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Joined 11 months ago

Are you a busty outdoorswoman?

He got free room and board for years and could just sit on his investments /s

Cheaper to use Backblaze b2

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Maybe stop subsidizing corn. It would make ethanol more expensive (good because it's worse for the environment than normal unleaded) and it would make beef more expensive

I never liked FileZilla. I used Cyberduck

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There is a manual release on the inside ... So yes you are.

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Now imagine you are under the ocean talking to Aquaman.

Vaccines in general.

They have to build it first and then use it for a few months and then demolish it

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They already do. It's called school shootings. They have drills and everything. It's quite fucked up.

I would have put Reagan way further down the list.

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I'm just picturing you walking around a room on your phone with an Ethernet adapter and cable hanging out all over the place

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Their plan is working. We're too busy talking about basic rights while they fuck us over on shit like climate change and education.

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Isn't this against Apple and Google app stores terms?

You are talking about the people that shut it down; not the flashers. Let people be people. That's how we are; accept it.

I decided to cancel both. YT Music deleted my music that they don't have in their global library, and they fucked up the sorting of my liked playlist. Going back to buying music a la carte and storing it myself.

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Burning foxes

Why the fuck would the engine be on?

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Yeah, that's why public transit and multi purpose zoning are important

On leave?!?!! She should be in a cell!

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Which country? He has damaged many.

I miss ancient memes like this

I've been working harder at work for a promotion. I'm not going to get it. I fucking hate work, it's not particularly hard, it's just unfulfilling and boring. I dread work every day. I would go somewhere else but hate interviewing because even for 1 job it's at least 4 interviews and tests. I can't afford to take a cheaper job. I took today off though so that's nice.

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Write him back about concern about his children getting molested at the church

The calculator is correct

Sales have not slowed though. These articles are full of shit. "their year-over-year growth rate" has slowed, not sales. Sales numbers are still increasing. Just not increasing as wildly as they were in the past.

Universal translator. Google buds basically do this already.

Where is the "vote" to reinstate their accounts that closes like 58 minutes after going up?

This is basically an opinion piece. They need to show a pie graph of what is actually using the electricity. I suspect it's mostly "hundreds of large data centers, each of which can use as much power as a small city"

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They should be forced to have a standard like a food label. Should show average speed and uptime for past 12 months

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Cool. Now do the rest of the healthcare system.

I think we should defund all sports because it's just bullshit and we should fund education and have that be competitive.

Innocent until proven (through court) guilty

Whoever made Jira~~'s markup syntax~~: Straight to jail.

They don't actually say in the article.... I Guess they can take the news out of CNN

Right, they didn't have seat belts, they should get tickets.

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Are you a doctor?

Pop is slang, coke is a brand, soda is the read deal. You used to go to a business that had a soda fountain. SODA

While I prefer MacOS, I think your choice of OS is important and you should be given options at most jobs.
