People who post content because it makes you angry : why do you help it spread? to Ask – 184 points –

Stuff like memes from people you think are wrong politically, cartoons you don't find funny, etc etc. Why help the things you hate spread?


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Got to crack a few eggs to make an omelet I guess. But really, only way to find out is to ask and talk about things.

And what omelet is that exactly? I bet you 48 hours from now there won't be a single answer from someone to whom OP directed their question. Nothing can be gained by simply ranting in the interrogative.

Omelet would be the answer to this threads question, with such a quizical response I figured you'd know the answer already.

you seem to care how the omelet _tastes _ more than making it.

I'll ask an equally self-evident question....What do you want the omelet to taste like?