
0 Post – 636 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I'm the king. Of jalopies.

I'm not falling for it. Just looking at it from lemmy and laughing lol

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What did you use to tell your little brother when you played?

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Big corporation, little planet.

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So you spent your whole vacation uploading this picture???

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For real though I have wanted for years to know, the person that took this picture; what the hell did they say to get everybody to look like that?

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What's fucked is I had no idea that was a scar until I was well into adulthood.

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The "loss" meme, since everyone else wants to be pseudo-clever and not just tell you.

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Almost like it's some kind of federation...

I think I might know part of the reason they aren't turning a profit...

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My buddy was just bragging to me how he just bought a brand new Sequoia with all the bells and whistles and only had to do was take out the equity on his home and he paid cash for the whole thing... Somehow I couldn't get him to understand how fucking stupid it was to take the equity out of his home to buy a fucking fancy car.

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Oh shit, I'm talking to a famous person! Your famous is what you are. I bet you get sa lot of dates!

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Jesus Christ, I could barely use Reddit when it was free. Can't imagine being such a tool I'd pay for the privilege of browsing that fucking ridiculous echo chamber. Moving to lemmy was the best thing I could've done. Wish I'd known about this place sooner. So much less ridiculous nonsense infighting and parroting basic ass taking points.

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Just fucking delete your Reddit accounts, what is the issue here?? They do not deserve your ad dollars, walk away. The Internet is not this important. Fuck any website that behaves this way, just stop using it. There's literally billions of sites out there.

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Dude those are for your butt

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Just following the rules, which I can appreciate.

Don't dead open inside

I wonder why boys in a Catholic school can't have long hair like a girl? It's not like it would make them look more like a girl would it? And even if it did make them look more girlish, how would that affect anybody at the Catholic school? It's not like Catholics are known for nefarious things...

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Unless you're sleeping with them. Then it's fishes.

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I like the spring piece but my brother is always stealing it

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It's just a rule from those particular communities. You have to post something before you leave and it has to have the word rule in the title. It's just a silly thing they do.

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Dude soap will fuck your shit up

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Oh shit you're right. That was really lame.

Edit. Okay, I click the link before you edited it and I just watched the whole video and that was actually kind of funny but still not as cool as I hoped.

"our" video games...

I mean I didn't learn this from Reddit but I used to piss in bottles a lot in my room and my wife caught on to it (we have separate rooms because to both of us sleep as sacred and we don't need to share a bed to love each other) and got really upset about it. Until I explained to her that when I was young my dad used to beat my ass for getting up and going to the bathroom in the middle of the night as if I was some kind of pussy for not being able to hold it. As a result, I conditioned myself to not pee at night in the bathroom, but pee only in what was most readily available. As I became older, it carried over when I would wake up in the middle of the night and be too scared to go to the bathroom for obvious reasons. Sounds ridiculous. Might even sound disgusting but that's my experience and there's nothing wrong with me and I don't do it anymore but it took me a long time to understand that nobody was going to kick my ass for going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. It wasn't because I was disgusting and it wasn't because it was mentally ill. It was because my father had conditioned me.

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I never do. You just got to build up a tolerance. Some people keep telling me it's an addiction but they're just pussies who can't handle their alcohol.

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So could Trump

Not to be crude but this pretty much is what I'm talking about. It's almost like having a two toned penis...

NSFW btw... Although it is just a drawing

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What the hell why am I not seeing this? Not that I want to, but I keep hearing this and I just don't hardly ever see it.

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The true autists outnumber is by far, it would be gone in seconds.

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Secret society?

"TPM was able to reveal the inner workings of the Society for American Civic Renewal in March using emails and documents largely obtained via public records"

More like, it's not a secret but no one was looking into at all... This is why this country is fucked. We're all too tired and broke to worry about looking into anything except our hobbies and leisure. Which it leaves to "real journalists" who then create articles with headlines like this lol. Even after we read it, no one will care.

I'm not doing anything to help here, but I'm too broke and tired and a new series just dropped plus I wanna get drunk and go to sleep.

You're welcome.

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Took too many mushrooms one night and I have tripped a couple hundred times. But these were particularly strong bois and I started to believe I was having a heart attack, it was only a panic attack, but I seriously thought I was dying from a heart attack. I was begging my wife who had taken two times as many as I had to call 911. She did her best to stay calm and remind me that I was just tripping on mushrooms and I told her I knew that I was tripping on mushrooms but something was wrong with my heart because I was freaking out and I could tell my heart was beating too fast. At one point she even stuck a Fitbit on my wrist and told me to look at my heart rate, and when I looked at it of course I couldn't read it because everything was just pixelated and swirling fractals. But somehow she was able to read it and said your heart rate is only 118 which I was able to confirm the next day from the data on my phone. I was crying and holding my chest and I kept throwing myself in a cold shower trying to calm myself down but time was all fucked up and moments were happening out of order and all I could think about was how my daughter was going to wake up in the morning without her father. I kept running through the house completely naked and freezing wet. Trying desperately to grasp onto something to send me back to reality. But everywhere I went it didn't matter because I knew I was dying from a heart attack and my wife who I couldn't believe at the time refuse to call 911 and save me. In retrospect, I'm so glad she did not lol. I haven't taken mushroom since. I'm too scared. They are not to be fucked with if you're not in the right state of mind. I really appreciate that trip though, it really made me appreciate life a whole lot more when I woke up the next day. I've never been more scared my entire life and I'm pretty sure I know exactly what it's going to be like when I actually do die. It was somewhat peaceful but it was taking too long in the moment and especially because time was not flowing correctly and everything was happening out of order It made me really panic. It just seemed like it was taking way too long. I suppose when I actually die time won't do that because presumably I won't be tripping when it happens lol.

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"But the media refuses to let go"

-the media

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This guy fucks

At least you own it. That's progress.

For those who don't know, look into the Creator of that sub. It's a crazy ass conspiracy type thing. Google Lake City Quiet Pills (link goes to a video from Nexpo on the subject) to go down a wild rabbit hole that somehow includes that sub. No child shit or whatever but it's hella interesting.

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America a bottom, but that's obvious to everyone in the world except is Americans.

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I might have cancer but it's so expensive to actually find out. I'd rather just ride it out and wait until the damage becomes irreversible...

Get the inspection!!

Studies show that 100% of mothers have at least 1 child.

This is lemmy. That's a given at this point lol.