1 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

A lot of old hard rock and metal with power chords is easy to play a simplified version of. I think Metallica - 'For whom the bell tolls' and 'Enter Sandman' were probably the first things I learnt. You can learn enough to have fun playing a riff like that even if you struggle to get your hand into position to do proper 6-string chords.

:`-( I miss voting in the European elections! 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΊπŸ’ͺ

The longer I spend on Lemmy the more tempted I am to give Linux another try (had an old desktop with Ubuntu 10+ years ago, but never really got the hang of it fully, can't remember the exact details but not everything worked properly).

What holds me back is I'm in the middle of an engineering degree, I need to be able to collaborate easily on documents with word, share folders with OneDrive etc because that's what everyone uses. Even signing into the uni's portal-type thing is managed through your MS office account and authenticator app. And also I don't have a lot of spare time to fiddle around getting things to work and ironing out wrinkles, even if that only needs done one and it'll be fine in the long run...I need to be able to get on with my work reliably (maybe over Christmas I will have a bit more time to do setting up stuff).

Can anyone convince me ask these worries are unfounded? Can you still easily interact with the MS universe, or are there ways around this?

My poor wee laptop is already full to bursting with MATLAB, stm32 ide, etc so I don't think I'd be able to partition and dual boot...

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Since posting this I've come across , the most bare-bones and straight to the point version imaginable (holiday cheer definitely not included!), and exactly what I thought I was after. I've also remembered that one good feature of the terrible thing we used last year was being able to anonymously ask your giftee questions.

In terms of blood-borne viruses (like HIV and hepatitis), breast milk is considered in the same risk category as semen or vaginal secretions, only blood is higher. Whereas piss and shit are only considered a risk if they contain blood. Obviously there's other reasons why you don't want shit in your food, but it probably won't give you anything really nasty and long-lasting. Piss it's pretty much totally safe, but I reckon you could still get in trouble for secretly feeding it to someone.

I don't think the drag force due to air would work the same in a system with such a high concentration of rocks. It's not like one object falling through undisturbed fluid, which then has to get out of the way, in this case the air would gradually start to move along with the rocks.

This might be better modelled as turbulent flow of a mixed solid/air suspension. But there's no 'edges' to the flow due to the looped dimension, so the viscous forces are pretty uniform... There would still be a terminal velocity, but much much higher than a rock falling through an atmosphere

Also I imagine the rocks would quickly grind themselves to very fine dust, once they pick up a bit of kinetic energy, so then it would behave more like a fluid with uniform density... Could it even end up as laminar flow?

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We're not all near enough to pick from the same hat, don't want one person to be outside of the secrecy bubble, and if I could 'create a webapp' or 'do the backend', I probably wouldn't ask strangers on there internet for advice, but yeah I'm sure that's true too.

Not cool, mate. Too far. disappointed face.

Does this also work the other way round, i.e. do all multiples of three have digits that sum to a multiple of 3? All the ones I've checked so far do, but is it proven?

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Your second sentence does not follow logically from your first though. A randomly selected male might be half as likely as a randomly selected woman to be a victim of domestic violence, but what a man in the far smaller set of people who have googled that particular phrase? I would venture to say the ratio might be a lot closer

Lol at UK being more liberal than Ireland! Yes in terms of their abortion laws they were very behind until recently, but in every other way I can think of Ireland has been way more progressive. UK politics meanwhile (driven by middle England Sun readers) busy trying to brexit ourselves back to the spirit of the blitz or something. Can't wait to get my blue passport, God save the king!

Thanks everyone for all the helpful replies. A lot of people mentioned the office webapps, personally I've always detested these. Things like keyboard shortcuts for sub/superscript and support for IEEE referencing were not available as far as I remember, and in general they were more minimal than the desktop version and so slower if you needed to use many features. I think the consensus is I will stick with Windows for my uni work for now, but I can try out onlyoffice, and use a bootable USB to start learning more about Linux for later on down the road. Cheers!

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It's not just you, it's much safer to read disturbing content than watch it on TV, it has something to do with how your mind forms memories. I think while reading your mind will on some level make up pictures to go with it, but only has access to the libraries of what you can already imagine. So if you have nightmares about it later or whatever it can still be challenging, but it's hard to get as traumatised as you can by seeing images on TV/film or irl. My source for this is something my wife read while we were researching ways to help our little girl, who gets freaked out by certain things on TV very easily. It seems to hold true for her at least.

Personally I would not consider 'love, death and robots' as 'comfort'.

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Having a cold shower at the end is probably number 1 if I made a list of things I do right in life that most people don't do. I feel so clean and comfortable for ages afterwards, no matter if I'm in my house or the middle of the forest, summer or winter. Best thing my dad ever taught me. (I mean he's still alive, so technically 'best so far', but I'm not holding my breath).


I think we should try to answer this rather than just down voting. I think the difference is that conservative thinking led to the policy that led to the person being targeted, and possibly also to a climate of intolerance that made the attacker/s feel like they had the support of the community to do that. We're not really talking about who is too blame for this individual instance (obviously that's the person/s who manslaughtered this child). We're talking bigger picture.

When an immigrant commits a crime, I suppose you would argue that liberal thinking created the situation where that could happen, but I think it's a false equivalence. Big picture immigrants don't disproportionately commit crime, and there are major benefits that come with immigration. While trans people absolutely are disproportionately the victims of violence, and there are no real benefits to transphobic policies.

I guess I haven't done great at this, please other people build on this reply, it just felt wrong to see a fair enough question just being downvoted with no reply.

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Oh, weird, I initially read the comment you're replying to as agreeing with your position. Like: 'we can't allow our side to hate, or casually joke about killing, those who disagree politically with us' But after reading your reply I can see it being meant either of two opposite ways.

No, their population peaked in 94 at about 150M. They definitely have a serious population/demographic crisis. Arguably it's one of the reasons Putin decided now was the moment to escalate in Ukraine, before it's too late. Also why they're taking Ukrainian children.

Even with soap I need to look hard for ones without damn foaming agents like SLS (which are literally irritants to skin). But at least you don't have all the plastic waste that shower gels involve. Shampoo and conditioner are available as bars too, for people who use those.

Apparently you don't live in Scotland (west coast at least). Spring may not be warm, but we get some clear dry days, and if you're in the sun and out of the wind you can feel the heat. By summer it's so muggy and humid that 15 degrees (Celsius) feels oppressive. I used to live in Australia but the (not-)heat here feels worse.

I wouldn't say I'm entrenched, I'm happy to learn new ways of doing things as and when appropriate.

On the other hand, although I would like to migrate to Linux, it's not one of my top priorities, and it sounds like the drawbacks in compatibility when submitting documents into university systems and working on group projects would outweigh the benefits for now, for me.

But I look forward to working towards never learning what windows 11 is like!

I've never seen it myself, but my wife spent most of her childhood/teenage years in Shetland, and apparently up there, back then, Smirnoff ice was the drink of choice for hard working middle aged men. We're talking about a bunch of islands where the main employment is offshore fishing and the oil & gas industry, and where they're very proud of their Viking heritage. (Image search Jarl squad to see what I mean, those guys who are picked for the squad will grow their beards all year to look the part)

*England is...

Mate, you're so right, can't believe some of the takes on this! If I want to cook something a bit more involved, I nearly always make a big pot and freeze portions. People are complaining about texture, but it's easy enough to: make a base out of your protein, sauce, spices and seasoning, and the sturdier veggies (eg Bolognese, chilli, curry, random sauce for pasta, their texture won't suffer noticeably); freeze; then reheat and serve with a freshly cooked relevant carb (pasta, rice, couscous), and some kind of fresh green like salad or steamed broccoli. Or not! If you're short on time just have your defrosted meal with toast and it's still 80% as nutritious as a fresh home cooked meal This is coming from someone who worked in kitchens, including moderately fancy ones, for years, so I know how to do the opposite approach too. But now I have two kids, cooking something effortful without planning for leftovers feels like too much of a time-luxury.

Thank you for this detailed response πŸ™

Illegal settlements? Two-tier justice system?

Makes your skin feel weird how? When I was a kid I hated washing my hands because they felt 'squeaky' clean after, and it was uncomfortable to let my fingers touch each other. I've since figured out that my skin was irritated by the foaming agents in liquid soap (and most bar soap these days). Dove bars are better because they have moisturiser in them, but they are not true soap and still have foaming agents and stuff. You might find a true soap without things would feel good to you too. Searching for 'SLS-free' is a good place to start if you're interested.

Kind of.... Yoda rapping? And someone else is keeping him warm inside their coat.

I'm half way through my second year and still not sure.

It's a really interesting question, I would love it if someone who understands this kind of physics properly would chime in!

By my understanding of Reynolds number etc, the faster they go, the more turbulent the flow, so the rocks would be constantly hitting against each other sideways, and surely grind to dust in the constantly accelerating scenario.

But maybe the infinite (looped) nature of this 'dimension' means that this logic doesn't apply. What would even be the 'characteristic length'? Are we thinking about established flow at the centre of an infinitely wide pipe? Am I wrong to think of constantly accelerating rocks with air in between as a type of fluid flow?

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Thank you for sharing this! :-)

Thank you for sharing this! 😊

Thank you for sharing this! :-)

Get it to help you find 3 4-bit binary numbers each with a Hamming distance of 1 from the other two (only 1 bit changes value between them).

Can I ask your advice about some home locksmithing? I have a problem involving a password protected zip file from ten years ago, and a vault from an old Android password manager like keepassX or something. I have tried learning how to use johntheripper, but I want able to narrow down any of the parameters, so it was just doing the broadest brute force approach possible, which didn't seem likely to work within my lifetime...

Power engineer? How is your job overall? Challenging in a good way and satisfying? Or stressy and boring? I'm studying right now, going on my first internship this summer with a network operator, can't really imagine what to expect...

I remember finding a website with fairly rough versions of popular melodies were transcribed for Nokia ringtone format. Pretty sure I went for some Metallica. Not sure if it was before or after we got ISDN, but I'm fairly sure I already had a hotmail address.

The main way the atomic bombs worked was by setting everything on fire. The radiation was secondary, and much less significant.

I mean that was possibly their intention, but nevertheless I think it is a reasonable question to ask, and I found it difficult to answer comprehensively.

If we dismiss everything like this as troll, and not worth thinking about, we miss an opportunity to develop point of view and add nuance to our arguments.