5 Post – 216 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The US government does it consistently.

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Y'All Qaeda is mobilizing

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I jailbroke my Mercedes and now it is 1,000,000x better!!!!!!!

[Image of YouTube thumbnail feat. YouTuber with mouth open pointing at car with matrix code in background]

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Hmmm, I'd like to see the crime statistics before and after this shortage.

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*Arizona State Senator Pretends to be Possessed by a Ghost Before Abortion Ruling

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From the article, the data collection hinges on a bot going into a public server then scraping the history. Still a problem that Discord should act on, but it looks like there is no need to worry about private servers.

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All the more reason to go forward with it.

US military:

Ah yes, the good old, "Leave the disease alone and see what happens" tactic. I wonder if it will just go away this time?

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Surprising nobody.

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Don't worry, it'll trickle down.... Annny day now.

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  1. Porn websites should not have to do a parent's job
  2. They would have to either host a metric shit ton of personal IDs on their servers or have direct access to that database. I would absolutely not be willing to entrust my ID to any site that was not a government site.

If you are interested in seeing why this is a bad idea, I'd recommend looking up the KOSA bill (US version of this) and watching arguments against it.

Yeah, don't be unrealistic. We can't just have a group of competent individuals properly plan out how to dismantle a monopoly to allow for proper competition in the industry. If they don't hold onto their monopoly, how will we ever see technological advancements?

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Naw, I think it was the genocide.

I am very worried about who they are planning on hiring as "Poll Watchers".

This is what happens when politicians tell the truth about real issues. notice how there have been no censure for Qanon or Jan 6 bullshit.

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I don't see the issue here, he seems to be representing exactly what the party stands for.

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A metric shit ton of question dodging occured.

Here's a secret casinos don't want you to know!

They can just say, "Nuh-uh, you didn't win." Then they don't have to pay you.

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Give the moderator a mute button and I would watch it. It would be neat if they live captioned the bs trump was yelling about while muted.

So they can sell it.

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The US govt needs to get its shit together and deal with these major quality of life issues. The longer there is no response to massive protests the bigger, and likely, more violent these demonstrations will get. Who this violence will be caused by remains to be seen, but the larger the group of people gets, the easier it is to manipulate with panic/chaos.

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We all hate the patriarchy, but chill with the racism.

Imagine having enough money to be that dumb.

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You'd think the party of Breeding wouldn't go after a bill that would encourage the creation of more workers, but I guess Communism is more scary than losing profits.

Every day I cry because I could have worked harder for our beloved Shareholders. <3

Centrist in bio = 95% red flag.

Houses. Mainly talking about asbestos and lead.

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Y'all ready to be gouged for survival items until money becomes irrelevant?

P.S. 'A Capitalist Apocalypse' would be a fun title for a political comedy song.

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God damn, no NSFW filter on there or something? Preview is definitely NSFL.

Hmmm, looks like Biden needs to tell them to stop being mean again.

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The "experimentation" would most likely be where the line is that anti-vaccers decide they were incorrect and get their kids vaccinated. Or how long the majority of the population living there puts up with these dangerous health decisions. At this point, it is a popular enough opinion on the far right, that any sort of mandate govt action right now would only escalate the situation.

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Top 10% in the US hold 70% and the bottom 50% hold 1%, that is still pretty gross.

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I was able to do it from the app and it was already on. I don't remember turning it on, so it might be default?

Edit: Just remembered that I did update the app today, so you might need to do that first.

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Did you know that the photographer's legs are made of the same material as the beam he is on?

Who left the cat in the bath that long?

*Made a little less than 1B, they have to give the government a 0.01% cut because they got caught.

Corpos are greedy for money and will attack anything that stands between them and it. That is until the Govt steps in, then the lobbiests fend it off with handfulls of money.