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They make it sound like he shouldn’t have said it out loud. This is the shit his loyalists love! He means to say it and they were meant to hear it.

He wasn’t “caught” doing shit.

How his loyalist minions don’t see him as a 10 year old child suggesting random actions with no consequences is so far beyond me that I think contemplating the purpose of the universe would be easier to solve.

Every fucking thing he says is some dumbass plan that doesn’t even consider a single consequence of its own action.

This is the mind of a spoiled rotten child that has never had to face a consequence in their life. They have others to do that for them.

“Let’s have a purge! It won’t be me that suffers!”

What a fucking cunt of a man!

Can we have that man forcibly removed from our country please? He’s already proven to be threat to our democracy. If he wants to say dumb shit like this, he can do so from far away where our taxes aren’t paying for the services he’s using to circumvent it.

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That douche punched a sentence into a computer and thinks he’s an artist? My god what have we become.

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Ahh yes, the camera bullshit. Here we go…

Yes a photographer is an artist. They need to know light diffusion, locational effects, distance and magnification, aperture, shutter speed, and have a subject prepped and able to take direction. They also have to have an insane understanding of post process editing.

They don’t simply type a sentence into a computer and get beautiful photographs.

A child can produce the exact same image by simply typing the exact same sentence into a computer.

A child cannot be given a camera and be tasked to produce the exact same quality photo of a professional photographer- and succeed.

So stop with this bullshit comparison. It’s apples and oranges.

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Because people will read them?

I’d LOVE to see her run in 2028.

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Yeah, the joke is that someone thinks they can call themselves an artist by typing a sentence into a prompt on a computer. I get that you’re trying to call me out, but the failure in your joke is that I’m not claiming to be an artist. That douche is.

You’ve got nothing.

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Trump wants a lot of stupid shit. In the interest of national security, he should not under any circumstances be given any of it.

And this man is potentially going to be elected to run a country.

I didn’t need to. The moment photography was brought up as a comparison, that’s all I needed to know.

AI is not art. Period.

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Spooky season? You mean Halloween?

k. Thanks! I have been waiting for weeks for permission from an AI “artist” to be allowed to have an opinion on something.

You’ve helped me out a lot!

The moment your art was run through AI, it was no longer yours, and no longer art.

I’m done talking about this. I stated my point, my opinion, and I have no intention to change it. AI is garbage.

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Trump opening his fucking mouth is the definition of a false reply.

Oh I’m not saying you are. But they are. And you’re feeding them their own game. I’m not a troll either. But I will on occasion, entertain them to see how long it takes them to realize their own game is being played against them.

God I love seeing a troll get trolled. This is expert level shit man. Hilarious and Bravo!

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Fair point.

For me, sad requires sympathy. He’s pathetic.

I’ve seen that person around. Serious cringe vibes.

I can absolutely see that shit going down.

This tells you all you need to know. Those companies need to be shut down.

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Watch how quickly the platform known for its “fReEdUm oF sPeEcH” bans any and all posts by Biden’s campaign.

Conservatives are so fucking cowardly, they’re afraid of children now? When will that entire party be officially considered a hate group? Because i think now would be a good time.

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And he’s 100% correct.

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I think they’re voting for Trump.

Good. More of this. Fuck these conservatives wolves in bishops clothing.

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The people that need to know this- won’t listen, and the people that don’t need to know- don’t need to know because they already know it.

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Nature is wrong.

A species CAN regress.

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Texas should pay for all hospital bills and the funerals.

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I’ll bet money it’s not random.

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Narrator: … and nothing continued to happen.

Try telling this to the “gEnOciDE jOe” clowns, because they are the ones that need to understand this- not the trumpers. Trumpers are too far gone. They won’t listen to reason.

But these ‘single issue’ kids that are grassrooting the ideology that not voting is better than a vote for “genocide” are going to fuck around and find out the hard way when they get Trump installed as a permanent fixture in the White House.

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I can’t watch YouTube without getting ads with some gravy seal in camo walking around in the woods telling me there’s a storm coming.

Who’s allowing these clowns to spread their propaganda?

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This is the embarrassment that is America now. We will probably never recover from this.

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Ohio Republican legislative leaders signaled they would not respect the will of the people.

Have they ever?

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Trump Melts Down… if only. I’d love to see him as a puddle.

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They don’t pay the hospital bills.

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Dude needs to stand before a firing line, not go to jail.

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Dudes a Russian plant. What more evidence is needed. Get him the fuck out of here.