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Joined 12 months ago

Fellow vet, hoped to be done fighting, but this country is devolving into madness, and I'm prepared to fight for the constitution. I took an oath, as all that served did, to defend this country from all enemies, foreign or domestic, and I took that oath to heart. Hope for the best, prepared for the worst.

I'm guessing the whole unit got put in for them, and he was part of the unit, just not in an MOS (military occupational specialty) qualified to earn this particular combat badge. Someone didn't look close enough and just rubber stamped it. Basically, it just slipped through the cracks... but he knows as he knew then he wasn't in an MOS that could receive this award.

The Combat Infantry Badge, as the article mentions, is only awarded to infantry and special forces soldiers that have seen combat as typically these units were the only ones that saw action. With Afghanistan and Iraq, we saw a new form of conflict where there wasn't a specified frontline to the fighting and support rolls (such as the one he was in) often found themselves under fire. There was some push to award all soldiers that saw combat a CIB regardless of what job they held. The Army decided against doing this, but they did eventually create the Combat Action Badge (CAB) in 2005, which is similar to a CIB in that the recipient must be engaged in combat to earn it, but it is awarded to any MOS. He likely would have qualified for the CAB through his service, but I'm guessing it just wasn't a thing when he served.

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Wearing medals or badges you didn't earn is super cringy, and you're basically just shitting on everyone who actually did earn them. I'm not trying to take away this guys service, but as an actual recipient of a CIB, I feel like his lying is a direct slap in the face.

Generally speaking, most of this stuff is purchased through civilian stores just off post catering to military needs. No paperwork required to buy, but you'd be better off dead than to get caught wearing awards you didn't earn. And yes, there are ceremonies and other formal occasions where one needs to wear a dress uniform with all your ribbons and awards on them.

I have a circular path through my house that I'll walk aimlessly whenever on the phone. On days without many phone calls, I'll end up having a much much lower step count.

Edit: fixed a word

Yeah, but we used to call the guys that just went and bought shit they didn't earn PX Rangers. Anyone could go buy any badge or medal they wanted, but that doesn't mean they earned the right to wear it or that they have the documents proving they were awarded it... and I don't know about you, but I got presented with a certificate and a physical medal for every medal I earned, badges we had to buy but only after they were earned.

Ok, but why does this picture make me think he just wants to rub his nipples?

Well, yeah, he only suffered a scratch.

If the GOP wants to bring morals back, all they have to do is stop being so amoral.

Top right is accepting of all fetishists. Hell, we probably invented a few you haven't even heard of yet.

I'll take it one step further and say potato salad CAN be downright delicious when made well... I have also had potato salad so bad that it caused me to have an existential crisis about how I ended up where I was, eating what I was, and I had to pause to reconsider my life's choices.

TIL hard boiled eggs can explode in a microwave and that the explosion can be as loud as 133 decibels. For reference sake, a gunshot is about 155 decibels depending on caliber, so that's one loud ass egg.

The only thing a tolerant society can't tolerate is intolerance. Nazis have no place on American land and either need to be driven from it or buried in it.

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I don't think the world is ready to deal with the type of power one would wield after being deputized by a pillow salesman.

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Did somebody call me?

So yall are just talking about baby meds for minor headaches. I'm up on that prescription grade headache medication for my debilitating migraines, and I can not take it more than a few times a month without doing irreparable damage to my kidneys and liver. Sometimes, dealing with headache pain is the healthier option.

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He had a very treatable cancer that was found in the early stages and was given an excellent prognosis, but in his infinite megalomaniac manner he decided he knew better than the doctors and opted to treat his cancer at home with homeopathic remedies. His home made new age "cures" clearly didn't work and by the time he finally decided to get proper treatment his cancer had metastasized and he was beyond help... sounds to me like he played a large hand in his own demise so the joke plays.

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We spent twenty years fighting their battles for them, $2.3 trillion spent helping build up their infrastructure, supplying them with weapons and training, and trying to help them build a legitimate democratic government. After all our efforts, expenses, and American lives lost, it took the Taliban just ten days to retake the entire country. Freedom can't be given it has to be won, and frankly they weren't willing to fight for theirs... and I say this as a disabled combat veteran who lost dozens of friends to this conflict either in combat or to their own hands once they returned home. What a waste.

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The amount this woman fails to grasp, morally or otherwise, is truly astounding. I still blame her for Trump's win, and wished they'd both just fuck off already.

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They seem to believe that the power of elected officials is only vaild when they wield it.

Well, I wasn't planning to attend, but how can I pass up the opportunity to eat a child... I just hope it's one of those ethically sourced organic free-range children.

Yeah, but as fucked up as it is to say, Hitler actually accomplished something with his time in power worth talking a about.

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Wife two seems to be slacking or new, and wife four needs a dog to balance things.

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How about we start calling them out on all the foolish things the Bible forbids, but they ignore and do anyway such as:

  • Wearing clothing made of blended fabrics - leviticus 19:19

  • Wearing ripped or torn clothing - leviticus 10:6

  • Eating shellfish - leviticus 11:10

  • Eating pork - leviticus 11:4

  • No short hair cuts, and no shaving beards - leviticus 19:27

  • No tattoos or piercings - leviticus 19:28

  • No alcohol in church - leviticus 10:9

  • No working on the sabbath - leviticus 23:3

  • No divorce - mark 10:9

  • No wearing jewelry - timothy 2:9

  • No lying - leviticus 19:11

  • Don't mistreat foreigners - leviticus 19:33-34

  • Buying or selling land - leviticus 25:23

I could honestly do this all day as there are so very many things to write here, but I feel this is sufficient to demonstrate my point.

Don't let these people use their faith as justification to be terrible humans until they follow every word "written" by their infallible god in their hypocritical self contradictory book that none of them have actually read.

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Only to get started. The more pee you drink, the more you have to pee, so you'll get up to volume relatively quickly so long as you buckle down and chug that pee.

Is anyone here old enough to remember the crunchy chick from Fable?

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It looks like he tried to send one mass flirt message to 39 women, but it went out in a group chat instead of individual messages. So he acknowledged his failure and left his own group chat.

Your second statement is contradicted by both the first and third.

You can't use reason to convince someone out of a position they didn't reason their way into... I agree that should still be the first step, but I wouldn't expect it to work for the majority of them. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch to overcome, especially if they aren't willing to accept the possibility they might be wrong.

Preemptive strike without formal declaration of war signed by congress and without congressional or U.N. approval. Plus, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and several of their legal advisors were charged and found guilty of war crimes in foreign courts for endorsing torture and cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment of P.O.W.s but the ICC (international criminal court) decided not to pursue the matter even though they had ample evidence cause Murica.

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Can we at least give them the chance to willingly forfeit their extreme wealth before resorting to decapitation. I imagine many would still refuse, but I feel it's ethically necessary to provide them with a choice.

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This list is practically impossible. I can be high or on time, but rarely both.

I'd imagine that if the universe is truly parallel, then the alternate version of you would be doing exactly the same as you are, but maybe he wears a hat.

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So you're telling me I'm wasting my time and money on my braces because my kids won't be born with straight teeth as a result of my treatment?

The US only said it didn't have any evidence it was caused by a missile... which should be read as we don't want to acknowledge our information gathering network has info about this incident so we saw nothing 😉

So basically, in the ocean then.

Does she think that g-string and oversized t-shirt she probably wears to bed would provide a suitable barrier preventing the demon from cramming a lasagna up her ass? Must be one weak ass demon if it's so easily deterred from its objective.

As terrible as tiktok can be, it is literally the place that showed me I have adhd... later confirmed by profesionals once I knew to ask. Had I not dabbled on tiktok during the pandemic, I'd probably still be wondering what's wrong with me... not that I'm saying adhd is "wrong", just that for 40 years, I always knew I wasn't neuro-typical and couldn't function the same as others without having any answers as to why. I would frequently fall into a debilitating spiral of self-loathing and mental abuse, convinced that I was somehow at fault. Finally, having an answer has helped immensely, and unfortunately, I have tiktok to thank for this.

There have been over 18,000 different gods, goddesses, and various animals or objects worshipped by humanity since we started writing our history, and likely countless more that have been lost to time. The majority of these worshipped deities are no longer believed in, and the fact we as a species have been unable to move beyond the fairytales of omnipotent gods told during the bronze age will never cease to amaze me.

Religion in all its various current forms is a tool of manipulation used against the masses to keep them complacent and scared. That being said, even though I tend to lean towards an atheististic view, I will concede that the possibility exists of a higher life form we may consider as a god. If such a life form does exist, it would be so far beyond our ability to comprehend that any claim to know what it expects of us is pure human foolishness or intended maliciously to control the ignorant.

I live my life by the simple principle that if a god exists and is a just god then I'll be judged by my actions in this life, whether I caused harm to others or lived well doing what I'm able to make the world better, and not on whether or not I believed in and worshipped them. If a god exists that would punish me for all eternity for not worshipping them, then they are not a just god, and as such would be unworthy of such devotion. Bottomline is we will never know as long as we live, and with as short as our lives are, why waste them worrying about what we can never know. Just live your life well, be kind to others, and be the best you that you can be.

Edit: fixed a typo