, the Department of Homeland Security warns that violence against LGBTQ plus people is on the rise and intensifying, according to a recent study, members of that community are nine times more likely to be victims of violent hate crimes. As President, how would you protect this community from violent attacks and discrimination?

PENCE: Well, as President of the United States, I’ll — I’ll stand up for the safety and the civil liberties of every American, from every background. And I want the American people to know that. But I want to answer the question as well as, Dana, that you just asked Burgum. Because my way of full disclosure, Chris, you mentioned the President’s situation. I — my wife isn’t a member of the Teachers Union, but I got to admit I — I’ve been sleeping with a teacher for 38 years and a full disclosure. Look, education is a state and local function.

DESANTIS: So first of all, that’s a hoax that was perpetrated by Kamala Harris.

Lol what a tool

So DeSantis lied and Pence tried to jump on that then answer her question.

And what assholes told him Florida is number 1 in education?

That link says #14 in K-12 education, which is what the question was about. So this is a perfect example of cherry picking some data (#1 in higher education) that sounds like it proves his point, but not really.

Additionally, if you click on that #1 Higher Education, it explains that it's based on the share of citizens who have degrees and student loan debt, which could all have little to do with the colleges in Florida. It also takes graduation rates of Florida colleges into account, which is an important metric, but without some context showing the quality of the programs, it doesn't mean much.

So essentially all that metric shows is that people with money who can afford college tend to retire where we all already consider the retirement capital of the county. Neat.

I was just posting what he probably referenced. Its not very nuanced, his voter base isnt going to look too deeply into it...

Shit even you guys wouldnt have looked into it had I not pointed it out.

Weird that he says he's been sleeping with a teacher for so long, I wonder who he's referring to since he and Mother (his pet name for his wife) sleep in separate bedrooms by his own admission.

They don't actually say in the article.... I Guess they can take the news out of CNN

I'm sorry but that's ridiculous. They absolutely are prepared to give answers on those questions. They've already been asked them multiple times. Any reasonable debate prep would have also covered it. It would have only been more in their favor if no one had asked them the obvious questions about slavery and LGBT+ people.

The key point of the article is that they haven't actually been asked these questions multiple times, because they exclusively stick to right wing media which exclusively lobs softball questions at them.

These are softball questions. They barely challenge their positions.

It's about making them devise answers on the fly though. They could just say "TRANS PEOPLE BAD" but they won't. The questions were pointed, and asking about very specific thoughts on subjects, which forces these people to either dodge, or give an honest answer. With this crowd, you can guess a lot of idiocy and dodging was used.

Exactly “what’s your policy on lgbt people” can lead to an easy way to say you’ll bring more oppression, but “how will you protect lgbt citizens from illegal violence” forces them to either dodge the question, say that they’ll make the violence legal, ignore it, or go tough on crime but this time with the implication that it’ll be at their base.

You're talking about the same political party that thought "what magazines or newspapers do you read?" was too hard a question.