1 Post – 119 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's because of shit like this that I'm glad I switched to Linux.

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But are you sure you don't want to make Edge your default browser??

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Jesus Christ. I've never been so thankful for being a Linux noob in my life. That sounds awful.

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Every time I see this story I laugh. Thanks for posting it.

Boost. I used it's reddit app exclusively because I liked it so much, and the Lemmy version is perfect too. 10/10

My wife would probably divorce me for having a girlfriend I didn't know about

I thought that everywhere was ocean except our town, my grandparents' town, and the interstate we used to get there.

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That and fucking OneDrive. Autosave isn't able to function on O365 without OneDrive screw you microsoft

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I think the point here is if he can get any of his jury to slip up and admit or say they saw some of this on TV/online, and that it colored their opinion of him and helped them come to a verdict, that's a mistrial and they have to start this all over again. And that would put his trial until after the election giving him the possibility of immunity once again as a sitting president.

Counter argument--having bad credit is also meaningless if you can never afford to purchase something like a house, and you're ok with purchasing used vehicles and renting from smaller landlords and not property management companies.

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I mean, maybe if it's a really, really small nuclear explosion

They did that in South Dakota when they voted to legalize recreational Marijuana. The governor used a single-subject technicality and anti-mariuana geriatric judges agreed. Then two years and millions of dollars in smear campaigns later they had a rematch that soundly defeated recreational use when it was voted on again.

Children of Time series goes over this a little bit, especially in the first book. Colonists end up waking up early due to a malfunction and end up falling into a devolving tribalistic race to the bottom on their journey to the planet.

EDIT: As for "hard" scifi, while I wouldn't say this series is at the same level as The Martian or maybe The Expanse, it is pretty good with trying to keep things real, especially with regards to the human threads of the story.

Didn't we learn our lesson 24 years ago with Y2K!?

EDIT: To be clear, I was being facetious. I remember my parents and father freaking out about this when I was in middle school. I would have thought we got this taken care of permanently already

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Sigh, unzips

KOTOR 1. Taris is cool but let's be honest. I play that game because I like playing a Jedi. I've also played it from start to finish at least 20 times.

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In one year I have had exactly zero issues with Linux. In the same time, my brother had OS-breaking bugs happen twice from driver updates with Windows... Once from the GPU, and the other from a CPU firmware update.

You don't have to switch to Linux. That's OK. Just realize that you are simultaneously ok with making yourself a harvestable resource that Microsoft and others are milking dry.

As long as the ability to manually turn off secureboot and remove the OS isn't locked behind a subscription...

Oh, Microsoft will still find a way to annoy them, mark my words

A few others have mentioned Pop_OS! for their Nvidia driver support which is what I'm running too. I think I'm on version 535.93 or something like that. Most of the Ubuntu downstream (Ubuntu, mint, pop_os, etc,.) already include The proprietary drivers in their repos. Pop_OS is known for Nvidia support being a bit quicker than the others.

I'd suggest looking into dual booting (thats what I do, there are a few things that work better on windows). It's super easy to set up, and it's an easy low risk way to see if it works for you.

I 100% would rather have shit break sometimes than find windows settings that are buried several layers deep in the UI simply because Microsoft wants me to use my computer in a certain way

Atom was my go-to editor while in school--hard to believe it's been long enough to be abandoned already. I'm going to have to check Pulsar out.

Same if you click any of the ChatGPT copilot shit baked into the start menu.

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Thou shalt not be a poo poo head

Thou shalt not hold unbelievers to the moral standards thou agreedest to and that only applyeth to thee

Thou shalt not giveth a shitteth about shitteth that is not thine own

Awesome informative reply. I've long wondered about how some creators get the same "face" in some insta accounts.

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The USS Defiant. Coolest ship in Starfleet.

That's an espresso way to debt central that's for sure

Wholeheartedly agree. And then we go around panicking about the authoritarian social credit shit China has. Mfer we've have social credit for decades

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If it's a conservative or religious person trying to justify something:

"That's really interesting, why do you think --insert brief summary of their topic/first sentence-- ?"

Continue this until they realize they've either painted themselves into a corner or they realize I'm trolling them several monologues/pages later. It's the uno reverso card when they try wasting my time.

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Not to be that guy, but "using the Lord's name in vain" has been misinterpreted and misapplied by Christianity as a whole for a very, very long time. "Using the Lord name in vain" is not saying "goddamit", or "Jesus Christ, thats Jason Bourne", but instead by saying you are Christian, or a follower of Christ's teachings, and being indistinguishable from non-christians in the way one acts, speaks, thinks, dresses, etc,.

Does this mean that cursing as described above is bad? Maybe, and maybe not--it depends on your convictions.

One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. -Romans 14:5-6

Back when the Torah and minor prophets were written, taking someone's name was to become their relative or kin. Even by the time Jesus came into the picture, it was still a common thing to take the name of a family to were adopted into, or to a land you moved to. Therefore, taking the Lord's name in vain" should be more accurately described as calling oneself a Christian, and then not living as one. This is endemic in Christianity--our divorce rates are practically indistinguishable for secular society, premarital sex, cheating--not to mention, we have a huge problem with covering up pedophiles, spousal abuse, child abuse, the list goes on. I believe God knows this, and Jesus even spoke to it when he was on earth.

Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. -Matthew 7:21

So, basically, I think God cares about the important stuff, like not acting like a hypocrite while labeling oneself one of his believers--not the inane stuff like saying "goddamnit". But, if someone believes firmly that saying swearwords containing God's name in it is also a sin, then by all means, that is treated and will be judged as a sin for that person.

And if we want to get technical, Lord, Jesus Christ, and God are not his names. Even names the Christian god is known by, such as El, El Shaddai, Yeshua, Messiah, Jah, Jahova, and possibly Yahweh (YHWH, but we don't know for sure because Jewish scholars never recorded his name to prevent anyone from uttering it) are actually descriptors of who he is. El "The Lord", El Shaddai "The Lord will cover", Yeshua (actual name of Jesus, but not the name of God), Jah (first letter of the tetragrammaton "YHWH" ), Jahovah "The Lord will provide". Technically, it is impossible to use the Lord's name in vain if using his name in vain is defined as simply using it as a swear word or part of a curse because his name has been lost to history.

Sorry, that's way more information than I intended.

EDIT: And I also want to make sure I make it abundantly clear that this is simply my interpretation of things, based upon my own experience growing up in a Baptist church, and seeing all the hypocrisy there and in my own parents lives (where both were abusive in their own ways). I'm not really what anyone would call a practicing Christian because I don't attend church, tithe, or vote "prolife". Organized religion in its current form, is in my opinion, a perversion of what God intended. But this is just my opinion.

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It just blows my mind that mainstream Republicans would rather work with extremists than normal Americans.

I don't think I like the idea. I've come across too many posts elsewhere that describe strategies for using AITA, JUSTNOMIL, etc., to get enough karma quickly to enable new alt accounts to post elsewhere on Reddit where minimum Karma scores are enforced. I don't want fake shit here even if that means we have less content.

I stopped trick-or-treating at 11 or so when I became self-conscious and had some depression/introvert stuff happen. Sometimes I'm sad that I stopped so early in my childhood. I just want people to know that I love them and want them to be happy and have fun.

I don't give a fuck how old you are. Are you having fun and want some candy?!

Fiancee and I were hiking into and camping at a state park. We got a little turned around and low on water, so I was a bit out of it and tired. I saw an interesting looking log across the trail and stepped over the smaller end of it. It was around 9:30am, so things were a little cold. I stopped and turned to wait for my fiancee and right as she was about to step on the log I realized it was an enormous 6-ish foot long rattlesnake. I grabbed her arm right before she put her foot down on the bastard and yanked her as hard as I could and backed up a step or two. Somehow the snake hadn't noticed me yet, but it noticed me wrenching my fiancee away from it and it went into full coil-up-and-rattle mode. Had that thing bitten me I would have been in a bad place because I was already dehydrated. If it had bitten my wife, both of us would have been in a bad place because we were closer to our destination with fresh water than to our car.

"Honeybadger don't care! Honeybadger just takes what he wants!"

That would require them to admit they are wrong. Can't keep the grift up if they do that!

If System76 doesn't get some movement on Cosmic soon I'm going to have to jump ship to KDE. This shit looks awesome.

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Not only that, but Bond has an entire agency and thousands of people supporting him and his activities. There really are things you can't do yourself while in a heated situation that have to be done.

In that case, Pop!_OS might be a good option to try. It's built on Ubuntu and doesn't have snapd garbage on it. I've been using it as a daily driver for 2 years now and I've had zero problems.

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