
1 Post – 128 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The interview is a vibe check first and foremost. If you vibe with the team we will overlook other things in your application. If you made it to interview, we already think you're good enough so don't stress trying to impress or apologize.

Managers are mostly people who get tired of watching other people do things badly and decide to try to do better. You don't need a special degree or any magic to be a good manager, you should like people though.

Everyone is faking it to some degree.

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In skincare discussions what you experienced is called "pilling" and it's the result of putting on a lotion or skin product too soon after another one that was applied too thickly or didn't have time to absorb fully. The balls are dead skin and the dried lotion or sunscreen that has gotten gummy and stuck to itself like eraser bits. Apply your sunscreen a little bit thinner and rub it in well and it shouldn't continue to happen.

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Literally just pulled my daughter's high tops out of the washer. We unlace them and put them in a zippered laundry bag (cheap at most stores that sell Landry soap, look near the clothespins in the cleaning aisle) with the laced. Wash shoes alone with regular soap and a small amount of oxiclean on gentle with an extra rinse, cool water, smallest load. They finished looking very nice and we usually let shoes dry sitting out in the air on a towel for a day or 2 before wearing.

The location of the wreck wasn't found until 1985 and it was definitely still a popular disaster story to tell. I remember books about it in my elementary school library in the late 1980s alongside volcanos and dinosaurs.

This happens to my front step railing every year or so. It's two things that have been mentioned, but in combination.

Carpenter bees bored into your wood to make their nests, and then a woodpecker came along and ate the bees in their nests.

Here's a cool article about the bees. http://entomology.ca.uky.edu/ef611

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Being a non-smoker back then was a giant pain-in-the-ass at any workplace too because any smoker could and would take a break for a cigarette once an hour and then so would the manager and they'd get to be buddies but if you were known as a non-smoker you didn't get a break because you "didn't need one" I knew dozens of people, especially in healthcare, who took up smoking because that was the time to be social with each other and the managers.

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Oh shit. He's a Nazi? Fuuuuck. I thought he was just a plagiarizer.

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Travel companies have been doing this shit for years. The most egregious is that Apple users tend to get shown higher prices overall but it's been around in many forms for a long time. They call it "Dynamic Pricing"

Yeah, Baldur’s Gate 3 for certain. Shadowheart, Astariaon and Wyll, left to right. The red icon mean Wyll has 70% chance to hit with that Eldritch Blast.

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Outside the US, no one cares. Most people use WhatsApp and they don't care what hardware it runs on.

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About a week from setting up Button #1 "Go For A Walk" and us pressing it before we go for walks to my 5yo rescue mutt pressing it himself when prompted "Do you want to go for a walk?" After about a month he was always hitting the button before we went out but often would come bother us in his old ways (nosing under our hands, whining, pawing at our feet) before he would hit the button to get our attention first.

We added "Puzzle" in month 2 because he only gets treats when he solves a "puzzle" (mix of dog puzzle toys and treat stuffed Kong). That one caught on immediately.

We thought he was getting them mixed up because he would give us all the signs we used to interpret as wanting to go out like a yawn and stretch, hit both buttons, and then stand next to the puzzle basket like we were dumb. We moved the two buttons really far apart.

The reality is he wants puzzles because he's bored far more often then he ever really wanted to walk, he's down from 4 walks a day to 2 once we started to trust that he really knew what he was telling us.

We added a "Food" button but he never used consistently because he understands the meal names "breakfast", "lunch", "dinner" better then the word "food" for mealtimes. We serve meals at the same time every day anyway so we eventually took the button back up because he never used it.

John Oliver doesn't seem to have a problem with HBO/Max

Colbert seems to struggle more with the FCC regulations on what he can't say and show more than what CBS wants. It's less often now but at the start of his Late Show he really appeared to be mean to CBS on-air specifically to prove that they didn't have a presence in his writers room.

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Yeah, somehow all my gun-owning friends get all awkward and quiet when I ask them how it's gonna feel to shoot at the 18yo army recruits and national guard when they finally "come for their guns." I haven't even gotten to ask what anti-drone measures they have.

Not one of them is ready for the realities of a shooting war with the American Military.

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I feel like Biden just keep repeating the talking points that worked for Clinton in the 1990s and being confused why progressives today don't take him seriously. He's better than the other guy by a long shot but his policies are decades old.

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There's way more garlic in my hummus

I say tahini and peanut butter are the same thing because a tahini and jelly sandwich is pretty good.

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As a librarian this is an awesome idea but unlikely to work out long term for a couple of reasons relating to the libraries.

  1. Patrons will absolutely freak out if the computer they sit down at doesn't look like the Windows machine they are expecting. Even the time-keeping software we use makes people uncomfortable and it's just a countdown clock for the 30 minutes they signed up for. I've had a very expensive Mac desktop for art and music software go totally unused for years because most patrons want a Windows computer to check their Hotmail. Librarian sobs

  2. Unless the library 'technologist" or IT team is already really into Linux in their off time AND paid well enough to bring that experience with them to the office, the people tasked with keeping it running will fail within 6 months and revert it back to something they can fix fast. Generally there's one IT department that's handing the libraries and other government run service offices and they will not take the time to do anything out of the ordinary.

Maybe for a subset of computers in a large library like the stand-up quick access stations or catalog lookup computers near the books. Linux can and does a lot of good keeping these one-use stations going despite the fact the run on 1998 Dell Potatoes.

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Reminds me of those people who dream about their partner cheating on them and then are mad at them for days and demand apologies. These people think up things to be afraid and then demand we take their delusions seriously.

If they had found it right after it had been felled, they might have had a slight chance if they already had a crane nearby and ready and a firehouse.

Trees are basically a huge ring of tubes to carry water/sap/ tree blood, a thin layer of living wood between the bark and the dead wood inside from earlier growth. The tree relies on those tubes always being full of water because it doesn't have any way to push the sap around actively. The water evaporates from the leaves, buds, any part of the tree not covered by bark, and this pulls water from the bottom of the tree up to replace it. (Technically the water moves up due to capillary action of the close molecular interactions of the H2O and the tiny size of the tubes so it doesn't need a lot of "pull")

But if these tubes get cut, an air bubble gets in and that flow is interrupted. It's difficult or impossible for a plant to recover flow in that tube. If the cut is kept wet, it can keep air from blocking the tube, which is wide you are advised to trim flower stems under running water and never let them dry out if you are keeping flowers in a vase.

If a tree loses most of all of these tubes to air bubbles, it can't really recover. This is why "ringing" a tree kills it and also why there is a strict limit on the number of times you can tap a Maple Tree for syrup.

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If you know, you know. This one hit hard.

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Huh? In the exact same place on this Pixel and my last three Pixels is the Power button, Double tapping the Power Button on my Android phone opens the camera. Press and hold to talk to Assistant. Hold a long time to open Emergency and eventually call 911 automatically. It's been a option for a long time. It would be nice if Google made these use assignable actions but they already exist.

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Hahahaha. "Go back to"?

Just because you don't know what they are called today doesn't mean those sites stopped existing. Shock and gore sites have been part of the Internet for a long time because they fill a human desire, same as porn and gambling and anything that makes your brain think you're being naughty enough to hand out that sweet dopamine reward.

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ADHD makes you work 2-3x as hard all the time about everything you care about so when compared to a regular person we are fucking superstars at working our asses off just to get along.

Unfortunately nothing is measured in effort and caring alone. So until you also get good at whatever it is you're doing, you don't get any notice. So we appear from the outside to go from okay to amazing at things pretty quickly and faster than other people, but it's really because we're either working 200% or not at all.

Don't sweat the grade. You've now burned into your memory this failure and you will have an easier time remembering to stop and check your files for that kind of error before submitting. I've been in the workplace 20 years now and I have 1000 past disasters whispering in my ear every time I do something so my work is exemplary compared to my coworkers and I look like I have a superpower. I just have a lot of experience failing first.

When milk of $5+ a gallon in most of the country, the solution isn't as simple as "cook at home" for those of us with a family to feed. Young Americans don't mean just 24 year olds.

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He would have liked it. He was one of the major forces behind RSS which is another great way to let individually owned servers to feed information to many people on their own systems on their own terms. Fediverse is something he would have definitely appreciated.

The casual implication here that a round of ammo in your luggage doesn't imply you are an unsafe gun owner is insane. Lost rounds don't just happen, they are a sign that the person didn't account for all their ammo and secure it properly. There's no reason to give these people a pass.

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Comics like this miss that due to the 15 year gap between generational groups, a family is likely 2 generations apart. Thus Boomers raised me, a Millennial, and I am raising Gen Alphas. My sister-in-law is an Xer and raised a Zoomer.

Also many of the best breakdowns of new memes are done by Millennials because we remember the wild early internet in all of it's Hamster Dance, All Your Base, Flying Spaghetti Monster glory.

As someone who spins and felts, the fibers in lint are too short for felting too. Both spinning and felting require the fibers be long enough to tangle and lint is the broken pieces of fibers that have fallen out of threads already. You can get it to stick together like felt but it won't ever be sturdy like a felt because the fibers can't get wrapped around one another or tangled up. Like trying to give dreadlocks to a guy with a buzz cut.

Some people use dryer felt to add color to felted things they have made but I think of lint like the crumbs at the bottom of the cereal box or chip bag.

For reference, they still sell these too: Full Sheets

I agree that Starbucks isn't the best for you but there's a wide range of drinks between black coffee and milkshake.

They are two separate solutions for different phases of the problem.

  1. Buying electric vehicles over internal combustion engines now is practical because most of us don't live in a reasonable commuting distance to our jobs.

  2. Vote for politicians that support pedestrian friendly zoning practices, remote work, and mass transit for the future so that less people are stuck in that situation in 20 years.

Doing only one of them doesn't fully solve the problem, you either continue to pollute now or you are stuck polluting, albeit less, forever.

I'm sure it annoys people that both are necessary and if you happen to live in a situation where the first is unnecessary for you, it can look like it's not necessary for everyone. But most Americans live at least 20 miles from their workplace so the vast majority of us can't just wait for policy solutions.

I hope it was just like the scene in Our Flags Means Death.

"Hey. Wanna do something weird?"

Reddit's search was broken when I joined in 2009 and it never improved. The only thing that made Reddit searchable was Google.

Reddit somehow missed that the value of the was in the comments, not the post. Post titles are easily searchable but searching the comments using Reddit's own search is still difficult. It mystifies me how badly the people running Reddit misunderstand the most basic things about it.

Told my teacher I preferred "the movies in my head" and earned myself a EEG to check for epilepsy as a 10 year old. No always explain my vivid imagination.

Except Dunkin. I can't get a coffee worth shit at Dunkin.

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I've been on Straterra for about 18 months.

You do need to take it every day because the drug builds up in your system over about 3 weeks to the correct levels. It adjusts how much of your norepinephrine gets reused and so it takes some time to take full effect. I also was in the habit of only taking stims on work days and this will not work for that, it needs some time.

The biggest side effect I or anyone I know has had is some lightheadedness right before my next dose. I ended up getting split doses 12 hours apart but you can also bump the dose up to avoid this, I've been told.

Compared to stimulants, I prefer the steadyness of Straterra. I don't wake up in a panic state every morning, I think thought a problem first before a knee-jerk reaction sets in, and I can focus on my work without being constantly side-tracked, and I still feel like "myself" and can engage in my creative work day after day in a sustainable way.

Best of luck to you!

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Missed 2 days of my anxiety meds this weekend, which caused me to panic and try to go to the pharmacy too early on Saturday to pick them up and forget to take my morning ADHD meds.

I was a complete freaking out mess all day Saturday and half of Sunday. I'd forgotten how bad the two are when stacked up like that. And I used to feel that way around 1/3 of the time, I estimated 1-2 days a week I had some sort of panic attack before treatment.

Take your meds, my friends. They are important!

Get checked out for sleep apnea! Being bored at work is normal but not being able to stay awake for an 8 hour shift means you are absolutely not getting proper rest when you are sleeping.

While you wait for your appointment, you can try resetting your sleep pattern by taking a solid 5mg dose of melatonin 60 minutes before bedtime for a week and ensuring you have 9-10 hours before you need to be up. I was in bed for 8 hours every night and got a rude surprise when I got a Fitbit for sleep tracking and found out I was only getting 6 hours of sleep in those 8 hours after you subtracted all the time it took me to fall asleep and any night-time wakings. Turns out I wake up 4-5 times a night and don't remember it in the morning. Rolling bedtime back 90 minutes felt like a chore but it was worth it to feel good every day.

Working full days does suck so I tend to try to give myself 2-3 things to look forward to during my shift to split it into 3-4 time blocks. Sometimes they are little candies like Lifesavers or Jolly Ranchers, or 10 min bathroom break with phone game, reading something interesting in Lemmy, taking a walk down to say Hi to someone elsewhere in the building, any little activity that feels like something I want to do, that's not strictly in my job description. Depending on your job you can even plan 6 of them and give yourself something for every hour that not first and last.

According to Genius.com the lyric is the "the storm keeps on twistin"

Probably referring to how hurricanes, and other big storms rotate and spin with the winds that drive them.


Visiting my husband's home town where this has happened and all his parent's friends have moved into trailers because the houses where they raised their kids were bought for insane amounts but then they couldn't afford a smaller house in the same town. Where we live now on the East Coast, we can no longer stay in our school district for less than half a million because doctors from larger urban areas keep buying the houses in our school district and we're being forced 60+100 miles out from my hometown where we raised our young kids to even begin to afford housing.