1 Post – 55 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

That's some real "using a sharpy to correct a hurricanes path" energy Puty...

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It's funny how whenever Trump goes on one of these tangents it's always reminiscing about some woefully outdated way of handling whatever he's complaining about, just like the old man he is struggling with understanding the modern world, too bad his voters are every bit as lost in modern life.

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DeSantis is a Harvard law school grad and Navy lawyer, he absolutely has an idea what all of those governmental entities do, this is just him and the GOP trying to normalize the fascistic accumulation of power, step one of becoming a dictatorship.

Also this is the GOP's plan to do exactly that:

Project 2025

It's just a step by step to purge the government, then whatever else, of undesirables while making an effort to destroy our government one piece at a time. Fascistic Libertarian hellscape here we come! (Also this is nothing new from them, just more open fascism)

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He's still a shit head, he just probably thinks this will limit corporate money to Dems, plus most of the Republican party takes donations from shady or compromised sources like the NRA, so it doesn't hurt them as much to limit corporate contributions.

Donald Trump, second generation German immigrant, who has lived within sight of Lady Liberty most of his life, what an embarrassment, not only to Americans, but specifically New Yorkers, one of the most mixed melting pots of a city in the entire world. What a racist idiot, especially when you consider the fact that south and central Americans were here before white people, so if anybody is diluting America's blood line, it's white motherfuckers like myself and Donald Trump.

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We need to unionize, or the existing Tech/Communications unions need to get better and expand to include us.

We also need to force tech departments to stop offshoring their workers, I love our Indian tech Bros as much as the next guy, but companies need to hire local first rather than ripping off Indian tech Bros on the cheap just because they can.

And lastly, let remote workers who can do their jobs perfectly fine working remote stay remote, there is absolutely no reason why someone who works in cloud or virtualization technologies should have to be onsite, same with developers, same with so many other positions, both tech and standard.

"woke CRT is destroying America!"

Cue right wing audience applause

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Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.

Barry Goldwater

Also relevant:

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No dummy, this type of shit is exactly what increases domestic violence, spousal rape, and spousal murder.

Time to grow the fuck up and realize a wife isn't a sex doll combined with a domestic servant.

If this is your religion telling you this then fuck your religion, and any other religion that offers abusive lines of thinking like this.

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People shouldn't be forced to be trapped in their shitty marriages if they don't want to be, and not everyone needs a reason to fall out of love, or to realize they were never in love, sometimes it just happens, love is just brain chemistry and the focus of that love tends to change over your lifetime, so divorces shouldn't need to be proven, all a divorce should need is one side calling it quits on the marriage, and we all should learn to respect that.

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Every moment this corrupt fucker stays in the Senate provides that much more cover for the right wing to use him as a whataboutist talking point, and provides cover for clearly corrupt fuckers like Santos and Trump.

I'm with Fetterman, Menendez needs to take his gold bars and GTFO.

All the calls of pedo are coming from inside of the "Right wing house", the Left isn't accusing anybody of grooming, however we definitely should be with the amount of priests, pastors, coaches, and cops who get caught molesting kids.

It's by design though, the Right wants to lower the age of consent, and they are using terms like "groomer" heavily against liberals and LGBTQ folks, because they want a justification to exterminate them once they get the camps going.

"Trump on acid?"

"No, I said 'Trump in acid.'"

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Because authority figures seem to be really lenient to right wingers for some odd reason...

Those who work forces, are the same who burn crosses

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In the context of my post wouldn't that make her a bit ahead of her time, considering she was raised in a politically conservative Illinois family?

I mean by all means get triggered by Hillary Clinton because she lives rent free in your head but realistically Hillary had nothing to do with this post, and in this context being a "Goldwater girl" isn't a negative, especially when you remember that we're taking about the 60's here.

Between this idiot and Menendez refusing to resign after his second corruption investigation, the Dems are having a bad week, not even sure what Bowman was thinking, but punishment must be swift and severe, because the Right wing clout chasers are already chirping about it.

It's Elise Stefanik saying that, she's a Trump humping opportunist, she couldn't give AF if Jordan had raped wrestlers at Ohio State himself, she would still use doublespeak to prop Jordan up as something he's absolutely not.

These fucking people don't know what a patriot is and don't care at all about anything that doesn't affect them.

According to Mike Pence it gets low like that in Indiana because the witches tits make it colder on Halloween, or so mother says...

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The "gig" economy was only ever really set up to exploit the poor and desperate, but at the same time these people need those incomes or those second jobs doing stuff like Uber and door dash and other micro-economy jobs.

It's really tough to be poor, uneducated, and untrained in modern society because you just get crushed by forces so far beyond your control and you are so far below those forces notice that they hardly care beyond their desires to exploit you.

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"We're really just interested in more of that Nazi gold..."

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A Ruzzia hacker group (basically just a front for the GRU) just declared that they're attacking Israel, so same type of dickheads definitely, all supported by Ruzzia's Allies, Iran and Syria.

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If the company was really at stake then they would capitalate and come to a compromise with the strikers.

Nothing like a little nuclear winter to cool things down, I'll be down in my vault-tec vault getting experimented on by a soulless corporation, btw my name is Gary.

That's the type of person Trump thought Mad Dog Mattis was, because the nickname isn't indicative to who Mattis is, Trump was put off with Mattis's "warrior philosopher" schtick and Mattis in turn was put off when he realized Trump's fascist strongman persona wasn't an act.

As a former Marine who respects Mattis, I was deeply disappointed that he couldn't see through Trump's bullshit earlier on.

Nazis always are

Mad Dog Mattis, the supposed most well known recent iteration of the warrior poet/scholar archetype, is probably pretty pissed while reading about this.

As a young Marine this guy was one of those guys you learned leadership examples from, I had the chance to hear him speak on several occasions while I served. It was pretty disappointing seeing him join the Trump administration, but made sense when you could plainly see that he and Trump absolutely did not get along, because Trump isn't a real leader by any stretch of imagination.

Tuberville is just another ignorant know-nothing Chickenhawk piece of shit, with extra racism and potential treason thrown in the mix to make him an extra large pile of shit.

I get the differences, but there are similarities, microfinance is just the banking world's version of the gig economy, still predatory in nature, still exploiting the poor under the guise of helping the poor.

Finally, after Erdogan played both sides as much as he thought he could, what a douche.

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So kidnapping and imprisonment is what marriage is to you?

Marriage is a pact based on love and partnership, what you're suggesting is slavery.

You got some major incel vibes going on bro, time to take yourself to a licensed mental health professional.

40% of voting Floridians voted against DeSantis, Florida is also the state with the third highest Jewish population, I'm fairly certain that nowhere near all of Florida has "Nazi" politics.

Maybe try not sounding like an ignorant by generalizing the third most populated state, which is also just as mixed as the other three most populated states. You're just sounding like those idiots that bitch about how California is all "liberal" while ignoring the conservative North Cali and all of the Neo-Con enclaves and Nazis in between.

Sure the Florida GOP are pretty much Nazi-lite, but there's a shitload of Florida citizens who are not them and completely disagree with them and are doing what they can to push back against them.

What's even sadder is that it's millions of people that some of us used to look up to and respect, now we just have a bunch of sad brainwashed shells of the people they used to be before Trump/conservative propaganda got ahold of them. They broke our communities and now they've broken our families, now all that's left is for them to break is us.

I'm not the biggest Hillary fan but she's been right about the Trump Qult from day 1 and this is a great essay from her about this topic:

Technically he is brown, I really don't know where the line is anymore for who's a terrorist and who's not according to the Peter Griffin skin shade scale, but it's seemed to devolve into "if he's a far right person then he must not be a terrorist" because you can't say it's conservatives because Jihadists are conservatives, then you have Hindu nationalists, the line really only seems to be "Donald Trump fan" not a terrorist, all others, terrorist.

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I've got a raging clue!

These dumbasses and their self-snitching:

Davis has long been known to investigators and has himself admitted in interviews and in his 2019 tell-all memoir, Compton Street Legend, that he was in the Cadillac from which the gunfire erupted during the September 1996 drive-by shooting. Shakur was 25 when he was gunned down

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Which is funny too considering how many of Trump's friends were stand-ups or in comedy in general, like how Trump was a good friend to Howard Stern, whom is mostly friends with comedy or music legends, Howard even talks about Trump being one of the last people to leave Howard and Beth's wedding. Although now Stern thinks Trump is a huge un-american piece of shit after Trump's election and presidency.

So Trump has been around enough comedians to know a thing or two about stand-up, but his material just isn't good at all.

All the worst people seem to be friends these days.

It's even crazier when it's 200+ guns on Long Island, where general gun culture used to be next to invisible. Growing up there I had not seen a gun store until I moved to Florida, I'm sure they were there, just not all over or obvious, most people there used to not own guns, outside of all of the cops, it's suburbia with little shitty areas and rustic areas sprinkled in between.

Dan Akroyd doing a Schwarzenegger impression: "We come from Gaul!"

This topic specifically is how many of the well known gangs of Chicago and LA were formed, like the Crips originally being formed to eliminate gangs to become a neighborhood watch, or the Latin Kings forming to combat racist acts of violence and depredation, there are a lot of similar instances over the decades (maybe even centuries) but ultimately a legitimized citizens militia or neighborhood watch that can react to circumstances would probably be a good alternative, but we all know what happened when the Black Panthers tried to fill this niche.

Edit: I also left out the Guardian Angels, which still exist as a organization, used to see them all the time growing up in NYC during the 80's, but they have their faillings as an organization as well.

Sounds like he's going to owe more legal bills.