
3 Post – 549 Comments
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99% it's not AI, it is just an old school linear model, the one they have been using for decades, implemented on Excel, that they now call AI.

I know people working in insurance...

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What a weird title. They are completely 2 different, independent things. Just to be categorized with AI hype articles...

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How are they called "tech companies"? Are they not just delivery companies?

Not criticizing, just asking

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I don't agree with this piece. Labor exploitation has been a thing for much longer than silicon valley, as well as wall street. Modern ceos are applying old strategies. They are managing to do it more effectively now than in the recent past because governments are weaker and international competition stronger

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Sugar is not bad. Abuse of sugar is bad. Sugar is absolutely fine, as long as one doesn't exceed. Problem is that in American-inspired diets sugar is everywhere at gigantic doses

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For me the rule that has always worked is "bet everything on open-source". It has always paid off.

When people at uni used Matlab, I learned R (before R-studio even existed) and python. I moved to linux as soon as I could. I never wanted to learn anything MS or Apple specific, or proprietary technologies such as visual studio, excel, vba, c#, SAS. I went on docker ASAP...

Now the world in my field runs on open source tecnologies, and I am the leaders of the "new stuff" wherever company I go.

On the long term learning open source solutions is always a win. Best case scenario it becomes the industry standard, worst case scenario it gives you the know how to master proprietary tools

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The article is very badly written. The problem is windows vulnerability, it is not the open source software. The open source software is just a simple vector to exploit the vulnerability. Others could be out there

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More than 5 years then. The comic was right, with the difference that it took more than 1 single team of researchers to solve it

I create proper libraries. I don't do snippets because they make code dirty, redundant and difficult to read on the long run.

I actively discourage people in my team to use snippets copy and pasted everywhere themselves. If it's reusable code, it should be usable by everyone and well tested

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I won't read the article with such a stupid title.

In other situations they call it victim shaming. There is a reason laws exists to forbid gambling for minors. Many video games are built as loopholes to circumvent such laws. Publishers and producers must be punished for this. Parenting is not a relevant topic here, as we are talking about society.

In a society the distribution of parenting capabilities has large variability, and it does not always depends on the parents themselves, but also on environmental factors (such as work-related stressors).

As society we need to fight any predatory business model that exploits society and individuals weaknesses.

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Short answer is no. Safety of a program is in its implementation, not in the visibility of the code.

Most of the internet runs on opensource code, most companies that require highest security rely on open source programs, while companies relying on proprietary software are victims of hackers, malwares, ransomware every second (I am not going to name names to avoid useless wars).

That said, not all open source code is safe to use, as no all closed source software is safe to use. Bigger projects, used by many and used by experts are usually safe, most often even safer than close source counterparts.

Smaller projects are as safe as any random software downloaded from internet, unless you are able to read the code yourself. Many are safe, many aren't, few are malevolent.

Be careful and research the program you are installing for security concerns.

If you want to download big stuff like debian, fedora, blender, gimp, krita, chromium, vscode, docker, k8s (I don't know what you are into) just be sure that you trust the source from were you download binaries. The same as for any closed source software

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It refers to the fact that feelings are not a reflection of the outside reality, but a reflection of one's perception of it. According to OP, this is proven by how feelings completely change by simply changing the way the brain perceives reality, via a psycotropic compound, while actual reality remains unchanged.

This is a well known scientific and philosophical fact, that OP has only come to know recently thanks to personal experience with psycotropic drugs

Such epiphany resulted in the shower thought we are commenting.

beep beep, I am not a bot, this action wasn't performed automatically

Because international agencies and governments recognize those settlements as violations of international laws https://press.un.org/en/2016/sc12657.doc.htm . To create those settlements, most often, people previously living there were forced to move somewhere else, often by using army.

That's the reason. Whatever is someone's side on the conflicts, those settlements are simply widely recognized as illegal

Unfortunately I don't agree with you. Different things have changed over time:

  • For chatgpt 3.5 they moved to a "lighter" and faster (distilled) version, gpt-3.5-turbo. Distillation came with a performance price, particularly on advanced and less common cases.
  • newer chatgpt-4 versions have likely been "lighten" for performance reasons
  • context has been halved for chatgpt-4 on webui, meaning that the model forget more easily and can use half information to create text
  • heavy control has been implemented on jailbreaking and hallucinations, that results in models less prone to follow complex instructions (limiting prompt engineering) and that prefer simplified answers than providing wrong ones (overall decreasing the chance of getting high quality answers).

All these changes have made working with gpt less pleasant, and more difficult for very advanced and specialized case, particularly with gpt-4 which at the beginning was particularly good.

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That's why engineers are, on average, paid more than researchers... And why research is such a nicer job.

Create robust and easy-to-use stuff is tough and you don't get much reward

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Good human

"Usable" is a strong statement... It went from a "misery inducing insufferable machine" to a "extremely big annoyance". I do concede it is anyway a progress

Software updates are the problem unfortunately

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The whole year. Companies who lied off (meta, google, Microsoft) and did stock buybacks had a huge boost on the market.

Stock market is demanding layoffs, from even before chatgpt took over. That's it. AI is just another keyword to push market price even further

It is dystopian. It looks like a alpha version of the robocop "bad" robots. It is indeed dystopian. It doesn't fire autonomously just because creators could not implement a "directive 4" (don't shoot who I don't want to be shoot).

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Honest title: lazy analyst pretends to be smart recycling an overused Gartner graph

Reference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gartner_hype_cycle

Ootl, what's going on? I haven't read anything

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This is likely going to change as software support for gaming on Linux improves.

If you consider real high performance computing, with well optimized libraries that can properly use the hardware (including GPUs), 50 % difference between windows and Linux is not really surprising. This is the reason 100% of real high performance computing is done on Linux. It is a better OS for raw performances than windows. For some tasks we are easily talking over twice the performances. It is not always the case, but not surprising at all.

The differences clearly depend on the actual low level implementation of the code. But in general the current situation in gaming, with windows that competes with Linux on raw performances, is only due to lack of software support for gaming on Linux. As this is changing over time, we'll see games performances greatly improve in Linux. Hopefully until the physiological surpass of windows performances.

Currently most of gaming support on Linux is done via some kind of translation layer, that has itself an overhead. It means that the real linux performance would be even better than in all these benchmarks, if it was really possible to compare 1:1 Windows and Linux with native, well optimized code.

Did you opened an issue on github?

You are wording this as a clickbait news article.

You find an issue, you report it to the right channel, you notify it. Good. This is how software development work, with active community reporting issues.

But why using such tone?

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Never seen that game in my homepage... You may have played similar games

That's called context. For chatgpt it is a bit less than 4k words. Using api it goes up to a bit less of 32k. Alternative models goes up to a bit less than 64k.

Model wouldn't know anything you said before that

That is one of the biggest limitations of current generation of LLMs.

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To surprise of no one... I thought it was clear that it is only a marketing fantasy to scam those who don't understand how nature works

They set zscaler so that if I don't access an internal service for an unknown number of months, it means I don't need it "for my daily work", so they block it. If I want to access it again I need to open a ticket. There is no way to know what they closed and when they'll close something.

In 1 months since this policy is active, I already have opened tickets to access test databases, k8s control plane, quality control dashboards, tableau server...

I really cannot comment how wrong it is.

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Is this a compliment to Google? Edge is just chromium with few eye candies, custom settings and original tracking system replaced by Microsoft tracking system.

We know it is a good browser, Google engineers are in general good engineers

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I never push as last thing in the evening. I want to sleep over it and revise in the morning. --amend crew unite

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You should ask some Hawaiian.

It usually heavily depends on the context. Children having fun themed dressed as Hawaiian looks pretty nice, they are kid playing.

I am italian. Super Mario is not offensive, an Italian-themed college party where everyone dress and speak as mobster saying "capisc" is very offensive.

Context matters. Here doesn't look like the kids are offending anyone. But I am not Hawaiin, you should ask them

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AI tools are support for professionals. For non professionals they are a toy, a magic box

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Publish or perish, that's why

Male being good at talking and flirting with girls. Where I grew up (south of Italy) you have to be able to know what to do as a young heterosexual man, otherwise girls would completely ignore you. When I was young, italian girls expected "work" from boys, a lot of work. You could not throw money or take shortcuts (I don't know if it is still valid).

When I moved to north of Europe, in 3 different countries, I realized that for north european guys existing was enough to get many girls. It was so easy, girls flirt with you, they literally go after boys. You could do nothing and a girl would start flirting with you. And being decent at talking with girls meant that any average Italian guy abroad was a Don Giovanni.

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What I don't understand how this is not a mainstream news. This could have potentially impacted so many companies and governments... This is huge and it deserves to be widely known. Same hacking technique could have been used elsewhere. It requires a broad investigation

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Basically it's how already works with cameras. Subjects and composition are enough to copyright images. Even without post-processing

For me it's the opposite, at school I was forced to take notes. Teacher would give me bad grades if they saw me not talking notes. But notes are completely useless for me, and if I take notes I don't understand the lecture. So I started the habit to sketch on notebooks pretending to take notes. Schools can be pretty stupid

Why do you hate AI instead of hating business schools culture? AI will save lives, ceos use it to fire people

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You miss the major reason of an orm, abstract vendor specif syntax, i.e. dialect and derived languages such as pl sql, t-sql, etc.

Orm are supposed to allow you to be vendor agnostic

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It is extremely easy for ai to insert typos. Just FYI