
0 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Grandpa also doesn't understand federation

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So if someone buys them, are they pirating? Lol

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Maybe it's true that some people dont want to prosecute a former president, but we have to for the sake of our future.

Why not let men do the same thing?

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Calling it here: if the TikTok ban actually starts, he'll whine he's being persecuted and they're out for him, even though he knew about the bans possibility long in advance.

Remember when streaming services boasted about ad free viewing, only to then Continue to charge you AND serve ads to you WHILE collecting and selling your personal information? These companies can smd.

Nah, how else will Republicans cry that solar energy is bad, and that we need coal and oil?

This is from 2011... people are considering more recent events.

Sadly, the stupid people had children...

It's kind of how it goes it seems. My great grandparents passed away very close together too.

I feel like the body keeps going as long as it can if it has a purpose to. That seems especially true at an old age like that.

Doesn't matter if they don't actually do anything though...

Thanks, I think more people need to try approaching things like this and see how word substitution sounds.

All Night? I'd be worried that’d be too long to try this myself.

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Content creators don't make as much from ads as you think. Apparently selling merch and sponsorships is where most comes from.

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Fedivwrse is scratching my itch, so I'll be staying

My man doesn't even see the name of the person, just the company he worked for... Over 30 years ago.

Bro, do some reading, it would help you.

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Imagine the majority of your feelings and personality being your political lean...

Never heard is name before? What's his deal? I can just search his name but I'd figure I'd give anyone the chance to say something.

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Don't apologize unless you actually mean it. Saying sorry when you didn't really mean it, or you did the same thing again only devalues any future apology until it means nothing to the people you care about.

That's a nest thermostat. Press the face inward to wake it, spin the dial to adjust settings.

So should women be considered child murderers when they ovulate and don't get pregnant?

Fucking stupid.

Got to crack a few eggs to make an omelet I guess. But really, only way to find out is to ask and talk about things.

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So that many people pirate? I think LW will be okay, don't kid yourself

I'm personally a fan of:

"New Wi-Fi Who Dis" and "Spaceballs: The Wi-Fi"

That's kind of the point though

I like Kagi, a lot, I've used it since I first heard about it months ago. But I worry how willing people will be to pay for search. I hope it continues to improve long term because it's a great service. I don't plan to use anything else.

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It's like yall do CrossFit. Any chance you get you have to tell everyone.

I use one, I do my business and wipe once. That's it. There isn't a drying process to worry about.

I think he's being sarcastic

Thanks for this perspective. An old Navy Chief I worked with would give me the advice “don't let them know what bothers you” I guess to avoid intentional ribbing from his shipmates or others, but it applies here too.

Regardless, it's tough because it has consequences and is just one dumb issue to contend with out of the large stack.

Self improvement, trust, and skillfulness

It's the name.

I Live 20 mins from the bridge and it's what it's always been called. Way better than the full name in terms of efficiency lol

Can you cite a source for that?

Also, I realize 150m is a lot of money to people.. But making only 150m ever from apple stock? Sounds like not alot considering apples valuation so I doubt him being a major holder with that profit from stocks, nor enough that I'd consider "ultra rich" when CEO of reddit makes more than that as a salary per year apparently. That's not even considering stock spez owns.

Judging by your comment history, you seem like a rather unhappy person. I hope you can find peace some day soon, I don't think social platforms will help you find that peace however. Good luck.

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Fair enough, no problem.

The powerplay is a game changer. You made a great choice getting that thing.

How has steam experience been for you? I've been on steam for about 20 years and don't recall they doing anything the likes of Sony doing to their customers.

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Might not be brand new companies. It might be an existing company with a new product.

Problem I think is why they don't have them now if they had them at some point.

Unless they never had them to begin with; having people and now no longer having them points to killing them which, surprise, hurts negotiation.

Who knows though, Israel might of taken them for innocent Palestinians and did it to themselves :(

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Yeah, I'm not ruling out Israel unknowingly killing their own (or even knowingly I guess) but I think regardless if an explanation (that's true) by either was possible, it'd be better.

A man that would fuck and kill my child for an extra dollar! /s