GroteStreet 🦘

@GroteStreet 🦘
0 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Look how they massacred my boy...

My parents still double click everything on their mobile...

This article is prime "SelfAwareWolves" material...

Countering this in international media by offering more balanced views for a global audience is near impossible as censorship is rife. There almost seems to be a global compact to control the narrative, a propaganda war powered by today’s digital technology.

I hate how soy has been used by bigots as an insult. Soy products are bloody delicious!

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Obligatory link to the Rustonomicon.

Should you wish a long and happy career of writing Rust programs, you should turn back now and forget you ever saw this book.

I'm guessing you're receiving downvotes because that's such an extraordinary claim with no supporting evidence.

So I did a search and actually found this published journal article from July this year.

It did show both active viruses, and active immune responses in biopsied tongue cells of people with taste loss. Some even a year after infection. The activity is too small to be picked up by nasal swab PCR, but they're there.

But your claim of "you'll require medication to kill it completely" may not be entirely true. In all cases within the study, there was immune system activity in the tongue, and eventually the taste buds did recover.

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Mr Grace first made his concerns known ... saying he had become distracted by women wearing triangle bikinis.

I'm distracted by their thighs, they should wear knee-length skirts. Oh no, now I'm horny looking at their toned calf. And ankles, let's not forget those sexy ankles.

You know what, maybe they should just be required to cover everything up, but their eyes. But then again, those curly, luscious lashes. Hmmm...

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Or think of it as "convenience fee" for the people who can't use F-Droid.

If my friend, who thinks I'm IT support since I majored computer science, asks me which tracker they should use - I would just tell them to pay the $4 for OpenTracks.

So you're saying it's meditation in sheep's clothing?

This actually got a good laugh out of me. I have a toddler, and I can see what you did totally made sense in your mind, and that it was dad's fault for not being specific enough with the instructions.

This intrigued me so I tried asking some AI; and in typical AI fashion, they gave me very wrong answers very convincingly.

Gpt4 is convinced it was Vermeer's "Art of Painting", and gave a very verbose - but completely wrong - description of how the woman was directing the painter's arm. The BingGPT version even gave me links.. to websites with completely unrelated paintings.

Google bard insists it was Goya's "The Double Portrait", and gave a very detailed analysis and critique of the painting. It's very convincing, except for the fact that I couldn't find a painting by that name by Goya...

So I'm sorry I couldn't be of much help. I just found the whole thing amusing.

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My understanding of the joke is less about tables, more about pontification; I.e. "it is so because we say it is".

Reckon the manbaby-in-chief will let it stay up?

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Given the size and reputation of DJI, you shouldn't have any concerns.

I'm sorry, but i disagree with this mentality. The size of a company means nothing. We've had so many security breaches from companies large and small. Be it from malice or incompetence.

And speaking of reputation, this, this, and this doesn't really scream "good reputation" to me.

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I read the title 10 times and was still confused until I saw your comment. And I'm not even dyslexic.

Or am i...?

shocked! who could seen that coming?

Someone using old.reddit who can still see the sidebar warning?

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Apple seems to have different weighting rules than Android. I'd be interested to see what their regional Play Store looks like.

Also, 2.7 on Australian play store 👍

You can still do it through Linux, if you know the right commands..

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Thanks for taking the time. This is wonderful.

I'm no veg(etari)an by any measure, but I have this to say to people who are exclusively meat-eaters: you're missing out on a world of interesting flavours and textures.

Next time you make chicken curry, replace half the chicken with tofu. Bolognese - do half lentils & kidney beans. Beans and legumes are cheap as, great for the current economic climate (and the real climate, I guess..)

PS: mushrooms are the food of gods. There's just so many varieties, you can use them for nearly anything.

Thus just feels like a lazy LLM-generated article.

Here are some secrets of Linux that many people may not be aware of. *Proceeds to list things that Linux is famous for*

Nothing much. What's up with you?

It's like a "special military operations", in the workplace!

Reddit has made it clear they don't care at all. The amount of lying and gaslighting is sickening.

Or, short of that.. If you're whistleblowing on Boeing, you should go to Airbus and Lockheed and tell them, "it's in your best interest that I stay breathing".

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Speaking of stores, there's also Obtainium if you like living on the edge. It can pull directly from GitHub releases, which may or may not be desirable for different people.

Another obvious one is Firefox or its siblings Mull & Fennec, with their add-on support for a better browsing experience.

There's also system-wide ad/tracker blocking solutions. I don't actually have a recommendation on this as most of them share each other's blocklist anyway.

Omg how have I not heard about this. I'm blaming you for my lack of social life in the next couple weeks. Not that I have one to begin with.

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You need to go further right and claim that the scary black woman is actually a man too..

Other than desktop pwa, what features do the other browsers have that aren't available as a Firefox plugin?

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You may get a better answer if you follow the suggestion in the comment at the bottom of your source:

// - Ask our friendly community members if you need help:

The syntax is specific to Perchance, a website that 99% of the general public have never heard of.

You know what's funny, the two clients that don't support your dropdown/spoiler for anti-commercial licences were commercial closed-source Lemmy clients.

I say sod them and go back to your dropdown.

That's another claim begging for a source evidence, btw

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I really don’t know the Scottish English

If you think American v. British are at 80-90%, Scottish is around 30% and that's being generous 🙂

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Because if you need your wipers, you need your lights too.

If you have trouble seeing the road, people will have trouble seeing you. Do they not teach that in drivers ed these days?

And somehow it's always the grey cars...

Me in the late 90s: CSS is not a language!

Today: Holy crap, it's now Turing-complete.

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I can't stand Rossman's videos; but I respect the hell out of his ideas, principles, and efforts to better the slices of technological life that he cares about.

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I think we inadvertently have given the hug of death in the past few days... I don't think their server have seen so many people link to it at once.

But then people will see how many bugs your code actually has, and how you actually can't be bothered fixing any of them!

The way I normally do it is the following. Strip the sleeve further back than you need (say, an inch). Untwist the 8 cores and separate them.

Arrange them in the right order (the extra length makes this easy) Flatten, pack them together, and pinch with your thumb and forefinger near the base.

Without letting go of the pinch, use your free hand to cut them to the correct length. Now that you have them flat between your fingers in the right order, it should be pretty straightforward to slide them into the connector.

Bonus: they also work great on Android!